Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (2024)

Table of Contents
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 Walkthrough (Mother's Love) Gameplay Features Control Menu Inventory Preservation Sherlock Holmes Cases list: "Mother's love" Mycroft cases Cordona Tales Other cases DLC cases "My story" "Mother's love" Return to Cordona Meeting with the medium Table for rest Forgotten cane Argument with John Forgotten cane Case: "Ghosts of the Past" Session room Lord Craven's testimony Location of theft during a session Medium's testimony Someone was in the yard The maid's strange testimony Likely thief Rumors of Lady Craven Likely thief Lord Craven's explanation Miss Emma's body Treasure stash Lord Craven's explanations Ectoplasm Sample Description of Luka Galicia "Mother's Love" (continuation of the main quest) Return to Cordona Cemetery of Cordona Mystery guest Vogel's story Case: "Master of reincarnation" Thief sketch Description of the thief Portrait of a thief Thief sketch Mother's love (continuation of the main quest) Vogel's story Fragments of memories Police investigations Case: "Dog fighting" Report No. 18-04 Tavern fight Case is closed Case: "Delezh" Case No. 18-07 Shootout in the yard missing part Police shoe print Case is closed Case: “The Incident at the Cemetery” Case No. 18-10 At an empty grave Bottle with clear liquid Dead people in the cemetery Case is closed Case: Scapegoat Case No. 18-13 Place of the ritual Case: "It's" w-w-w "for a reason" The fate of Placido Chief Inspector's Office Souvenir for memory (argument with John) Notes on the Beekeeper Property of P. Chella Chella's warehouse Warehouse cabinet key Burnt papers Note from P. Description of Placido The fate of Placido "Mother's Love" (continued) Return to Cordona Mycroft's letter Memories of the past First day on Cordon First day on Cordon Treasure Cache (argument with John) The argument with John is won. Looking for a family friend Case: "Golden Cage" Pogrom Footprints at the barn Thick-skinned criminal Elephant life (argument with John) Thick-skinned criminal Elephant Manor Keys from your robe pocket Imogen's testimony collected things Bazookology Trilogy (argument with John) Project plan Thick-skinned criminal Photo Imogen Yacht Club Salacia Yacht club workshop Bazookology Trilogy (argument with John) Yacht club workshop Suspicious note elephant manor Town Hall Cordona Registration sheet for Gilden and Swift Archaeological excavations Entrance to the excavations Market in the Old City Archaeological excavations Inspection of the excavations Arthur Swift's research Inspection of the ruins Arthur Swift's research Inspection of the ruins Goliath hunting Flavored bottle Goliath hunting Dart in the skin of an elephant Dart in the skin of an elephant Blame Arthur and arrest him. "Mother's Love" (continued) My family's things Stonewood Mansion An old confrontation (argument with John) on the wrong foot Someone is knocking Case: "Overseas Muse" Vogel Gallery Invitation Caravanserai "Gul-Afshar" Vandal in the Secret Gallery secret gallery Vandal in the secret gallery Mercurio address Fight at the exhibition Mercurio's apartment Mercurio's apartment key In Mercurio's apartment Mercury's body Mercurio's apartment How Mercury died Painting of Mercurio covered in blood Painting from Mercurio's room Mercurio's apartment Rapist drawing John's drawing: Pregnant girl Amazing Resurrection (argument with John) The argument with John is won. John's drawing: Pregnant girl refugee camp Description by Ronald Harlow Crime scene in the camp Wounded refugee The argument with John is won. How did the stranger get into the camp? John's drawing: pregnant girl What happens in the refugee camp?(argument with John) Stranger tattoo John Drawing: Rapist Town Hall Cordona Joint Stock Company Bernadotti Head Office of the Bernadotti Society Not for Strangers (argument with John) Bernodotti's proposal John Drawing: Rapist Town Hall Cordona Personal file of Thomas Norton Ambassador's testimony Case is closed Mother's Love" (continuation of the main quest) Parcel from Vogel Memories details Memories in a mansion Fake Rarities Studio The Art of Hacking (argument with John) The argument with John is won. Memories in a mansion Incident in the vault of rarities Again guests Case: "Sacrificial Lamb" Vogel's invitation Manchios Mansion Vogel's testimony Description of the victim Vogel's testimony Artist Matista Fabio's murder Assassin's Key What does Kurt Manchios look like? Police investigation Santos is a suspect Police investigation Letter from Fabio Personal file of Kurt Manchios Personal file of Matista Santos indictment Matista's accusation Manchios' indictment Police investigation "Mother's Love" (end of the main quest) Oswald's find Bits of memories Stonewood Mansion Memories in a mansion Completed the main quest "A Mother's Love" References

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 Walkthrough (Mother's Love)

Content will be updated as new DLCs are released.

Gameplay Features

Sherlock Holmes, not yet the greatest detective in the world, but a daring and quick-witted youth with great ambitions.An opportunity to prove himself comes when an old wound forces Holmes to return to the shores of the Mediterranean where his mother died.But behind the carefree noise of city streets, an unsettling motive sounds.Crime, corruption, a perverse sense of justice are just some of the obstacles in Sherlock's path to the truth.

The game was played on the Mycroft difficulty level with the selection "High" for chemical analysis.


The game is controlled by interaction with the computer keyboard and mouse.

Go forward -Wkey ;

Go back - keyS;

Go left - keyA;

Go right - keyD;

Interaction - left mouse button (LMB);

Walking -Capskey ;

Run -LeftShift key;

Fix the evidence on the screen - key;

Previous evidence - key←;

The next piece of evidence is the →key ;

Expand or collapse the pinned evidence -↓ key;

Concentration - keyQ;

Analyze environment -Zkey ;

Camera - keyE;

Journal - Ckey;

Map - keyM;

Wardrobe - keyI;

John's Diary -J key;

Mind Halls -Kkey ;

Aim - right mouse button (RMB);

Shoot - left mouse button (LMB);

Reload -Rkey ;

Crouch - Left Ctrl key;

Throw tobacco - keyX;

Roll - space bar.


The main menu has options:

"Continue" - continue the game from the last save;

"New game" - start a new game;

"Load" - load the game from the selected moment;

"Settings" - submenu of game settings;

"Training" - information on the management of the game;

"Exit" - exit from the game.


Inventory as such is not used in the game.Collected items are logged and applied automatically.


Saving in the game is performed both automatically, at checkpoints and when you exit the game, and manually, by selecting the menu option.

Sherlock Holmes Cases list:

"Mother's love"

  1. "Ghosts of the Past"
  2. "Master of Transformation"
  3. "Police Investigations"
  4. "Dog fights";
  5. "Delezh";
  6. "Incident at the cemetery";
  7. "Scapegoat";
  8. "This is w-w-w for a reason."
  9. "Golden Cage"
  10. "Overseas Muse"
  11. "Sacrificial Lamb"

Mycroft cases

  1. "Eel Catching"
  2. "The Lost Shopkeeper"
  3. "Love, Death, Cordona"

Cordona Tales

  1. "Silence is golden"
  2. "Treasure Island" (stages 1-3)
  3. "For the birds"
  4. "The Tale of the Empty House"
  5. "The Ghost Hunter"
  6. "The Hand-Me-Down"
  7. "Flashes of Merriment"
  8. "Pillar with knives"
  9. "A Mad Rogue"

Other cases

  1. "Song of the Siren"
  2. "Blind Shooting"
  3. "String theory"
  4. "Street Tricks"
  5. "Iron Coffin"

DLC cases

  1. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Saints and Sinners (DLC)
  2. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Victorian Starter Pack (DLC)
  3. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Beyond a Joke (DLC)
  4. Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Mycroft's Pride (DLC)

The game begins with a conversation between Sherlock and John in their cabin aboard the ship.The ship arrives at its destination, Sherlock and John head to the hotel "Pallazo del Lusso".

"My story"

"Mother's love"

Note.The Mother's Love case is a cross-cutting main quest for the first season.Passing it is repeatedly interrupted to perform additional tasks.

Return to Cordona

  • “I have booked a room at the Palazzo del Lusso, I need to go to the receptionist.”

We enter the hotel, we speak with the administrator.We put our signature in the journal.

  • "They were waiting for me and prepared room 221, it's upstairs."

We go to the right, into the restaurant hall.We go up the stairs to the right corridor.

We go to the left, we find that our number is not yet ready.We speak with the servant.

  • “The servant said that the room was still being cleaned.I'll wait in the lobby."

We go down to the restaurant hall.

HISTORY- "Cemetery rituals" on thetable, to the right of the entrance to the lobby.

We speak with the bartender.We look at the plates of ceviche.

  • "John noticed the advertisem*nt and now he wants me to look at it."

We pass to the poster of the medium, which John points to.We look at the poster.

Meeting with the medium

Sherlock is approached by a man who wants to paint a portrait of him.

We speak with a man.

  • “John wants me to talk to a medium.You have to wait until the end of the session.Until I find a table and rest.

Table for rest

  • “The restaurant serves ceviche to guests.John asked me to grab a plate while he looks for a free table."

We take a PLATE OF CEVICE from the counter, we pass to the table at which John is sitting.We speak with John.

  • "John found a cane on our table and he wants me to look at it."

Let's look at the cane.Consider:

- cane knob;

- coat of arms under the knob;

- ornate carving.

At the insistence of John, we take a cane.

Forgotten cane

  • “John wants me to find the owner of the cane.We need to ask the guests in the lobby ... ".

Open John's journal (C key).We click the X key on the investigation page "Forgotten Cane" - we fix the evidence.Close the magazine (Esc key).

We speak with a man talking to a lady at the right edge of the counter.

  • “There were three people sitting at the table - a sailor and a married couple.The guests ... noticed that the sailor went out into the front garden to get some air.

Argument with John

  • "John made a bet that I wouldn't recognize the retired sailor sitting at our table at first sight."

We leave the hotel.

We enter the concentration mode (press the Q key), consider the people standing in the front garden.

We turn to the man standing at the gate.

The argument with John is won.

Forgotten cane

  • “... the lady nervously fiddled with the cane in her hands, and, perhaps, put it aside.Therefore, going to the medium, the husband forgot about the cane.Now I have an excuse to enter the séance room."

We return to the hotel, go to the restaurant hall.We approach the door, to the left of the stairs.

  • “Looks like the session failed.I don't know what happened, but the bruise on Luka Galici's face is unlikely to have left a ghost.Maybe the person who hit the medium will explain everything?

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Case: "Ghosts of the Past"

Session room

Description of Lord Craven

We look at the active points on the figure of Craven:

- flushed face;

- tie;

- ring;

- knuckles.

Choose ANY of the definitions.

The Lord invites Holmes to find his missing diamond.

Lord Craven's testimony

  • “During the session… the stone disappeared.Lord Roots is impressed with my deduction.He thinks I can find the diamond."

We ask the Lord questions.

Location of theft during a session

  • "In the middle of the séance room is a table for invoking spirits."

Let's look closer to the table, consider:

- a brooch in the form of a moth on a jacket hanging on a chair (rotate the brooch until an active point appears);

"Palaces of the mind" - "Brooch in the form of a moth."

- ectoplasm on the table;

- the place where the diamond was in the center of the table (in concentration mode);

- a glass of whiskey with a cigar lying in an ashtray next to it on the table;

- a broken glass with traces of lipstick on the table,

"TheMind Halls" - "Lady Craven sat facing the window."

We look at Lady Craven lying on the sofa.

  • "I'll wait until she comes to her senses and talk to her."

We look at the chair lying near the door.

  • "The chair was violently thrown to the floor."

We speak with a medium.

Medium's testimony

"Mind Halls" - "The lady pointed to the opposite end of the table" and "Lord Graven hit the medium."

We enter the "Halls of the Mind".Connecting evidence:

"Lady Craven was sitting facing the window" + "The lady was pointing her finger at the window" = "Witness in the yard."

Someone was in the yard

  • “I am convinced that someone was in the yard during the session.Eyewitness or accomplice?We need to look for traces there.

We go out into the courtyard.

DOCUMENTS- "A note from the conspirator from the Hive" on atablein the patio.

We enter the mode of concentration.In the seam between the tiles under the window we find aheelfrom a woman's shoe.We pay attention to scratches on the tile, consider the heel.

  • "A flat shoe is bound to leave scratches."

We activate the evidence “Someone was in the yard”, in the concentration mode we follow the trail.We finda shoe.We look at the shoe itself and at the broken heel.

  • “Size 4 shoes… that’s what the maids in the hotel wear… the maid must have put on her regular shoes.”

We leave into the lobby, we speak with the maid.

  • “I was told that the head steward scolded Lucia today for coming to work in regular shoes.Now she is cleaning upstairs, near the paintings.

We rise to the second floor.

DOCUMENTS- "Letter found in the hotel" on thetablenext to the door to room 227.

We find a maid cleaning on the second floor near the paintings.We speak with Lucia Celetta.We choose who to introduce ourselves (not critical).

The maid's strange testimony

  • "... we must return to the room and recreate the events."

We return to the room where the session was held.

Likely thief

We enter the retrospective mode of events (we interact with theluminous sphere).

We arrange the characters in their places (we focus on the window to the patio, into which Lucia looks):

The medium stands to the right of the table;

Lord Craven stands on the left with a chair;

Lady Craven sits on a chair opposite the window, pointing at him with her hand.

"TheMind Halls" - "Theft during a séance".

  • “Looks like Lady Craven is the last one to hold a diamond.Need to talk to her.The servant in the séance room reported that the Kravens were staying in room 226 upstairs."

We leave the room for sessions, go to room 226 on the second floor.

We listen to the conversation of the maids at the door.

Rumors of Lady Craven

We highlight three points from the overheard conversation:

- Tried to get her husband drunk;

- Doesn't know how to use a fish knife

- She was wary.

  • "I overheard gossip about Lady Craven..."

Likely thief

We open the door to the room.

Lord Craven's explanation

  • "Lord Craven said he found Miss Emma's body almost as soon as he went upstairs..."

"TheMind Halls" - "Lord Craven was in the room with Emma."

Miss Emma's body

  • "Miss Emma found dead in her own bed."

We look at Emma's body lying on the bed:

- victim's neck;

"TheMind Halls" - "Emma got strangled."

- missing diamond (rotate until an active point appears);

"TheMind Halls" - "Diamond was next to Emma."

- a handbag.

In concentration mode, inspect the lock in the adjacent door.

"TheMind Halls" - "The lock is easy to pick."

In concentration mode, we examine the box on the dressing table, we find a cache in it.

As usual, we consider:

- RING WITH A MOTH (rotate until an active point appears);

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Ring with the image of a moth."

- engraved ring (rotate until an active point appears);

- money:

- cosmetic bag, to the right of the box.

Treasure stash

  • “Among the perfume bottles, Miss Emma had a hiding place.Among other things, I found there a considerable amount of money and a family ring.

We turn to Lord Craven, we present the evidence “Jewelry Cache” and “Moth Ring”.

"TheMind Halls" - "Emma robbed Lord Craven."

  • “When Lord Craven saw the jewels, he was furious.He was sure that the servants had stolen them."

We leave into the next room.We look at the LETTER OF COMPENSATION lying on the round table.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Compensation for beatings."

We pass to the desktop, we take the LETTER ABOUT THE STOLEN RING lying on it.

"TheMind Halls" - "The thief put the blame on the servants."

Lord Craven's explanations

We activate the evidence "Lord Craven's Explanations", we leave the room.

We go down to the restaurant hall.We turn to two men near the column.

"TheMind Halls" - "Lord Craven was in the restaurant."

  • "I was told that after leaving the séance room, Lord Craven did not stay long at the restaurant."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Lord Craven hit the medium" + "Compensation for the beating" = "Lord Craven is very short-tempered."

"Lord Craven was in the restaurant" + "Lord Craven was in the room with Emma" = "Time to Kill".

"The thief blamed the servants" + "Emma robbed Lord Craven" = "Emma has been deceiving Lord Craven for a long time."

"Séance theft" + "The diamond was next to Emma" = "The killer left the diamond."

"Moth ring" + "Moth brooch" = "Luka and Emma may be old acquaintances."

The conclusions follow automatically:

"Luka could have known that Emma was a thief" and "Luka could have known that Emma set him up."

We head to the administrator, we get the KEY FROM ROOM 225, in which they contain the medium.

  • “The key to the next room 225, where Luka Galichi is being held.The Kravens are in the next room."

We go up toroom 225.

"TheMind Halls" - "Luke and the lord were in adjoining rooms."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"Luka and the lord were in adjacent rooms" + "The lock was easy to pick" = "Luka could easily pick the lock."

We approach the desktop, we read the INVITATION lying on it.

Take the ECTOPLASM SAMPLE from the table.

Ectoplasm Sample

Open the diary, mark the sample of ectoplasm as evidence (X key), press the E key, proceed to chemical analysis.

The "Chemical experiments" icon from the upper area is placed in the area on the left.We also transfer here the left and middle icons of the “Available reagents” that make up the substance with the formula written on the right.With the right mouse button, we establish the connection of reagents with the experiment icon, and then we build a connection with the formula on the right.

Note.On easy difficulty levels, the puzzle can be skipped.

  • "The reaction indicates that it is rubber mixed with phosphorus."

We turn to Luka Galici.

Description of Luka Galicia

We speak with Luka Galici.Consider:

- neck (strange color);

- nose (strongly hit);

- belly (malnourished);

- right hand (wrists scratched);

- left hand (dexterous hands).

We conclude: "The former thief became a medium."

"TheMind Halls" - "Fresh Scratches".

We present evidence - "The Ring with a Moth" and "Sample of Ectoplasm"

Please tell us about scratches.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Careless Servants".

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Fresh scratches" + "Emma was strangled" = "Emma scratched Luka's hands."

"Fresh scratches" + "Careless servants" = "Servants scratched Luka's hands."

The conclusion automatically follows: "The murderer of Luca Galici".

We blame Luke.Here is evidence of his guilt.

Please confess.

We make a moral choice.

Case is closed.

"Mother's Love" (continuation of the main quest)

"Mind Halls" - "My imaginary friend John".

Return to Cordona

  • "I spent only one night in the hotel, and already managed to get involved in the investigation ... Now it's time to Miners' Limit to the cemetery."

We approach the cab, we go to the cemetery.

Cemetery of Cordona

Funeral memories

  • “John asked if I remembered my mother's funeral.No, but I can try to remember."

We activate the evidence "Memories of the funeral."We enter the concentration mode, interact with the three clouds of memories.

We go to the mother's grave.

Mystery guest

  • "Someone lit a candle on my mother's grave and left a pocket watch."


- an inscription on a tombstone;

- left clock (rotate until the active point appears);

- a lit candle.

We activate the evidence "Mysterious guest".We enter the mode of concentration, we follow the tracks.

Behind the fence we find traces of bicycle tires.

We follow the trail, we finda bicycleleaning against the wall.


- traces of oil paint on the case;

- leather belts;

- PHOTOGRAPHY OF HOSPITAL SKERRIES (rotate until two active points appear).

  • “I found the bike of the one who was at the grave.This person must still be in the graveyard.”

We pass to the old tree at the end of the cemetery.In front of the crypts we see the artist Vogel.We talk to him.

Vogel's story

  • “He also mentioned that after the death of my mother there was an investigation.It is unlikely that this is true, but if so, there will certainly be something in the police archive.

We leave the cemetery, we go to thepolice station.

Note.It is advisable to wander around the city to discover fast travel points on the map.

We enter the police building.We speak with duty constable Stark.

  • "To get into the archive, you need to help the portrait painter to portray the portrait of the criminal."

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Case: "Master of reincarnation"

Thief sketch

  • “The police need a portrait of the perpetrator who robbed Mrs. Nini's atelier.The studio is located at the intersection of Knights Road and Trinity Way."

We leave the police building, go toMrs. Nini's studio.

Description of the thief

We enter the studio.We speak with the owner of the atelier on all the proposed topics.We get signs of a thief.

  • “This thief looked like a typical crook.He was bruised and wore glasses."

Portrait of a thief

We pass into the workshop.We collect wardrobe items from the shelves of the racks (4 sets).

We enter the wardrobe menu.We put on:

- an ugly beige suit;

- bowler hat;

- square glasses;

- thin antennae;

- painted bruises;

In a new guise, we show Miss Nini.

Thief sketch

It claims that Holmes is completely like a thief.

  • "Now you can take the portrait of the thief to Constable Stark."

We go outside, go to the police station.We enter the building, we speak with Constable Stark.

Case is closed

Mother's love (continuation of the main quest)

Vogel's story

We rise along the stairs to the right, we pass into the right corridor, we enter the archive.


Crimes - "Crimes against the person";

Subjects - "Victims";

Evidence - "Documents";

Districts - "Grand Saray".

"Mind Halls" - "Missing Materials".

Fragments of memories

  • “A picture of memories flashed through my mind: a policeman in front of the door of our house.What was he doing there?Stonewater is located in the Grand Barn.I remember the bridge and the church on the hill.Apparently they are close to home.

We leave the archive, go to Constable Stark.

Stark invites Holmes to pass the tests to become an independent agent.

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (1)

We speak with the sergeant, we enter the room for the first test.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (2)

We shoot at targets, go to the next room.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (3)

We pass a primitive obstacle course, move on to the next test.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (4)

We shoot at the objects highlighted in yellow.Go ahead.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (5)

We knock down armor elements from the dummy, proceed to the next test.

We knock down the shield from the face of the mannequin, we scatter tobacco (X key).

Summing up with the sergeant.Let's move on to the last test, which can be skipped.

We need to arrest four criminals who attack one after another.To do this, we hide from their shots, shoot at objects that, for a while, stop enemies (faucets of pipes with steam, spray cans, etc.).While they are immobilized, we run up and performQTEactions - move the mouse in the indicated direction and press the opened letter.The handcuffsthat appeared over the defeated enemytestify to his arrest.

We pass the tests, get a certificate of a forensic consultant.

Note.A bandit lair appears on the map, where you can go to improve your skills.

Constable Stark asks Holmes to help out with some cold cases.

We approach the board in the lobby of the police station, we read the task.

Police investigations

Case: "Dog fighting"

Report No. 18-04

  • "A sailor was stabbed to death at the Golden Eel Bar on Scarlet Street in the Old Town, west of Sesame Street."

We read the testimony of witnesses.We determine the allegedcrime sceneon the map , leave the site.We move to the Old City area.

We find a pub.We speak with the policeman, we go inside.

We examine the hall, collect evidence, marked with police signs:

Plate number 1

- beer spilled on the floor.

Plate number 2

- broken table;

- broken glasses (rotate until an active point appears).

Plate number 3

- fragments of a broken bottle with traces of blood.

Plate number 4

- Broken solid oak chair

Plate number 5

- a pool of blood;

- a sharp kitchen knife (you need to rotate until two active points appear).

We examine the unfinished bottle of rum on the table, behind the plate number 1.

Tavern fight

We enter the concentration mode, restore the chronicle of events.

Plate number 1

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (6)

The sailor scolds the merchant for spilling beer on him.

Plate number 2

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (7)

The merchant pushes the soldier onto the table.

Plate number 3

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (8)

A worker with a broken bottle in his hand beats the merchant.

Plate number 4

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (9)

A sailor with a chair in his hands knocks down a worker.

Plate number 5

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (10)

Soldier with a knife in his hand.

  • “The answer is obvious: the real killer is a soldier.He wanted to stab the merchant, but due to his short-sightedness, he killed the sailor.

We return to the area.We speak with Constable Stark.

Case is closed

We approach the board, take a new case.

Case: "Delezh"

Case No. 18-07

  • “Three men died while trying to divide money stolen from a bank.The shooting took place in the north part of Silverton, in the yard on Engineer's Lane between Abernot Street and Colptey Street."

We get acquainted with the personal files of the victims, we leave the station.We go to theplace of events.

Shootout in the yard

We enter the yard.

We speak with the policeman on duty at the crime scene.We study the evidence marked by police signs:

Plate number 1

- a broken bottle;

- Scattered money.

Plate number 2

- traces of bullets in the cart;

- a bloody trace from a bullet on a wheel.

Plate number 3

- a sharp knife (rotate until two active points appear).

Plate number 4

- a gun in a pool of blood.

A knife sticking out of a tree (“the blade went deep into the tree”).

Plate number 5

- bent glasses with broken glasses;

- revolver (rotate until two active points appear).

Plate number 6

- brass fragments of bullets in the deck.

Entering the retrospective mode, compiling a chronology of events.

Plate number 2

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (11)

The man in the hat is holding his leg.

Plate number 3

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (12)

The man in the hat clamps the wound, crouching against the wall.

Plate number 4

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (13)

A man with a beard gets a knife in the neck.

Plate number 5

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (14)

A man with glasses covers the wound with his hand.

missing part

  • “Who could kill the last victim?I'm missing something."

Activate the "Missing Part" evidence.We enter the concentration mode, we finda tracenear the dead, sitting against the wall.

Police shoe print

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (15)

  • “Next to the third victim, I noticed the imprint of a policeman's boot.Looks like the cop who came to the crime scene first killed the poor guy and took the money."

We return to the police station, report to Stark about the completion of the task.

Case is closed

We take the next task from the board.

Case: “The Incident at the Cemetery”

Case No. 18-10

  • “Two men were found dead at the dug-out grave.Both victims have bite marks on their necks."

We look through the personal files of the dead, notes about the suspect, the testimony of a tramp and a reporter.

We leave for thecemetery Cordona.

From the central gate we go to the right, we approach the scene.

At an empty grave

  • “In the cemetery, I found an empty grave.There were a few notable things nearby.”

We look at the basket with fresh flowers.

We study the evidence marked by police cards:

Plate number 1

- shabby hat;

- traces of blood on the stone;

- blood on the ground, next to the stone.

Tablet number 2 (at the opened grave)

- a bottle with a transparent liquid (rotate until an active point appears);


- a set of surgical instruments (in concentration mode).

Plate number 3

- expensive hat;

- a piece of matter on a branch.

Plate number 4

- traces of blood on the ground;

- bent shovel.

From the opened grave (tablet No. 2) we go up the path.Consider:

- an extinct campfire (a bottle of alcohol, a fried rat, hallucinogenic mushrooms);

- lamp.

Bottle with clear liquid

We open the evidence "Bottle with a transparent liquid."We carry out chemical analysis (key E).

  • "It's formalin.It is used to embalm corpses."

Dead people in the cemetery

Entering the retrospective mode, compiling a chronology of events.

Near the flower basket

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (16)

A man carries a basket of flowers.

Plate number 1

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A man pierces the neck of a man lying on the ground.

Plate number 2

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A man in a hat stands with a bottle in his hand near the opened grave.Man rummages through surgical instruments

Plate number 3

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A bald man beats a man with a shovel.

Plate number 4

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A man pierces the neck of a lying person.

  • “We have two murders and two killers.The first murder was committed by Hamil Archi, the second by reporter Leandro Barbieri.”

We return to the police station, report to Stark about the completion of the task.

Case is closed

We take the next task from the board.

Case: Scapegoat

Case No. 18-13

  • “Four people were detained for theft, damage to property and indecent behavior”

We review the available documents.We are heading to the scene of the crime "Ruins in the forest".

Place of the ritual

We speak with the policeman.

  • "I came to the ruins where the ritual was performed."

We activate the evidence "Place of the ritual."We study the evidence marked by police cards:

Plate number 1

- hoof marks.

Plate number 2

- a broken amphora from under the wine.

Plate number 3

- a rope soaked in wine.

Plate number 4

- traces of bare feet;

- an inverted stone and a palm print (in concentration mode with evidence turned on).

Plate number 5

- a rosary hanging on a bush (rotate until an active point appears).

Plate number 6

- a bloody altar with a goat carcass.

goat ritual

Entering the retrospective mode, compiling a chronology of events.

Plate number 1

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A woman in a bird mask is dragging a goat.

Plate number 2

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A woman in a lion mask drops an amphora.

Plate number 3

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A woman in a bull mask ties a man to a post.

Plate number 4

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Dance of women (from left to right: in a bird mask, in a bull mask (sitting) and in a lion mask).

Plate number 5

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A woman in a bull mask and a woman in a lion mask are dragging a man by the arms.A woman in a bird mask points her finger at him.

  • "However, the ritual ended with the women eating the goat alive."

We return to the police station, report to Stark about the completion of the task.

Case is closed

Congratulations to Stark on his promotion.We agree to help with the disappearance of Inspector Placido.Asking questions.

Case: "It's" w-w-w "for a reason"

The fate of Placido

  • “I have agreed to help Sergeant Stark find out the fate of Chief Inspector Placido.He disappeared a few months ago, and this may be related to his latest case and a certain Beekeeper.

We get the KEY TO PLACIDO'S OFFICE, we head to the office of the senior inspector in the left wing.

Chief Inspector's Office

Placido's cabinet

We study the evidence in the office:

- "Police Chief's note" on the table;

- filing cabinet (empty box and sign "Beekeeper");

- a bureau to the right of the door (TOB-BOX, empty compartment for a revolver in a box (in concentration mode), a note in a newspaper).

DOCUMENTS- Chronicle, May 1877 at Inspector Placido's office.

We mark “Plácido’s Cabinet” as evidence, in the concentration mode we examine the opened areas:

- fingerprints on a loosely fixed picture on the wall on the left;

- a stack of books on the floor;

- papers on old cases on the table;

- a thick layer of dust on the doors of cabinets;

- a new safe that has not been used;

- a picture firmly fixed on the wall on the right.

Exit concentration mode.

We move the picture with the image of the apiary, look into the cache:

- "Notes about the beekeeper";

- “Notes about the “Hive”;

- congested ear.

Souvenir for memory (argument with John)

We pick up the alcoholized EAR IN THE JAR.

Notes on the Beekeeper

  • “On the last page there is an entry: “Patricia Chella.The city archives mention the Miner's Limit, 1877.

We leave the site, go to the town hall of Cardona.

We pay attention to thenewsboy- having bought a newspaper from him, we will receive the task "Treasure hunt»

Note.Automatically opens the task "Silence is gold" in the "History of the Cordona" section.

We enter the town hall building.

At the entrance, Sherlock speaks to Ursula Oni, the town hall's senior archivist.

We pass into the right wing, we go into the archive.

Property of P. Chella

Select data:

Subjects - "Locals";

Period - ("The British (1800s));

District - "Miner's Redistribution".

  • "Of the property registered in this name, only the warehouse located at Clay Street, off Stevenson's Bridge at Silverton, has not been sold."

We ship to theaddresswhere the warehouse is located.

Chella's warehouse

The true face of the beekeeper

We go to the warehouse.

We listen to the conversation of two men in the yard, choose:

- "Communication through trusted persons";

- "Prints messages";

- "No one saw him."

  • “Ordinary members of the gang do not know what their leader looks like.It looks like they never saw him in person."

I'm going to the warehouse.

Warehouse cabinet key

We go to the warehouse.

We deal with bandits who do not need to be arrested.Get CHELLA'S OFFICE KEY.We pass through the lattice door, we rise to the second floor.

We enter the office.Gathering evidence:

- weapons in the box;

- desktop ("DIRTY NOTE", skeins of yarn, "NOTE FROM P.");

- stove (BURNED PAPER on the floor and fire in the stove).

Burnt papers

  • “In an office in Chella's warehouse, I found burnt papers.It might be possible to restore them."

We are conducting a chemical analysis of the "Burned Papers" evidence.

Holmes manages to recover several fragments of the text.

Note from P.

Activate the note as evidence.We go down, we leave the warehouse.

We ask people, tracking friendly in the concentration mode.

  • “They told me the apiary was west of Winns Street, at the northern end of Miners' End.And they advised me to stay away from her.”

We get to theapiary.

Description of Placido

We turn to the man standing near the house on the hill.


- hat on one side;

- right hand;

- holster;

- shirt.

We identify the man as Inspector Placido.

The fate of Placido

In a conversation, choose replicas:

- "You killed him";

- "I have your ear";

- "I want your revolver";

"I will consider your request."

  • "I found out what happened to Inspector Placido."

We return to the police station.We find Sergeant Stark in the room opposite Placido's office.

We inform him: "Plácido is dead."

Case is closed

"Mother's Love" (continued)

We continue the passage of the main quest.

Return to Cordona

We set off in searchof the Stonewood mansion.

Mycroft's letter

Arriving at the place, we take out the "Letter from Mycroft" from the mailbox.

"Mind Halls" - "My mother died of tuberculosis."

Stonewood Mansion

Fragments of memories

We enter the estate.We go to the front door.

  • “We were unable to enter through the main entrance.John suggested we look around the yard first."

We go to the gazebo.Let's look at Tree Joe.


- handcuffs on the hands;

- head;

- wood and glass on the right;

- wooden sword on the left.

MEMORIES- "Accomplice".

Memories of the past

We activate the evidence "Memories of the past."

We turn on the concentration mode, look at the events that took place in childhood.

  • “When I remembered what exactly the policeman was doing here, the door opened,”

MEMORY- "Failed arrest."

Sherlock enters the house.

First day on Cordon


- Mycroft's red umbrella;

- hanger at the entrance;

- "Auction notice" on the column (opens a new case "Empty House Story");

DOCUMENTS- "Auction Notice".

- luggage on the left;

- marks on the handrail of the stairs.

ITEMS - "Memories of Violet's Death" - on a bench with an empty frame.

First day on Cordon

  • "John asks to remember our first day at Cordon."

Activate the memory "First day at Cordon" as evidence.

We enter the concentration mode, look:

- on a hanger;

- on a mountain of things;

- in a wheelchair.

Entering the retrospective mode, compiling a chronology of events.

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A man hangs his hat on a hanger.

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Mycroft turns to Sherlock.

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Sherlock helps his mother up the stairs.

"TheMind Halls" - "Not TB".

MEMORIES- "The first day on Cordon".

  • “John offered to open our room.Looks like she's upstairs."

We rise to the second floor, enter the opened door of the bedroom.


- a knife with which a letter was pinned to the cabinet;

- traces of bullets in the wall;

- samples on the shelf;

- chemical laboratory on the table;

- a small table (the book "Robinson Crusoe", "The American Encyclopedia", a newspaper, a WOODEN HANDLE with a cruciform end (rotate until an active point appears)).

  • A dusty wooden handle with a cross carved on the end.Looks like it's the key."

Treasure Cache (argument with John)

  • “John remembered that we made a hiding place in the room, and persuades him to find it.”

Activate as evidence "Wooden Pen".We enter the concentration mode, consider thehandles of the cabinet.

Let's open the box and see:

- a collection of notes;

- father's tube (rotate until two active points appear).

  • "I found a treasure."

The argument with John is won.

OBJECTS- Seeger Holmes pipe.

We look at the toy balloon near the bed.

"Mind Halls" - "Friendly Neighbor"

In the "Halls of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Friendly Neighbor" + "Missing Documents" = "Family Friend".

"My mother died of tuberculosis" + "Not tuberculosis" = "Mycroft lied."

Looking for a family friend

“There are no records of my mother’s death anywhere, but an old friend of the family lived on Cordon - an eccentric named Theodore Gilden.He lived in one of the neighboring houses near the Greek bridge.He had a big balloon in the yard."

We get down, we leave the house on the street.We go to the right, focusing on the balloon in the sky.

We see a crowd of onlookers looking into the courtyard of the estate.

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Case: "Golden Cage"


  • “I went to an old family friend and found traces of the recent pogrom.The gate was broken from the inside."

We look at the torn and bent gate leaf - as if they were hit by a battering ram.

We notice a crushed vase with flowers - everything around is trampled,

We look through the chained gate on the right - the landscape, as if in paradise.

In the aviary behind the gate on the left we find a corpse.


- inverted head;

- a belt from a dressing gown;

- broken leg

- missing little finger on the right hand.

  • “In a closed enclosure for a large animal lay the corpse of a man.There is no little finger on the right hand.This is Theodore Gilden."

"Mind Halls" - "Fatal Mutilations".

Footprints at the barn

We bring our eyes closer to the hole in the wall of the barn outside the enclosure, we consider:

- gas cylinder;

- boatswain's knife (rotate until two active points appear);

- a trace from the blow on the wall on the left.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Bosun's Knife".

Thick-skinned criminal

We go deep into the aviary.We look:

- on the rope holding the balloon;

- on a rubber ball;

- on fruit in the depths of the enclosure;

- on a broken chain (chain, blood, trace on the left (in concentration mode), goad (in concentration mode)).

"TheMind Halls" - "Gilden kept a wild animal."

We enter the retrospective mode, we reconstruct the events:

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (29)

The elephant grabs Gilden by the neck;

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (30)

The elephant throws Gilden's body to the ground;

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (31)

The elephant leaves the yard.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "A wall is broken at the barn."

Elephant life (argument with John)

We take out the camera (E key), take a picture of the elephant's footprint (LMB).

  • “John reminded me of a newspaper article we read as children.You need to look in the editorial archive for issues ten years ago.The article was on the front page, its author is a science journalist.

We go to theeditorial officeof the newspaper "Chronicle".

We enter the building.We speak with Yasemin Sertel, editor-in-chief.

We pass into the room on the left, activate the Elephant Life evidence.

Working with the archive

Period - "1870-1879";

People are "Journalists";

Section - "Editorial".

DOCUMENTS- article "Lord of the Beasts" in the newspaper.

  • “I found the right article.John was right, there is a lot of useful information about elephants here.

The argument with John is won.

Thick-skinned criminal

  • “He escaped, but someone must have noticed him.”

We put on a police uniform, go out into the street.We activate the evidence "Thick-skinned criminal".We return to the scene of the tragedy.

We speak with onlookers who continue to crowd at the gate.

  • The elephant's name is Goliath.Through the Greek bridge, he fled into the forest ... ".

We are heading to theGreek bridge.We pass it, pay attention to theoverturned cart.We enter the mode of concentration, look at the elephant footprint.

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (32)

We follow the trail.We find a broken branch.The trail leads us to a pond.

We examine the robe hanging on a branch:

- KEYS in the pocket of the bathrobe;

- a letter in another pocket.

DOCUMENTS- "Letter in ink spots" in the pocket of a dressing gown on the shore of a reservoir.

  • “Theodore's robe hung on a branch.Apparently, an elephant brought him here.For now, I can't continue looking for the animal."

Elephant Manor

Keys from your robe pocket

We return to Gilden's house, open the front door with the found key.We go up the stairs.

Sherlock hears crying coming from the room.He enters the door, meets Theodore's daughter, Imogen.

We speak with the girl.

Imogen's testimony

  • "She's shaken but will be able to answer questions if we find anything."

collected things

We examine the objects in the room:

- luggage (green dress, book "False idols" (rotate until an active point appears), photograph (rotate until two active points appear)).

DOCUMENT- False Idols book in Imogen Gilden's luggage

Bazookology Trilogy (argument with John)

  • “John wants to assemble the Basucolony trilogy by Wallace de Aurum.I found the first book in Imogen's room."

We head to Theodore's office.Looking at items:

- armchair by the window (in concentration mode);

- desktop (framed photograph of Theodore and the elephant (rotate until the active point appears), prosthetic finger, FLATTERY BOTTLE (rotate until the active point appears and pick up the object), framed Imogen's photograph (rotate until the active point appears));

- construction plan on the table (name and two active points).

Wetake a photo of the plan.

  • "A certain A. Swift was listed as a partner, but his name has been crossed out."

DOCUMENT- The Elephant Lover is on thebookshelf.

ITEMS- “Theo, Violet, Seeger.First Expedition" (photo of Holmes' mother onthe bookshelf(turn until two active points appear)).

We return to Imogen, we ask her (we present evidence) on all available topics (evidence in the magazine).

Project plan

  • “According to Imogen, Arthur Swift is Gilden's business partner.They were working together on some project in the Old City.”

"TheMind Halls" - "Partnership Broken."

Thick-skinned criminal

  • "Imogen is sure Goliath is dangerous, but he has never attacked Theodore before."

Photo Imogen

  • “Paul Perks is a professional yachtsman from the Salacia club.He owns the Whirlpool yacht- a new location has been opened on the map.

We put on an ordinary Holmes costume, go out into the street.We fix the evidence "Photograph of Imogen", we recover to a new place -the Salacia Yacht Club.

Yacht Club Salacia

We turn to the man in the top hat, we learn that Paul is in the workshop.We're heading to theworkshop.

Yacht club workshop

Activate the evidence "Yacht Club Workshop".We look at the items.

- bloodied bandages on a table in a locked room with a "Whirlpool" sign;

- a crack on the door frame of a locked room (in concentration mode);

- a painted yacht and a can of paint (in concentration mode);

- shifted plate on the board with the list of winning yachts (in concentration mode).

We take a plate with the name of the yacht of the floor, turn it, take the KEY.

We go into the storeroom.

We pay attention to the autophone.

Bazookology Trilogy (argument with John)

DOCUMENTS- The book "Sails of Hatred" (the second book of the trilogy) on thecorner shelf.

  • "I found the second book by the floor."

Yacht club workshop

We leave and with the found key we open the door with the inscription "Whirlpool".

Looking at the desktop:

- old betting records;

- "Letter with threats";

- "Suspicious note";

- a drawing of a yacht on the wall.

"TheMind Halls" - "Theodore threatened Paul."

We examine the shelf with the tool on the right:

- a set of expensive tools on the middle shelf on the left;

- A BOX WITH POISONED DARTS on the middle shelf on the right (rotate until an active point appears and pick it up);

- Books on the bottom shelf.

Suspicious note

We fix the "Suspicious Note" as evidence, again we go to the pantry.

In the concentration mode, we look at theshelves with canned food, we see a BOX OF TEA (we find two active points and pick it up).

  • “There was a hidden tea can filled with psychotropic substances in the workshop.”

We leave the pantry, we face Paul.We introduce ourselves as a friend of Imogen.


- neck (the Adam's apple is not visible);

- left hand (bandaged);

- left thigh (body of an adult woman);

- Elbow of the right hand (severe injury).

"Mind Halls" - "Paul has a fresh bruise."

We define Paul as "Professional Smuggler".

During the conversation, bandits enter the workshop.Deal with them, or skip the action scene.

We go into the room, we speak with "Paul".We ask her (we present evidence) on all available topics (evidence in the magazine).

We get seven additions to the evidence in the magazine.

"TheMind Halls" - "Theodore sent bandits for sex."

We leave the workshop, go to the "Elephant Manor" to Imogen.

elephant manor

We go up to Imogen's room.We ask her (we present evidence) on all available topics (evidence in the magazine).

We get two additions to the evidence in the magazine.

We head to the city hall.

Town Hall Cordona

Let's go to the archive.

We search by criteria:

Subjects - "Entrepreneurship";

Register - "Legal papers";

Areas - "Old Town".

Registration sheet for Gilden and Swift

  • "The main purpose of the enterprise is to carry out archaeological excavations at the intersection of Bazaar Road and Arno Street outside the walls of the Old City in Cordon."

We are heading to theintersection of Bazaar Road and Arno Street.

Archaeological excavations

Entrance to the excavations

The guard does not allow you to enter the excavation site.He can't let us in without work clothes.

We listen to the conversation of two men near the excavation site.

Highlight phrases:

- market in the Old City;

- loyalty to the British;

- scar on the neck.

We go to themarket in the Old City.

Market in the Old City

We buy a work apron from a clothing seller.

Use concentration mode to find the man with the scar.We find him standing in the center of the market.We are making a request.We declare that we are on the side of the British, and sing the anthem.

  • “Aydın issued a permit, according to which the guard will now let him through to the excavation site.”

We return to the excavation site.We pass by the guard.

  • “I got into excavations.The main thing now is not to get out of the role.

Archaeological excavations

Inspection of the excavations

  • "Before inspecting the ruins, you need to talk to the professor."

We go down below, under a canopy on the right we find a writing person.

We speak with Professor Swift, we declare that we are ready to get to work.


- glasses (broken);

- Notebook;

- right hand (no ring);

- trousers (dirty);

- Elbow of the left hand (bruises on the elbow);

We make a conclusion.

"TheMind Halls" - "Arthur has fresh bruises on his elbow."

Arthur Swift's research

We studythe excavation scheme:

- photos on the left;

- excavation center;

- a note in the lower right corner.

Note.Pay attention to the description of the location of the statues in the magazine.

DOCUMENTS- note "Tomb of Titus Lemonius found" on the excavation plan.

Inspection of the ruins

We look under the canopy on the left:

- straw dolls;

- page of records on the box;

- tissue in a box.

DOCUMENT- record "The Conquest of Titus and Vitus" on a box under a canopy.

Trilogy "Basocology" (argument with John)

We go down to the lower level of excavations.Under the canopy on the left we find the final book of the trilogy.

DOCUMENT- The book "Sharp Pick" is oncratesunder the canopy on the lower level.

  • "I found the final part of this tasteless trilogy."

The argument with John is won.

Arthur Swift's research

We listen to what the smoking man mutters.

Highlight phrases:

- "Helmet in the shape of a lion's head";

- "Closer to the coast";

- "Someone pushed the statue";

- "Twisted pedestal."

Inspection of the ruins

We go up the stairs to the right.We look at the inscription on the tombstone.

We examine the overturned statue:

- a sickle in a broken hand;

- face;

- pedestal on the right.

  • “It looks like statues will point to the location of the tomb.I will try to recreate the desired picture on a hill.

Entering the retrospective mode.

We arrange the statues as it says in the "Study of Arthur Swift":

"Zephyr, the younger god of the wind, looking west with a basket of fruit in his hand";

"Another female figure, looking east, personifies the wind god Evra";

"Between them are the statues of Titus and his brother Vitus."

"Titus had a lion's head helmet and a sword, while Vitus fought with a sword and shield."

  • “I recreated the desired picture.Let's see if the statues now point to the location of the tomb."

We fix the evidence "Inspection of the ruins", we go down to the seashore.

Interact with theactive pointon the right.

  • “I found the tomb.While Mr. Swift is absorbed in the long-awaited discovery, you can look at his desk.

We rise, inspect Swift's desktop:

- BOX WITH DARTS (rotate until an active point appears and pick it up);

"TheMind Halls" - "Arthur has darts and the floor."

- the book "Trunks and tusks";

"TheMind Halls" - "Elephants have mating season."

- a notebook with a leather cover.

Arthur Swift catches Sherlock doing his job.He does not consider it necessary to continue to hide his name.

We ask the professor questions.

Presenting evidence:

"Project plan" - Arthur broke off cooperation with Theodore because he did not show enough interest in excavations;

"Footprints at the barn" - Arthur claims that the knife is not his;-

"Thick-Skinned Criminal" - Arthur believes the elephant was just trying to break free;

"Letter of Threats" - Arthur was surprised at how unrestrained Theodore behaved;

"Entrance to the excavations" - excavations will radically change ideas about the history of mankind;

"Arthur's Darts" - darts are needed to fight rodents;

Trunks and Tusks - read a book to get to know the elephant better;

"Notebook with a leather cover" - writes down information about important events.

"TheMind Halls" - "Hard Times".

"TheMind Halls" - "Everyone blames Goliath."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Partnership broken" + "Hard times" = "Arthur wanted to save the research."

“The wall of the barn is broken” + “Arthur has fresh bruises on his elbow” = “Arthur could have hit the wall of the barn.”

"The wall of the barn is broken" + "Paul has a fresh bruise" = "The floor could have hit the wall of the barn."

"Bosun's knife" + "A wall is broken at the barn" = "Outsider".

Automatic conclusion for selection: "Arthur could have been at the crime scene" and "Paul could have been at the crime scene."

"Fatal Mutilations" + "Gilden kept a wild animal" = "Goliath the possible killer of Theodore."

"Theodore threatened Paul" + "Theodore sent bandits after Paul" = "Theodore wanted to ruin Paul's life."

"It's mating season for elephants" + "Everyone blames Goliath" = "We need to find Goliath."

Goliath hunting

  • "During the excavations, I saw a fabric that would be suitable for a doll."
  • “Nautophone from the boat workshop is used to signal large ships.It will surely come in handy."
  • The "perfume" from Theodore's office might be useful.If you extract pheromones from it.

From the box under the canopy on the left we take the FABRIC - it does not let gas through.

We leave the excavations, go to the boat shed of the yacht club.We pick up NAUTOPHONE.

Flavored bottle

We carry out a chemical analysis of the "Vial with an odorous substance" from Theodore's office.We get PHEROMONES.

  • "I extracted the pheromones, they will attract the elephant."

Goliath hunting

We leave for the studio of Mrs. Nini.We speak with the hostess, sweeping the sidewalk.

  • “Now I have a wonderful elephant doll.We need to fill it with gas from a cylinder that is in a shed in the Gildens' yard.

We move to the Gilden yard.We fill the doll with gas.

Sherlock and the police are ready to catch Goliath.

We lure the elephant with four different sounds.

  • "With a bit of ingenuity, we lured the elephant out."

Dart in the skin of an elephant

Looking at the elephant

- scratches above the eye;

- left tusk;

- pupil of the right eye;

- a dart in the skin (rotate until two active points appear).

Dart in the skin of an elephant

We carry out a chemical analysis of the Dart in the Elephant's Skin.

  • "Inside the dart was strychnine ... Most likely, the poison caused the elephant to have a fit of rage and a surge of strength."

"TheMind Halls" - "The Poison Dart".

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"Fatal Mutilations" + "Poison Dart" = "Goliath could have been provoked" or "Goliath is Theodore's possible killer."

"Arthur and Paul have darts" + "Poisoned Dart" = "Both Arthur and Paul could shoot a dart."

Automatically opens output for selection: "Someone angered Goliath with a poisoned dart so that the elephant would get angry and attack Theodore Gilden" and "Someone wanted to protect Theodore".

We conclude: "Theodore Gilden's killer is Arthur Swift."

Note.There are several options for ending the case:

- Blame the elephant, but ask Imogen to save him.The girl will sell the elephant to a stranger.

- Blame Paul and arrest him.

- Blame Paul, let him go and let Goliath be executed.

Blame Arthur and arrest him.

Blame Arthur, let him go and let Goliath be executed.

We change into a work uniform, we go to the excavation site.We blame Professor Swift, we make a moral choice.

Imogen thanks Sherlock for a job well done, but she is unhappy that he did not take care of the fate of the elephant.True, she herself gave that unfamiliar man.The girl asks to take her father's things to disappear from her life.

Case is closed

"Mother's Love" (continued)

My family's things

We pick up items from the box on the bench.

ITEMS- "Letter to Theodore Gilden from Violet."

DECORATION (rotate until an active point appears).

  • “Another memory came to me.I saw someone hide the key in their pocket, and the door closes, behind which a woman's silhouette is visible.The door is on the second floor.It looks like there was a mirror nearby.

We head to the mansion.

Stonewood Mansion

Memories in a mansion

We activate the evidence "Fragments of memories", we rise to the second floor.

We enter the concentration mode, activate five memories (white circles).

MEMORY- "Locked door".

  • “Now I can enter my mother's room.What will she remind me of?

We enter the mother's room.Considering items:

- the picture on the wall;

- ajar cabinet with medicines;

- objects on the floor in the corner (mother's drawing (rotate until an active point appears), drawing with sloppy lines (rotate until an active point appears), crossed out drawing (rotate until an active point appears));

- belts on the bed;

- a round table near the bath (drawer, LETTER in the drawer, BOTTLE OF SEDATION on the table (rotate until two active points appear));

- bath;

- a table in the center of the room (OLD SHEET OF PAPER, newspaper).

OBJECTS- "Obituary from The Times" in the newspaper on the table.

- a suitcase on a chair (lock, doctor's tools, ALMOST EMPTY BOTTLE (rotate until two active points appear), NOTES ON THE PATIENT'S STATE).

We look at the chessboard.

  • "John offered to play chess with him."

An old confrontation (argument with John)

We activate the evidence "Long-standing confrontation".We enter the mode of concentration.We play chess with John - we make a move with the bishop.

  • "I made the move with the bishop, saved the white king, and checked the black king."

on the wrong foot

  • "Mom's bedroom reminded me of one hectic morning."

"TheMind Halls" - "We brought tea."

We activate the evidence "On the wrong foot", we enter the concentration mode.Consider:

- fragments of a broken dish;

- chair;

- tray.

Switch to retrospective mode.We arrange the figures:

Sherlock fell to the floor next to the tub.

The doctor deflects the mother's throw with a tray.

Mycroft kicks a dish that has hit him.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Mental Disorder".

  • “When I remembered the morning my mother died, John felt bad…”

We declare to John that we need to continue, we assure that we are normal.

  • "Someone is knocking on the front door, although I'm not expecting anyone."

Someone is knocking

We go down, we speak with the man who has come in the form of a sailor.


- pink hair dye

- old clothes;

- right hand;

- left hand.

We define the guest as "The artist in the clothes of a sailor."

We listen to Vogel.

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Case: "Overseas Muse"

Vogel Gallery Invitation

  • “Vogel invited me to the gallery.She is in a caravanserai at the intersection of Bazaar Road and Hermes Avenue in the Old City."

Let's go to theVogel Gallery.

Caravanserai "Gul-Afshar"

We enter the building.We talk with the artist, ask questions.

Vandal in the Secret Gallery

  • “Last night, Vogel heard a noise in the Chamber of Secrets.He went down there, but did not carefully inspect the rooms.

We pass through the door on the left, we go down to the basem*nt.

secret gallery

Check out the items in the gallery:

- a scarecrow of a wounded shark;

-a skeleton in a coffin(a stuffed crow, a skeleton (in concentration mode), a charcoal palm print on the inner surface of the coffin lid);

- unfinished picture;

-scattered coal(old shovel, footprints (in concentration mode));

- hatch door;

-hatch(traces of shoes, scratches on the door (in concentration mode));

- mushrooms in the chest;

- a gloomy picture;

-traces of fire(cigarette butt (rotate until two active points appear), empty frame (in concentration mode));

"TheHalls of Mind" - "The gallery was visited by a lame smoker."

- achainfor a picture (in concentration mode);

Vandal in the secret gallery

We enter the retrospective mode, restore the events:

A man comes out of the hatch.

Vogel comes down the stairs.

A man hides in a coffin.

A man burns paintings.

A man steals a painting.

  • "Perhaps the real purpose was theft."

We go to Vogel, we speak with him.

Mercurio address

  • "Vogel reported that the artist Boniface Mercurio lives in the Old City, but did not give the exact address."

To find out the address of the artist, we go to theeditorial office of the Chronicle.

At the entrance, Holmes is hailed by Miss Sertel (new case "Catching Eels").

Fight at the exhibition

We go into the archive, set the search parameters:

People - "Celebrities";

Section - "Editorial";

Areas - "Old City".

  • “... Alas, now the exhibition is closed, but Boniftius Mercurio invites readers to look at his house and buy the painting they like.You'll find it on Hermes Avenue between Scarlet Street and Olive Street in Old Town."

We go tothe found address.

Mercurio's apartment

We enter the house.

  • “The mistress of the house where Mercury lives says that only tenants can enter.I guess I'm not as tanned as a Bohemian artist."

We go to one of the merchants.

We buy the costume "Bohemia", "Tousled hair", "Artist's stubble" and "Artist's make-up".

We return to the house of Mercury.

Mercurio's apartment key

The blind-sighted hostess takes the disguised Holmes for an artist, and gives him the key to the apartment.

We rise to the second floor, enter the room of Mercurio.

In Mercurio's apartment

  • "In Mercurio's apartment, we found a body on the floor."

Looking at items:

Mercury's body

- a corpse (rags near the right shoulder, a wound on the neck, chest (in concentration mode), left hand (in concentration mode), knife (rotate until two active points appear));

Mercurio's apartment

- a chest to the left of the door;

- picture on the bed;

"Palaces of the Mind" - "The artist's apartment was ransacked."

- a collection of bottles to the right of the door;

- painting on the floor;

- desktop (camera, drawer, cutlery (in concentration mode), painting (in concentration mode), broken bottle);

- a bath for the development of photographs in the next room;

- a shot on a rope above the tub.

How Mercury died

Entering the retrospective mode:

The thief searches the chest.

An artist with a bottle in his hand attacks a thief.

"TheMind Halls" - "The artist spotted the thief."

The thief wounds the artist with a knife.

"TheMind Halls" - "The artist was killed in a fight."

The thief puts rags on the artist's wound.

  • “Why did Mercurio need a picture during the fight?”

Painting of Mercurio covered in blood

We select a picture, carry out its chemical analysis.

Painting from Mercurio's room

  • “I removed the blood from the painting with reagents.This is the interior of Mercurio's room.We need to put the picture on the easel.

We put the picture on the easel.

  • "It seems that the picture is not an exact copy of the room."

We look at the round frame on which the skull should be - it is not.

We pass into the next room, we findthe skullnext to the toilet.

Mercurio's apartment

  • “There was a hiding place behind the skull.There, Mercurio kept a photograph of a man dressed as a demon raping a black girl."

"TheMind Halls" - "A photograph of a rapist".

Rapist drawing

  • “John copied the rapist from a photograph…”.

John's drawing: Pregnant girl

  • “John copied the girl from the photo… She is pregnant and her face is covered with scars.”

Amazing Resurrection (argument with John)

  • "John thinks it's useless to tell the landlady about Mercury's death..."

We go down, we speak with the hostess.We ask "Who came to me?".

"TheHalls of Mind" - "A lover of Mal-Pal came to Mercury."

We ask: "Call the police to my house."

  • "I didn't bother telling her the truth."

The argument with John is won.

We leave the artist's apartment.

Sherlock automatically changes clothes.

John's drawing: Pregnant girl

We activate the evidence “John's drawing;Pregnant girl".

In the concentration mode, we find a responsive character among the passers-by, we turn to him.

  • "The Ewe people do not live on Cordon, but they can be found in the refugee camp under the Victoria Bridge between Scaladio and Silverton."

We go tothe Victoria Bridge, we go down under the bridge.

refugee camp

In the refugee camp we find a police raid.

  • "Such scars can only be found on refugees who are kept in camps."

We speak with Ronald Harlow.

Description by Ronald Harlow

Watching Harlow:

- eyes;

- mustache;

- tie;

- right hand:

- left shoe.

We define it as "Tired and indifferent".

Crime scene in the camp

We offer help.We pass to the territory of the camp.

We speak with Inspector Tewksbury.

  • "The inspector allowed me to examine the body of the murdered man and his belongings."

We examine the places marked with police signs.

Plate number 1

body of the deceased:

- boots (the man was limping);

- fingers of the right hand (in concentration mode);

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Under the nails of a dead man, coal dust."

- DIRK in the chest (rotate until an active point appears and pick it up) (these are worn in the navy);

- a wound in the chest (the blade was moved, thrusting into the body);

- a tattoo on the neck.

Plate number 2


- banknotes;

- cigarettes in a cigarette case;

- leather scabbard.

Plate number 3

- traces of blood on the ground;

- Broken box.

Plate number 4

- blood trail (in concentration mode);

- a furrow in the sand (in concentration mode).

Plate number 5

- carnelian beads.

Plate number 6

- spatter of blood;

- stick (rotate until two active points appear).

Plate number 7

- traces of drawing.

Plate number 8

In concentration mode:

- a trace from a police boot;

- footprint of a bare foot;

- a trace from a heavy boot.

Plate number 9

- Bloody handprint.

We find a wounded man in the camp.

  • "One of the refugees in the camp is badly wounded."

Wounded refugee

Looking at the refugee

- face;

- Chest wound.

  • "If the wound is not treated, the man will die from blood poisoning."

We activate the evidence "Wounded refugee".In the concentration mode, we consider a cloth hung to dry.We take theFABRIC.

We findALOE.We collectWATERfrom the boiler.

  • “I have collected everything I need.It remains to chop the leaves.

We carry out a chemical analysis of the means for washing wounds.

  • “I have prepared a wound cleanser.It will stop the bleeding."

We help the wounded.

  • “I helped the wounded.Will live."

The argument with John is won.

How did the stranger get into the camp?

  • “We need to find out how the stranger got into the camp.What are the options?".

We activate the evidence “How did the stranger get into the camp?”.

We examine in concentration mode:

-heavy gates(have not been opened for a long time);

-shore(boat - unlikely);

-stairs(not enough height).

We leave the camp, at the entrance to it we look at thecigarette butts:

- Roadman cigarettes (popular with the police);

- cigarette butt "Mel-Pal" (rotate until an active point appears).

  • “After breaking into the Vogel Gallery, I found a cigarette butt of the same brand.Is this a coincidence?"

Failed kidnapping

We return to the camp, in the retrospective mode we build a chronology of events.

Plate number 7

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (33)

The lame man drags the girl by the hand.

Plate number 6

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (34)

A refugee attacks a lame man with a stick in his hand.He pulls the girl by the hand.

Plate number 5

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (35)

The girl breaks out of the hands of the lame man and tears the beads.

Plate number 8

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (36)

A lame man with a knife in his hand runs away from a refugee.

Plate number 3

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (37)

The lame man stumbles over the boxes.

Plate number 9

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (38)

The lame man falls into the water, breaking through the railing.

"TheMind Halls" - "The bandit tried to take the girl away."

"TheMind Halls" - "The bandit didn't hurt the girl."

  • “... The rest of the refugees came to help.The bandit did not expect this.He wanted to run away, but he stumbled over the boxes, fell and ran into his dagger.The wound was not fatal.The bandit got to his feet and tried to leave, bleeding, but slipped on the bridge and fell.

We turn to the inspector, show the evidence "Failed kidnapping."

  • “Inspector Tewkesbury said he couldn't help.I need to tell what I've found out to camp overseer Ronald Harlow."

With the same evidence, we turn to standing next to Harlow.

John's drawing: pregnant girl

  • “The police left the camp alone.Now I can find the girl."

We listen to the conversation of two policemen.

Note replicas:

- "They take refugees";

- "The camp may be closed";

- "Money".

“John offered to ask the residents of the camp about what is happening here.It's best to sort this out before we leave in case visitors are denied entry."

What happens in the refugee camp?(argument with John)

We activate the evidence, we turn to the refugee standing near the boiler.

  • “Recently, one of the girls who went to work was abused”

We present evidence “What is happening in the refugee camp?”inspector.

  • "Inspector Tewkesbury claims to be unaware of what is happening in the camp, but he is not surprised that his colleagues are doing this"

The argument with John is won.

Stranger tattoo

We pass deep into the camp, we speak with a refugee.

"TheMind Halls" - "The girl in the photo is Neyla."

For helping a wounded comrade, he allows Holmes to talk to Neyla.

  • "Neyla drew an unusual cross-shaped sign, which she saw on the rapist's chest."

"Palaces of the Mind" - "The rapist had an unusually shaped cross."

Activate the evidence, show it to the inspector.

  • "Inspector Tewkesbury reported that such tattoos were worn by the men of one Nicolò Bernadotti, a businessman from Scaladio."

John Drawing: Rapist

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"The artist was killed in a fight" + "The artist noticed the thief" = "The thief did not want to kill Mercurio."

“A lame smoker visited the gallery” + “A lover of Mal-Pal came to Mercury = “A thief from the gallery came to Mercury”.

"Photo of the rapist" + "The artist's apartment was ransacked" = "The thief might have been looking for the photograph."

Conclusion: "The thief needed a photograph."

“The bandit did not hurt the girl” + “The bandit tried to take the girl away” = “The bandit wanted to kidnap the girl.”

“Traces of coal-stained shoes” + “Coal dust under the nails of a dead man” = “The bandit visited the Vogel gallery.”

Conclusion: "Not just a thief, but some kind of henchman."

“Photo of the rapist” + “The rapist had an unusually shaped cross” = “The rapist is a high-ranking official.”

  • “These insignia are issued to major British officials.Few of them visit the cordon, and even more so, they work here.”

We go to the town hall.

Town Hall Cordona

Stranger tattoo

We pass into the archive.

Set the search parameters for the "Stranger's Tattoo" clue:

Subjects - "Entrepreneurship";

Period - "The British (1800s)";

Register - "Occupation".

Joint Stock Company Bernadotti

  • "The main office is located in the southeast of Scaladi, on Bazaar Road, at the junction with Rowman Road"

We leave for theoffice of Bernadotti.

The front door is locked.We go around the building on the right, go through theajar gateto the backyard.

Head Office of the Bernadotti Society

We speak with the guard.

  • “The only entrance is guarded.We need to force our way through, or somehow convince the guard to let us in.

Not for Strangers (argument with John)

  • “John insists that I get in there without bloodshed.I have learned what local employees look like and I can disguise myself as them.”

We go to the clothing merchant, we buy the "Bernadotti Gang Tattoo"

We return to the backyard of the office.

We speak with the guard, we pass inside the building.

  • "The guard thought I was from a gang and let Barnadotti into the warehouse."

The argument with John is won.

We pass into the room on the left, we examine the picture under the canvas:

- canvas (remove);

figures in the background.

  • "I found a painting in the warehouse of the Bernodotti joint-stock company."

"TheMind Halls" - "The Stolen Painting".

We look into the open box next to it:

- Dogon figurine (rotate until two active points appear);

- mask;

- an inscription on the box.

The evidence "Smuggling" is open.

We look at the idol in the box.We leave the room through the second door.In concentration mode, we consider the newspaper "Chronicle" lying on thebench.

We go out into the hall.We look at the poster on the wall on the right.

We examine the photo in a frame on the wall on the left:

- a sign under the picture;

- the photo.

In concentration mode, look:

- paper tray on the left;

- an invitation to the ball on the right.

We do not react to the words of the secretary, we enter the office of Bernodotti.

In the concentration mode, we examine the photo of the girl in the frame on the table and the shelves on the wall, to the right of the entrance.

Watching Bernodotti:

- tattoo (not the same as everyone else);

- right hand (ready for dirty work);

- skin on the right arm (damaged);

- a pistol in a holster;

- wedding ring on the left hand (married).

We conclude: "Ruthless leader."

We speak with Bernadotti.

Bernodotti's proposal

  • “Bernodotti offers to negotiate: I will give the photograph so that he can blackmail the British ambassador, and in return he will provide the injured girl with a child with a home and citizenship.”

"TheMind Halls" - "Bernadotti's Proposal".

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"Stolen Painting" + "Bernadotti's Proposal" = "Compromising evidence".

"The girl in the photo is Neyla" + "Bernadotti's suggestion" = "Victim of violence."

Automatically prompted to draw a conclusion.

John Drawing: Rapist

Activate the evidence, leave Bernodotti's office through the front door.We go to the town hall.

Town Hall Cordona

Go to the archive, set the search parameters:

Subjects - "Officers";

Period - "British";

Districts - "Scaladio".

We get the "Personal file of Thomas Norton."

Personal file of Thomas Norton

  • "I have my own office in the town hall."

We leave the archive, follow the left wing, enter theoffice of Thomas Norton.


- eyes (did not sleep at night);

- chin (no time to shave);

- order (wears without taking off);

- right shoulder (works late);

- left hand (red spot).

We define: “Theambassador is tormented by conscience

We speak with Norton.

Ambassador's testimony

  • “The ambassador admits guilt and offers a deal;if I give him the photo, he will help the refugees.

"TheMind Halls" - "The Ambassador's Proposal".

"TheMind Halls" - "A photograph will ruin an ambassador's career."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"The girl in the photo is Neyla" + "The photo will ruin the ambassador's career" = "Hostages of the system" or "Hostages of the system."

"Ambassador's proposal" + "The photo will ruin the ambassador's career" = "The ambassador wants to hide the evidence."

We make a choice to whom to give the photo:


Help Neyla, who suffered the most;

Painting to be returned to Vogel


The painting will remain with Bernadotti;

The British ambassador will be punished, but no one will benefit from this.

Thomas Norton

The ambassador promises to help the refugees (except for Neyla).

Case is closed

Mother's Love" (continuation of the main quest)

Parcel from Vogel

  • "She was taken to the front door of the mansion."

We pass through the gates of the mansion.

At the gate, Sherlock encounters a messenger from Mycroft, Emilio Estevo - a new case "Love, Death, Cordona" is opened.

We approach John, open the box that he is considering.

Memories details

  • “Images of the past come back to me again…”.

We activate the evidence "Details of memories", we enter the house.

In concentration mode, we revive Holmes' memories from his childhood.

MEMORY- "Great catch."

Memories in a mansion

  • "We opened the vault of rarities, now I'm getting a little closer to the truth."

We go into the now available room on the right.

Fake Rarities Studio

We examine the objects in the room:

- a copy of the Holy Grail (rotate until an active point appears);

- the book "Watkins and Holman, part one" (rotate until the active point appears);

- a blanket (in concentration mode);

- shield and spears on the wall;

-desktop(“LETTER FROM THE JUDGE”, a locked drawer, business cards, Inspector Placido's business card (rotate until two active points appear), “SUBIT” (rotate until two active points appear)).

"TheMind Halls" - "Mycroft testified against Dr. Richter."

The Art of Hacking (argument with John)

  • "John hopes that we can now open Mycroft's box of curiosities, as we dreamed of as children."

We activate the evidence "The art of hacking".In concentration mode, look at the desk drawer.Tracing memories.We follow the trail to the front door.We rise to the second floor, to the fireplace.

  • “Now it all seems strange, because in the morning we never kindled a fireplace.”

Looking into the fireplace

- TINY KEY on the wall on the left;

- a sprig of juniper on the wall on the right.

Having received the key, we return to the rarity studio, open the desk drawer with it.

  • “We found the key and opened the desk drawer.I have finally satisfied my curiosity."

The argument with John is won.

We look into the open box:

- Dossier on influential people;

- single malt whiskey (rotate until two active points appear and pick up);

- a folder with the inscription "Otto Richter" (WHAT MYCROFT LEARNED).

ITEMS- "A gift from the queen."

Memories in a mansion

We continue to explore the room:

- a skeleton in a glass case;

- photo on the shelf (rotate until two active points appear);

- the mummy of the Persian queen;

-the seconddesktop("OTTO'S LETTER FROM BROTHER" and "OTTO RICHTER'S PERSONAL NOTES" in the left wooden box on the table, "DIploma Scraps" in the second wooden box, the book "Tulpa: Studies in Tibetan Mentalism" in the second wooden box (rotate until two active points.

"TheMind Halls" - "Richter's Experiments".

- knight's plate armor;

- stuffed deer and bear on the sides of the front door.

Incident in the vault of rarities

  • “After inspecting the vault of rarities, I began to recall an incident from my childhood.”

We activate the evidence "an incident in the vault of rarities."

In concentration mode, we follow the clouds of memories.

We enter the retrospective mode, restore the events.

The children are at the table.

Children overhear the conversation.

Mycroft tears up the professor's diploma.

FLASHBACK- "A Curious Conversation".

Again guests

  • “There is a noise at the front door: it looks like there are guests in the mansion again.”

We go out into the hall, we find the leftparcel.

The passage of the quest "Mother's love" has been postponed

Case: "Sacrificial Lamb"

Vogel's invitation

  • "Vogel sent me an invitation to the mansion of Kurt Manchios on Torquis Lane, across the street from Cordona Abbey in the north of Grand Barn."

We put on the costume of the "Prince of Darkness" and the "Face Mask", we go to theindicated address.

We enter the mansion.

Manchios Mansion

Yellow press (argument with John)

  • "John asked to get information for a sensational article about the local rich people."

We listen to what the couple is talking about, standing in a niche, to the right of the front door.

Selecting phrases:

  • Mysterious Disappearance
  • The architect was fond of the occult
  • magic circle

We find another pair in the booth, to the left of the front door.Let's listen to the conversation.

  • Selecting phrases:
  • unfaithful groom
  • Insulted Countess
  • Political crisis
  • Fired after that.

DOCUMENTS- John's article "Mud Bathing with Cordona's Elite".

  • "John is very grateful for my help."

We pass into the room, located to the right of the stairs to the left.We speak with Vogel.

Vogel's testimony

  • "Vogel gave me the KEY TO THE ALTAR ROOM and asked me to speak to a certain Fabio."

We go into the white door on the opposite side of the entrance.

  • "I found Fabio dead."

Description of the victim

  • “In the room with the altar lies a young man with a ritual dagger in his chest.The boy's name is Fabio."

Examining the body:

- head (hit on the temple with a blunt object);

- RITUAL DAGGER (rotate until two active points appear and pick up);

- dagger wound;

- stomach (symbol in the form of a worm);

- left forearm (tattoo in the form of a brand of a slave);

- left hand.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "The Circ*mstances of Fabio's Death".

"Palaces of the Mind" - Fabio died lying on the altar.

We examine the symbols inscribed on the wall, behind the altar.

  • "On the walls, the killer inscribed with the blood of the murdered the symbols of Mars and Venus."

Vogel's testimony

We speak with the entered Vogel, ask questions.

  • "Fabio was an artist who performed for wealthy guests."

Artist Matista

  • "The second participant in the ritual was Matista, Fabio's partner."

We pass into the rooms on the left.

We consider a round table by the fireplace in the smoking room:

  • a box of cigars;
  • whip;
  • a bottle on the floor (rotate until an active point appears);
  • blood on the carpet (in concentration mode).

Smoking room

  • "I found traces of blood in the room."

We activate the "Smoking Room" evidence, interact with three clouds of memories in the concentration mode.

We go to the dressing room.


- dressing table (jug, sink);

- hanger (in concentration mode);

- wardrobe, to the right of the mirror (bloody clothes);

- Fabio's dressing table (masks,cufflinks, key with F tag);

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Fabio's key is in place."

- Matista's dressing room table ("NOTE FROM MANCHIOS", "SCENARIO OF THE RITUAL", COSMETICS).

Fabio's murder

We return to the altar, interact with the sphere of retrospective.

Restoring events:

An unknown person plunges a dagger into the body on the altar.

An unknown person drags a dead body from a smoking room.

An unknown person hits the victim with a bottle on the head in a smoking room.

"TheMind Halls" - "Fabio was attacked in the next room."

An unidentified man washes his hands over the sink in the dressing room.

"TheMind Halls" - "The killer washed the blood off himself."

The unknown person hides the bloody clothes in the closet.

The stranger opens the door.

"TheMind Halls" - "The door was locked and then opened."

We speak with Vogel.

We enter the "Palaces of the Mind", draw conclusions:

"Circ*mstances of Fabio's death" + "Fabio died lying on the altar" = "Fabio was killed during the ritual."

"Circ*mstances of Fabio's death" + "Fabio was attacked in the next room" = "Ritual staged".

Choices: "Fabio was killed during the ritual" or "The ritual was staged."

"Fabio's key is in place" + "The door was locked and then opened" = "The killer had the key to the room with the altar."

Assassin's Key

We activate the evidence "Killer's Key", we speak with Vogel.

What does Kurt Manchios look like?

  • “Kurt Manchios knows who had the key to the altar room.Vogel saw him recently in the main hall."

We activate the evidence "What does Kurt Manchios look like", we go out into the main hall.

We find Manchios standing with his back to the table in the center.We speak with the owner of the evening.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Pinchetti works as a majordomo."

The policemen burst into the hall.Holmes is arrested along with everyone else.

Police investigation

We speak with the constable, we ask you to help with the investigation of the mother's case.

  • “I was arrested during a search of the Machios mansion.Constable Oswald released me and promised to find documents related to my mother's death in exchange for help with the investigation.

Look at the table:


"TheMind Halls" - "Santos Pinchetti called the police."

- "REPORT No. 62-60";

"TheMind Halls" - "Vogel was arrested because of the letter."


- Evidence voucher.

We enter the "Palaces of the Mind", we conclude:

"Pinchetti is a majordomo" + "Santos Pinchetti called the police" = "Pinchetti is a suspect."

We leave the interrogation room, we pass along the corridor to the right.We speak with Vogel.We present evidence "Testimony of a witness."

  • “I asked Vogel about Santos Pinchetti.He doesn't know this person."

We go to cell number 5, where Manchios is sitting.


- face (uses blush);

- right ear (rash from hair dye);

- right hand (washed his hands in a hurry);

- right shoe (made of high quality leather).

We select the option "Obsessed with cleanliness".

Asking questions, presenting evidence

- "Testimony of a witness";

- "Cufflinks as a gift."

"TheMind Halls" - "Kurt Manchios is obsessed with cleanliness."

"TheMind Halls" - "Kurt Manchios is clean."

"TheMind Halls" - "Kurt Manchios loved Fabio."

In the "Halls of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Kurt Manchios is a clean freak" + "Kurt Manchios is clean" = "Manchios was getting ready for an orgy."

"The killer washed the blood off himself" + "Kurt Manchios is obsessed with cleanliness" = "Manchios washed the blood off himself after the murder."

Choices: "Manchios prepared for an orgy" or "Manchios washed the blood off himself after the murder"

We go to cell number 6, where Matista is located.


- chest tattoo

- hands (nail biting);

- right hand (she inflicts them (cuts) herself);

- neck (recently obtained (bruising));

- forearm of the left hand (brand);

- right leg (a trace from the shackles).

Define: "Punishes himself for the past."

We speak with Matista, ask questions.

"TheMind Halls" - "Matista has fresh bruises."

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Matista's Affairs with the Guests".

In the "Halls of the Mind" we draw conclusions:

"Matista's affairs with the guests" + "Matista has fresh bruises" = "Matista was mocked by the guests."

"Fabio was attacked in the next room" + "Matista has fresh bruises" = "Matista was hit by Fabio".

Choices: "Matista was bullied by the guests" or "Matista was hit by Fabio."

Santos is a suspect

  • "We need to go into the archives and tell Constable Oswald that Santos needs to be questioned."

We go to thearchive, we speak with the constable.We present the evidence "Santos is a suspect."

  • Santos has been arrested.He's waiting in the seventh interrogation cell."

We go to the seventh chamber.

We examine the confiscated things on the table:

- a bunch of keys;


Watching Pinchetti:

- neck (inflammation);

- shirt (patches);

- jacket (dyed fabric);

- right boot (blood spatter).

We define: "Living in poverty."

We speak with Pinchetti, ask questions.We present the evidence "Will of Kurt Manchios with a note."

"TheMind Halls" - "Blood on Pinchetti's shoe."

"TheMind Halls" - "Manchios taunted Pinchetti."

"Palaces of the Mind" - Manchios gave Fabio expensive gifts."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"Pinchetti works majordomo" + "Manchios mocked Pinchetti =" Santos Pinchetti tries in vain.

"Blood on Pinchetti's shoe" + "The killer washed the blood off himself" = "Pinchetti didn't notice the bloodstain."

"Blood on Pinchetti's shoe" + "Santos Pinchetti called the police" = "Pinchetti accidentally stepped into a pool of blood."

Choices: "Pinchetti didn't notice the bloodstain" or "Pinchetti accidentally stepped into a pool of blood."

Police investigation

We go to the cell where Manchios sits.We present the evidence "Will of Kurt Manchios with a note."

We leave the wing of the prison, go to the next wing.

We turn to the policeman, we present the "Evidence slip".

We consider nine clues in three boxes.

"TheMind Halls" - "An angry letter from Fabio".

"Palaces of the Mind" - "The Power of Love".

In the "Halls of the Mind" we build a conclusion:

"Kurt Manchios loved Fabio" + "Angry letter" = "The letter may have been meant for Manchios."

Letter from Fabio

We return to the cell block, ask Vogel about the letter.

  • "Vogel believes the letter was addressed to Manchios and does not know how it ended up in his pocket."

We pass to Manchios, we ask about the letter.

Personal file of Kurt Manchios

  • "Probably the angry letter from Fabio is addressed to him."

Ask about the "Power of Love".

"TheMind Halls" - "Someone is lying - either Vogel or Manchios."

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

“Vogel was arrested because of the letter” + “Someone is lying - either Vogel or Manchios” = CHOICE: “The drugged Vogel took the letter himself” or “The letter was planted by Manchios.”

Personal file of Matista

Let's move on to Matt.We are talking about the "Power of Love" (we present evidence).We ask if she practices the occult.

"Palaces of the Mind" - "Matista wanted to keep Fabio with magic."

In the "Halls of the Mind" we build a conclusion:

"Matista wanted to keep Fabio with magic" + "Power of love" = "Matista could perform the ritual."

We ask Matista about the "Letter from Fabio".

"The Mind Halls" - "Fabio was about to break with Manchios."

In the "Halls of the Mind" we build a conclusion:

"Manchios loved Fabio" + "Fabio was going to break up with Manchis" = "Fabio broke Manchios' heart."

We take the “Letter from Vogel” to Constable Oswald in the archive.

We make a decision:

Santos indictment

The ritual is staged - Matista was mocked by the guests - Pinchetti did not notice the bloodstain - Manchios was preparing for an orgy - The besotted Vogel himself took the letter.

Choice: arrest or hang.

Reward - 40 coins.

Matista's accusation

Fabio was killed during the ritual - Matista was hit by Fabio - Manchios was preparing for an orgy - The besotted Vogel took the letter himself - Pinchetti accidentally stepped into a pool of blood.

Choice: put in a psychiatric hospital or hang.

Reward - 40 coins.

Manchios' indictment

The ritual is staged - Matista was mocked by guests - Manchios washed the blood off himself after the murder - Manchios planted a letter - Pinchetti accidentally stepped into a pool of blood.

Choice: arrest or hang.

Reward - 120 coins.

Police investigation

We go to the cell to the one who was accused of killing Fabio.We present evidence.

  • “We need to tell the constable what we've found out.I think he has something for me too.”

We go to the archive, report to the inspector on the completion of the investigation.

Case is closed

"Mother's Love" (end of the main quest)

Oswald's find

  • "Oswald found a copy of my mother's missing death report and left it on a desk in the police file."

Let's get acquainted with the report.

"Halls of Remembrance" - My mother's throat was cut open.

"Halls of Remembrance" - "Death by hypoxia."

Bits of memories

  • “Looks like there was a spacious garden behind our mansion.You can get there through the door between the windows on the first floor.

We leave the archive, listen to the words of gratitude from Vogel.We talk to him.

We leave the police station, head to the mansion.

Stonewood Mansion

We speak with John.

Memories in a mansion

  • “The door to the garden is finally open.There I will find answers to all questions.

We pass through the opened door into the garden.

We pass to the right bank of the pond.When the vision of the mother playing the piano fades, we examine the broken cup standing on the tray on the ground (we rotate until an active point appears).

We go through the vision of Holmes, we examine the bottle of medicine standing on the table (we rotate until an active point appears).

"Mind Halls" - "Tea and sedative".

We go to the gazebo.When the vision of mother melts, we examine the diary lying on the table:

- title on the left page;

- drawing on the right page.

We find ourselves in the vision of Holmes.We look at the artifact on the table on the left.We pass forward, we listen to the conversation between Mycroft and Richter.

We go to the mansion.When the vision of the mother melts, we study the wheelchair.

In the vision of Holmes, we push the chair, we walk through the garden.

Watch the finale of Holmes' memoirs.

In the "Palaces of the Mind" we conclude:

"My imaginary friend John" + "Mental disorder" = "Fragile mental organization."

"Mycroft testified against Richter" + "Richter's experiments" = "Suspicious psychiatrist".

"We brought tea" + "Tea and sedatives" = CHOICE: "Side Effects" or "Drug Resistance".

"My mother's throat was cut open" + "Death by hypoxia" = CHOICE: "She drowned" or "She didn't drown."

"Mental breakdown" + "Attack in the garden" = "Mom tried to kill me."

"Mycroft testified against Richter" + "Mycroft caught Richter in the garden" = "Mycroft accused Richter."

There are four possible endings to the game, all of which can be replayed to see the ending.

"Side Effects" + "She Didn't Drown" - "Killer - John" and "I killed my own mother" endings.

"Resistance to drugs" + "She drowned" - "Deliberate murder" and "Accident" endings.

In either ending, Sherlock gets rid of his imaginary friend John and meets Dr. John Watson.

Watch the end credits.

Completed the main quest "A Mother's Love"

End of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 (Mother's Love), continued in the .

Walkthrough for Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One (Mother’s Love) | Adventure Gamers (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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