The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

TWELVE THE STOCK MARKET UPTURN SUMEO Storit exchange' fairs lotal 800,000 Shares ADVANCE RESUMED ON CURB MARKET BOND LIST FORGES AHEAD IN TRADING 1930 to date. 620 807,170 1931 to date, 354.675,227 J932 to date, 184.400,000 Year afro, 1.271,550 Week ago, 720,168 rhursday 1,000,000 Sam ON STOCK MARKET Sle Compiet tin ehsne Low Net 50 4- 1 1933 Dl Blirta Loo lo CoaiDiet Opea Clam Peop Gas Chi Pale. 400 500 Pere Mara prpf 514 14 Adarrm Express. 16', 4 '4 1.60 Affiliated 62' i 3Ci, 4HbAlr Low 39 3V4 3 3 3 2 380O 1700 1400 16 7 Alaska Juneau. Phelps Dodge.

Phil Read I Phillips 3'-i Allechanr Corp 48 4 54 4 54 4 2 4 13 1 74 50 54 4 54 4'4 5 2H 4 54 5 18 1 3'4 Movement, However, is Less Uniform Than For Previous Session Allied Ch Dye 9700 Allied pf bOO Allis 200 Amerada Corp 8X) 42'A 6 06 Vi 7 4 12 tl 14 Pierce Oil Pierce Oil fr. Vi Pierce Petrol IP. Pitts Coal 1 Poor Ac Co Porto R-A B. 1 Postal tt pf Hih 121 19 4 8'i 6 7 l'i 40 4 1 9 42 9 60 25 5 15 Am Beet Sugar. 100 5b Am Can 25400 Overcome Considerable Resistance During Morning; Oils Steady to Firm Gains Predominate Among More Active Issues at Session's Finish Traders Are Found Willing to Participate in Moderate Mark-Up Tobacco Shares Start Rally, Joined By Rails, Oils, Ciher Issues 29 200 KM C1o chADX 9 1 1 46 '4 40 T4 6 1 54 12H4- 10 4- 8 4- 12 10 4- 54 10X4- 54 22 4- 14 3 '4 5 54 -2J4 8 54 4-3 31 4-1 76-54 9 4- 54 60 3'.

4 1 54 8K 3 4- 1 5 54 4- 5V4 Prairie Pipe 100 100 Low 2 6 34 9H 46 44 105'. 5i 16 1 33 i 100X 4 19. 13 1H 3 7H 7 5 10'4 5 8 2H 9 5 15 19 2 Procter Gam. 1 Prod Ref pf 28 3.20 Pub Serv 10 3 Pullman 2 Pure Oil 4 I Puritv Ba Am Can Pf Am Car Fdrr Am pf Am Coml Alcoh. Am Encaustic Am 5s For Pow.

Am For 7pf Am For 6 Pf. Am For 2d pf Am Ice Am Int Am Locomotive. 93 V4 7 3'i 16 7 11 1 3 5 3 2 9 3 2'4 4 54 -1 4 54 4- 5 -4- 2- 4 1- 54 5 13 1 4- 4- 3 7 23 A 32 1 1 4 4- 3 4- 5- 4 4 6 2 1S54 2 2 8 3 1 IS 25 "i 2 17 3 5 1 '4 87 119 13 16 73 129 8H S9 15 5 9'i 38 Vi 33 n'i 21 8 9 22. 6 194 167i 49 81.4 29 18 Hleh 2 6H 36 '4 9 49 106J4 SX 17 1 35 5 20 14 1 3V4 854 7 5 '4 10X 3 5H 2 9 5H 16 4 16 814 2 3 '4 21 66 4 75 54 54 1 1 54 94 1 'A 1 1 54 1 J4 54 -1 J4 1 2H 4-1 154 400 60 500 100 4100 50O 200 300 500 700 1 00 1200 300 100 5100 500 3 54 7 23 3 30 54 14 3-4 5 35i 6 2 16 2:4 8 1 654 6 28 .2600 48 IOO 4 54 600 4 600 4 54 100 2 3500 3 200 300 A '4 2400 IOO 18 IOO 1 IOO 1 00 3 54 7 Ji 500 2 3 50 3 4000 32 1 00O 1 4 200 3 54 400 6 IC400 3 1700 6 300 2 500 1 6 200 254 10 8 100 is 100 654 300 6 5700 28 200 54 1 00 2 54 400 17 54 IOOO 34 30 C7H 150 75 IOO 5 1 00 1 200 1 600 54 7 7 24 3 33 14 3 6 4 6 254 13 '4 2 8 1 4 6 6 29 54 1 'i .80 Am Fdy. Am Metals lti 2 6 36 9H 94 48 54 105 54 1 1 34 1004 5 20 14 14 3 8 7 5 54 10 54 3 5 9 2 9 5 16 54 4 16 8 2114 21 54 66 4 74 54 54 101 55 12 4 44 42 1 3 1 3 24 Am Metal Am Pow Am 5 pf 10 2 Radio Corr 18 3 Radio Corp" pf 7 l'i Radio-Keith 33 15 2 Peadlnir pf.

5 2 Real Silk 12 6 Rand 2 pf 3 IVi Reo Motor 15 5 Rep Steel pf. 10 6 l'i Reynolds Metais. 40 26 3 Revnolda Tob 4 Richfield OU 6 1 Ecssia Insurance 23 12.80h Roval Ope 2 6 35'. 47 1 06 Vi 16 1 33H 10014 4 74 19 13J-4 1 3 '4 7J4 7 5 10 '5 3V4 5H 8 2H 9 5 15H 4 16'4 23 Vi 21 63 4 73 52 101 54 12 4 44I.J 40 i 1 a 1 3 22H 38J4 12 11 Vi 47 6Vi 1 10 6 3 13 3 5 Am Rad 1300 Am Safety Raz. 100 Am 2100 54 39 6 4-1154 8V4 4-22 1754 34 213Ub Am Snuff 39 4 J3 2 Am Sujrar Rf.

2 2 54 1754 35 54 34 100 800 200 100 88(4 45 7 Am Suear 2 Am Sumat Tob. 67 67 67 --3 30V. 60 eg 4 76 By CLAUDE A. JAGGER '(Associated Press Financial Editor) NEW YORK, July 15 AP). The curb market resume its advance in the afternoon trading today after considerable hesitancy during the morning.

Gains predominated among the more active issues at the finish, although some soft spots remained. Trading slackened, the turnover of 80,000 shares falling 30,000 under yesterday's. Utilities Make Gains Some cf the more thinly traded utility issues made substantial gains. Commonwealth Edison, Hartford Electric and Pennsylvania Power and Ight 7 per cent preferred gained about 4 pojits. Long Island Lighting 7 per cent preferred pumped 6, and Mohawk-Hudson first preferred, 10.

Associated Gas again made a new low. at 5-8. and closed at 7-8. The problem of refunding the notes of its subsidiary, Rochester gas and Elecric. currently falling due, caused com r.

importaiTitT an 27 6 1.20 Fid Phen Ins. 1 00 15 10 1 Firestone 45 too 59 45 6 FireEtoneTAiR Df 300 3 35 a li Tirst Nat Store. 1800 V. Fik Rubber 200 li. Flsk Rub levpf 10 12 3 Foster Wheel 700 .5 1 Fox Film A ro 19 10 2 FTeenort 1300 35 9Vi 1 Gen Am IOOO 15 4 1 Ocn Asphalt 500 19 10 2 Gen 500 2 8 40 Gen Electric.

.14200 11 10 Elec Spec. 200 40 19 3 Gen Fooda Corp 1900 2 Gen 1200 24 3 8 Gen CVt pf 200 30 5 7p Gen 7 pf 30 40 7 8 Gen 8 pf 10 37 28 3 Gen Mills 100f 88 76 6 Oen Mills 100 24V. 7 1 Gen Motors 10200 87 68 5 Gca Mot 0 Df. 100 4 3 Gen Outd Adv. 300 5 1 Gen Pub 300 28 1 Gen Rv 300 14 1 Gen 100 24 10 1 Gillette Saf Raz 5200 68 45 5 Gillette pf.

200 64 35 7 Gild Co pr pf. 10 2 Gobel Adoll 1000 19 81.60Gold Duat 800 18 5 Goodvear 500 61 19 7 Goodvear 1st pf 100 18 75, Goth Silk Hose. 800 4 1 Oraham-PalEe 700 33 22 3 Grand Union pf 100 30 14 1 Grant 300 25 5 Gt Northern pf. 2100 13 5 Gt Nor Ore 100 6 3 Gt Western Sug. 1800 1 GriKsbv Grunow 600 2 ITahn Dept Stor 1 00 19 7 Hahn Deot St pf 200 70 33 7 Hanna pf 10 10 .1 Hollander Son 30O 131 110 9 Homestake Mln.

400 4 1 Houdnille-Htr B. 100 24 8 Houston Oil 5400 6 1 Houston Oil 200 10 5 40 Kowe Sound ICO 30 8 3'i Hudson Man. 100 11 2 Hudson Motors. 2800 5 IV, Hunp Motors 200 18 4 111 Central 3000 36 15 4 III Cent L. 10 39 14 8 Ineersoil 150O 4 Inspiration Cop 100 8 3 Insurnnshare 'CO 3 1 Insuranshcre ctf 200 14 2 Int Rap 100 117 52', ce int Bus

000 29 101.80 Int Harvest 3100 11 2 Int Hvdro El A 1 00 9'i 3 Int Nickel Can. 5800 11 2 Int Pap Df. 100 3 Vi Int Rv of Am 1 50 2314 9 1 lilt Salt 100 65 26 4 Int Silver 20 12 2 Int Tel te 7100 25 10 Johns-MaiiVUie. 2300 84 30 4 Jones Lau Df 30 5 Sf.fewav St 6 Safeway St 6 pf 7 Safeway St 7 pf Jos'pii Lerd. St San Fran.

St San Ft pf. Seabd Air Line. 101 7h 1 5 5 I 'A Vi 70 9 Am Tel 34700 40 6b Am Tobacco. 1400 95V4 6 Am Tobacco pf. 0O 44 6b Am Tobacco B.

26400 11 2 Am Water Wis. 1900 3 Anaconda 27 0O 1 1 7 12 -I 29 54 40 Seaboard Oil Del 1100 1 100 F.9 84 94 10 6 9 "2 37 12 4 32 10 Vi 6 4 6 40 6'i Anchor Cap pf 3 16 8 23 54 20 63 4 71 5214 101 53J4 12 3 44 39 1 54 8 1 94 3 22 3 8 '4 12 It 54 Ar 1 1 9 24 Armour Del pf. 8 '4 3 32 J-2 75 5 1 1 8 13 6 Vi 3 22 3'i 5 54 3 19 854 10 1500 20O 400 80O 100 1 54 25 54 1 6 Vi 8 5 34 714 10 1 37 -2 3-54 12 3 54 254 1 54 1 3 1 2 54 5 54 54 13 6 1 54 154 6 137 86 110 89 34 12 74 4 2 1 14 2 8 94 86 12', 151 3 Sears Roebuck. 31 on Shatiuck G. 800 Shell L'n Oil 1500 Oil pf.

700 Simmons Co IOO Simms Petrol 220O Skcllv Oil 100 -4 2 a 1 54 A 2 4 V2 -I- 1 3 54 Armour II! A. Armour HI B. Armour III Df Arnold Constab. Asfo Appar Ind A. Drv Hoods.

18 2 3 2 Large Turnover is Feature in Rails; Germans Recover Early Sag By VICTOR EUBANK (Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK, July 15 AP) Bonda continued to make headway in moderate trading, although the movement was somewhat less uniform. The TJ. S. Governments were bare'y steady, and some of the foreigns reacted but among the domestic issues, striking gains were made in spots, particularly among second grade and in the oils. Some of the gilt-edged issues were inclined to soften, possibly reflecting some switching in search of better yields.

The price index of 60 corporate issues again gained 1-5 of a point. The turnover approximated $0,893,000 par value, virtually duplicating yesterday's. In the rails, a. feature was a large turnover and an advance of more than 4 points in the Nickel Plate 6s. Substantial gains also appeared in such issues as Rock Island Refunding 4s.

Burlington 4s of 1949, some of the Chicago and Northwesterns, New Haven Convertible 63 and others. In the utilities, the Consolidated Gas issues eased slightly, possibly reflecting some swifting into the new issue of 5s put on the market today at 94. The American Telephone issues were about steady. Metropolitan Edison 5s dropped 3 points. A group of stockholders in Pennsylvania petitioned for an investigation of Metropolitan, and its parent company.

Associated Gas. In the oils, gains or about 1 to 2 points appeared in issues of Phillips Petroleum, Sinclair, Shell. Texas end others. Standard of N. Y.

4 l-2s were up 3-4, Standard of N. J. 5s sagged 1-2. In the foreigns, the German Governments recovered from an early sag to close about steadv. Argentines reacted.

United Kingdom 5 l-2s sagged 3-8 of a point, and French 7 l-2s, 3-4. BOND AVERAGES (Copyright, 1932. Standard Statistics Co.) 100 1 00 12 6 54 54 29 3H 5 254 59 7 54 8 lev 8 1 1 3 1 5' 3 17 35 5 8 1 Skeliy Oil pf w-w 1 00 SOSoconv Vacuum 4600 12 5 5 3 54 19 7 13 8 1 1 Atch F. 1 6800 Ateh Df. 600 Atla Coast Line 300 Atl Reflnlr-e 7900 8 1974 9 40 1214 12 51 1 2 I 9 4- VA 8 S7 19-- 9 1 1144- 102 3 354 5 4 4- 1 II 28 4v Auburn Atito 24700 1 1 54 102 102 102 Autcsa Corr pf A vlot Co Del.

1 1 CO not been announced the mar-1 ket was in session, although it was I understood Asscc.ated might lest co 1 LXJ 15 2 South Ca! Edla. 400 Eoutaern Pacific 55CO bo Port Rlc Sue 1000 86 8 So Susr pf 10 2'i Eouthern Ry 1500 3 South Ry pf 16 00 81.20 Stand 3200 1 Stand Com Too. 100 7 2 Stand Gas El 2900 23 7 Stand 7 pf ICO 81 5 Std Oil Exd p. 100 15 54 2 Standard Oil Cal 7200 7 Std Oil Kansas. 100 19 2b Stand Oil J.

16300 1 3 354 1 I 1 10W 34 87 54 3H A -A 11 54 I mi 34 8 7 54 20 7 13 1U 32 37 9 103 13 20 14 2 34 75 01 Vi 27 12 31 1 3 15 13 32 87 1 1 'i 34 87-4 56 12 4 44 54 42 H4 8 1 3 '4 24 40 12 '4 12 52 1 2 6 8 4H 30 4 6 SH 23 23 4 3 20 48 74 55 35 7 1 10 9 10 26 39 5 16 34 4 12 1 i 9 54 20 54 1 7 7M 25 74 25 54 54 9M 5 7 4 30 4 6 9 54 22 4 3H 19 48 '4 54 33 control of its subsidiary. American Gas and Elsctric gained a point, and Electric Bend was up a fraction. Oils were steady to firm, with both Gulf and Indiana up fract onaUy. Newmont was again a firm spot in the mining Issues, rising 11-2 points to 7 1-2. Industrials were A.

O. Smith gained 2 paints, and Aluminum. was up a fract'on. Dixon Crucible made one of its rare appearances, on" 8 points to 24. and Mapes Consolidated appeared 2 Tower.

55 31 00 1000 I 000 100 700 90O 1000 1100 5600 600 100 200 300 10 1 00 50O 100 800 28 8 Ball Loco pf. 21 3 Bait Ohio 41 6 Bait Ohio pf 5 3 Barnfdall Corp. 41 23 3 Beech-Nut Pack. 4 2 Eelcllng Hrrcinw 13 4 Eeridix Aviation 24 7 Bethlehem Steel 74 13 7 Beth Steel pf. 43 20 2 Borden Co 12 3 Bore Warner 11 2 BrigRS Mfc 50 11 Bklvn-Manh Tr.

78 31 6 Bklvn-Manh P. 89 Vi 46 5 Bklvn L'n 75 35 7 Burvr Erie pf 2 Eudd Mfe 13 6 .80 Burr Add Mach 4 1 Butterick Co 19 7 Bvers A 4-'. 2 Sterling Sterling Sec pf. "one Webster Studebater Sun O'l Sun Oil Superior Oil By JOHN L. COCTLEr Associated Press Financial Writer) NEW YORK, July 15 (AP).

Opera-ions for the advance were resumed a today's stock market and found willing to participate in a moderate mark-up. Some hesitation was evident in the early dealings, but with activity getting progressively duller on the reaction efforts to turn the trend encountered little resistance. Tobacco shares started the rally which was Joined in turn by rails, oils and ether classifications. At the close several leaders were 1 to 3 points higher, but the average gain fell fomewhat short of Wednesday's. Transactions totaled 816,940 shares.

With the market commodity-conscious, it was apparent that renewed strength in cotton and steadiness of wheat after yesterday's sharp decline were factors. Also, Washington advices expressed ass-' that Congress was scon to adjourn, bond quotations had an upward trend despite some easiness in foreigns, and the weekly banking figures reflected improvement, so that on balance the day's news was favcable. American Telephone's long-awaited earnings statement had little effect marketwise, the stock selling off 1 3-8 and rallying to close 1 5-3 to the good. Wall Street has been expecting a dividend reduction for several months, believing that the decline in income would determine the issue in favor of a moderate cut, and the consensus seemed to be that directors at next month's meeting would consider such action. Earnings for the first half failed to cover the present rate by 48 cent a share, but the statement also showed that subsidiaries' results in the eecdnd quarter were somewhat better than in the first.

Tobacco shares were stimulated by recent reports that June cigarette consumption showed a smaller decline from 1931 than has been the case recently. American Tobacco gained two points and Liggett and Myers three points in active trading. The rise in rails, carrying New York Central, Santa Fe and Union Pacific up one to two points, was perhaps traceable to speculative interest in possible developments at the forthcoming meeting of executives who are to discuss further means of economizing, notably turough eliminating duplication of aorne services. Industrials showed fair strength, steel common being up nearly a point, while gains of virtually the same extent were made by American Can, Case and Standard Oil of California. Weekly mercantile reviews were interested in the prospect of improved purchasing power through higher commodity prices, especially the important farming country.

Wholesale and retail business currently is being affected by the mid-summer lull, especially in the industrial centers. STOCK AVERAGES 1932, Standard Statistic Co.) 9 6 54 J- 8 -i 1 4 54 30 1 4 9S 4 23 '4 23 4 20 1 48 1 53 -j-35 4- 1 5i 10 9 1 0 i -4- 25 33 54 4- 3 5 -r- 15 34 6 4 V. -r 1 1 1 ee 28 54 63 54 -10H 15 4- 3 40 4 12 2 2CO Kan City South. 2 3 Dept St. CHICAGO PRODUCE 300 1 00 1200 400 1600 4 Kavser 1 Kelsev-Hayes 2 Kelvlnator 4 Kennecott Cana Drv Al ZO Canadian 5SO0 Cafe I Co 26700 13 9 8 4 10 13 19 110 13 9 1 9 9 93 24 33 5 15 34 10 23 1 5 3 2C 63 4 10 15 3 40 4 12 2 30 2 9 3 2 48 2 1 'A 9 17 74 95 33 12 9 47 5, 3 2 6 1 Kresrre 1800 88 7 Kresee 20 10 1 Kroner i POO 1-32 Kreuger Toll.

EGO 30 300 200 1 00 200 Case 1 pf Caterpillar Trac Central Ayuirre. Cent P.R of Century Mill 54 9 -3 5n JULY IS Ovrn Dlirta Low 1 9 9 9 11 11 11 46 54 46 5-4 46 V4 39 40 39 54 '4 54 5 6 5 1 54 1 54 1 54 12 12H 12 1 0 94 1 1 I0H 7 54 8 7 54 12 12 9 10 54 9 10 10H 10 20 22 2014 3 3 3 5 54 5 54 5 54 854 854 854 31 31 31 76 76 76 8 54 9 8 60', 60 60 2 3 54 2 1 54 H4 1 7 8 7 3 3 3 15 54 15 14 53 54 54 53 54 39 39 39 6 6 5 11 11 10 74 54 8 54 8 22 22 22 164 I7'4 16H 1 54 1 1 25 25 25 1 6 54 1 6 54 16 8 8 7 5 5 5 6 7 6 10 10 10 37 37 37 3 3 121 5412354121 Vii 1 5 4 1 12 1354 12 2 254 2 5 54 5 4 5 54 13 13 13 5 6 5 1 1 3 6 '4 7 54 6 22 22 22 54 19', 20 54 19 1 1 1 3 Vi 3 54 3 54 1 1 1 'A 5 '4 5 5 54 59 614 58 12 54 13 1214 3 3 3 5 5 54 5 3 3 4 1 1 51 1 10 10 10 32 54 32 54 32 Vi 5 5 5. 4 12 13 33 54 33 33 54 4 54 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 54 3 54 6 ii 6 6 8 8 8 95 95 95 12 12 12 1-16 1-16 1-16 29 30 29 5 5 S' 5 6 6 6 23 li 34 33'4 43 43 43 42 54 43 42 15 15 15 11 11 1 0 15 16 16 19 19 19 12 13 12 11 84 84 12 12 11 12 H'i 13 1 3 13 21 22 21 2'i 2 2 5 '4 5 '4 5 6 7 6 4 4 4 7 7 6 3 3 3 11 11 '4 10 11 10 15 15 15 34 34 33 '4 1 1 1 4 4 3'i 4 5 4 2 2 2 12 12 12 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2)4 5 6 5 2 2 54 2 3 54 3 3 ij 6 6 6 13 18 13 5 5 Vi 5 54 26 26 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 1054 24 25 24 7 4 7 7 1 6 1 6 '4 13 17 18 17 89 83 83 8 8 8 5. 5 '4 5 54 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 54 4 54 4 'A 1 I 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 7 54 9 7 15 18 15 44 4 54 74- 74 74 E9 100 S9 1 13 14 13 64 65 64 2 2 2 1 6 17 16 8 8 7 7 7 54 10 11 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 2S 23 28 63 63 3 92 92 5 4 92 1 1 1 7 8 7 1 1 1 Vx li 19 20 19 17 54 1 7 17 7 7 20 25 3 5 6b Lambert Co Leh Port Lehlch 6 54 Ches Ohio ..12300 Chesaoeafce Crp. 1900 Chi East 111..

1300 2 40 Lehman Corp 3 3 1 1 I 11 34 87 'J 19 7 25 54 1 5 3 28 63 54 10 1454 3 54 40 374 12 2S4 23(4 2 9 3 54 2 48 2 74 1 9 17 54 9 -OH 12 9 47'i 9 4 24 17 13 54 30 54 13 1 3 2 '4 5 10 32 23 58 33 7, 17 2 7 54 67 10 I 9 5X 7 4 30 4 6 9 23 22 4 3H 19 48 54 35 7 9:4 9 9 25 38 5 14 16 34 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 "2 3 ft 3 2 4 'i 6'i 1 '4 6 12 78 43 '4 12 74 3 '4 6 46 19 '4 6 4 12 13 '4 U'4 5 '4 2 35 3 37 86 '4 54! too 30O ZOO EOO 100 3E00 500 700 ieoo coo 5b Lis? Myers. 5b Litre livers B. 6 1-20 7 1 16 30 7 4 7 1 25 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 5 I'l 2 4 2 1 6 1 11 3.60 2a Br's. 53. 5 53.4 52.3 53 7 99.7 107.4 102 "18.0 47.4 105.7 62 3 1 00 500 1 00 200 Chi Grent West Chi Gt West pf St ft St PA-P pf.

...55.2 ...54.8 ...53.9 35 1 ..93.0 ..92.3 ..71.3 ...53.2 ..90 ...62 3 20 lits. "J4.7 5 73.6 I4.8 101.1 100.3 97.3 85.7 70.9 101.5 so. a 101.4 So 80 Total 61.1 0.9 59.9 95.1 100.3 97.4 78.1 57.5 98 7 68 101.9 82 6 30 32 34 14 9 13 16 2 43 2- 54 1 9 2 17 94 33 2 12 9 47 1 9 74 V4 4 74 54 Today Prey, day Week ago Month ago Tear ajo 2 yean ago 3 years ago Hiftli (1932) Low (19B3I High (1931) Low (1931) High (1930) Low (1930) 56 18 46 59 61 21 22 34 6 16 93 1 23 32 l'i Lilv Tulip Cup. 1 Liqui-1 Carbon 4b Loew'5 lnc 2 Loore-TV Bltcuit Chi 2000 Chi pf 200 9 1.20 Lorlllard 7 Ixirillard Louisiana Oil ...94.9 109 3 ..83.3 97.3 73 8 22200 1 CO 100 300 200 100 Chi P-cu rf. Chi 1 tz 1 6 Cf P.

I 61 7 pf Chi Yel Cab Childs Co Chrysler Corp. Citv Ice Fuel. 200 100 100 600 10 300 7fXJ 8 CO 100 I i 6 3 2H 4 5 1 54 6 1 3 43 12 7 1 Louis Cas EL Louis Nash 94 5 354 28 63 54 10 14 34 40 3 74 12 2Vi 23 2 S54 3 1 74 47 54 2 74 1 9 16 9 30 12 9 47 9 4 24 54 17 1 3 54 30 13 16 54 8 3 2 54 5 10 32 2ZH 57 li 33 17 2 754 2)4 6G 10 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 2 'A 100 700 2200 COO ZOO 20 200 3400 1900 3000 JO 1200 1 00 120O 100 400 200 1300 60O 500 1 00 1 CO 10 4200 1000 4700 100 9100 100 1 CO 3C0 6300 1200 1 100 2500 400 100 700 300 100 500 100 200 200 5300 4300 300 100 100 500 1 100 loO 35 40 200 200 300 SCO 40 ECO 1400 100 100 40 10 2800 200 Trade Trends 1 2e 10 17 254 13 13 54 31 '4 13 74-17 8 1 2 3 6 3 2 6'j 1 '4 -6' 4 1 3 75 4T4 12 7-'. 3 6 45 20 4- 6 4 14 Citv Stores Coca-Tola Coca-Cola Mack Truck Macv P. At Co Mruiiron So O.

Ma--rmi Conper. Manhat Mod G. Machat Mann- Midland. Marshall Field. Math Alkali '4 4 74 Pb 10900 41 3 Co-a-Cola 3700 11 1 500 1 65 6 Coltrate Palm cf 1 on 2 Collins Aik.

200 3 -2'4 .80 1 4 1 1 3 6 3 2 4 4 6 1 12 7 3 43 7'-3 6 45 1 9 6 4 12 13 4 1 3 5 2 33 3 35 85 5 5 54 3 3 4 3 3 9 9 13 23 1 13 8 1 Texis Corp 26 12 2 Tex G-Jif Sulnh 6Vi 2 Tex Pac Ld Tr. 80 40 7 Fair 10 2 Thompson Prod. 14 12 Thompson St pf 3'i 2 Tide Water A 30 20 6 Tide A Pf 5 a Timken 23 7-i l'i Timken Roll B. 6 2'i Transamer 4 1 Trt Continental. 56 42 6 Trt Contln 6 2 Trtiscon Steel 4 1 Twin Citv T.

24 7 Twin Citv RTpf 35 151.20CnlOn Carb 13 8 1 Union Oil 94 27 6 Union Pacific ..1 11 1.40 Union Tank Car 16 6 Unit Air fc 1 50 30 3 t'llit A 14 6 Unit Carbon 1 Unit Clear St 10 3 Corp 38 20 3 United Corp pf 30 10 2 United Fruit 21 9'i 1.20 Unit Gas 51 2S 8 For Sec pf 25 10 1.60 Gypsum Co. Sl 13 lnd Alcohol 15 7V4 3 Pipe Fdv. 8 2 US Realty fe I. 1 US Rubber 11 3 Rubber pf. 19 10 1 TJ Sm Refln 39 31 2 17 pf.

52 21 US Stce! 1 11-3 51V, 7 US Steel-pf 3 Unit Stores A 8 27 3'i Unit Stores 20 12 2 Unly Leaf 1C l'i Util 18 5 Vanadium Corp. 7 2 Vir I CI co*k 8S 60 6 Va Pw pf. 29 7 V'ulcan Detin. (5 1 Wabash pf A 4 Warner Er Pict. 1 Vi Warner Qulitlan 7 1 Warren Bros 17 2 War Bros Co pi 4 1 West B.

7 l'i V.rHt Maryland. 4 Vi West Pacific West. Pac pf 70 25 7 Wis Penn El A. 70 20 6 Penn El 6 ni 50 12 West Union Tel. 17 1 Westineh Br 35 15 Westineh 28 11 2 White 3 2 Wilcox Oil At G.

3 Willvs-Overld 4 1 Wilson 4: Co A. 45 2 2.40 Wool worth I 23 5 Worth M-. 41 14 Worth pf A 30 Vi 12 Worth pfB 57 25 3 Wrlgley Jr 1 1 80 Mav Dent Store. 13 20 433, 75 15 16 73 6 31 20 1 4 13 3 5 12 31 11 15 24', 27 li 15 28 120 50 31 95 10 16 73 41 8 11 26 20 10 4 68 11 68 95 10 7 11 7 1 41 1 7 47 1 29 15 24 49 1 17 1 8 33 2 3 10 1 4 4 11 40 3 4 3 12 3 Col Gas Elee 4C0O Col A 100 Colum 2900 Colum Plrts ctls 300 Coml 100 Coml Credit A. 300 Com Cred 7 Df 120 Com Cred rf 250 Mi 18 60 8 20 7 12 13 20 20 16 62 5 23 in 23 11 3 7 21 11 26 10 co- 11 2 6 9 CO 1 on 100 100 600 1 on 100 7 CO 1400 2000 FCO 11CO 600 200 100 100 300 300 600 300 700 200 100 3500 1 00 100 200 2 11 2 -1 3 1 2 Coml 2200 Ccmm South 3600 Comm Sou pf 500 Con Film Int Df 100 Consolldatd Ga16700 Consolld Gas pf 30O 5 54- 10H 54 32 2 3 74 'A 60 2 54 33 4-1 17 4- 2'4- 8 2i 6S -4 1 1 Vi Ui 1 54 1 3 54 1 3 54 44 1 9 2 23 13 13 31 13 17 54 8 3 2 5 54 10 32 24 60 337 17 2 8 2li 67 11 1 '4 74 1 3 1 354 1 2 30 54 35 17 13 13 12 3H I 3H Mclntvre Mines.

McKeeso Tin P. ircKers fc F.ob.. pf. Con Fet Midland Steel Minn Minn Mol pf. M.

Mo Ken ec Tex. Mo pf Missouri PaclSc Missouri Prtc pf. Moharlt Cprpet. Chem. Montcom Ward Morrcil Co.

Mctor Wheel Murrav Corn rt By JOHN I BOl'GHAN (Associated Press Market Editor) CHICAGO, July 15 (A?) Sudden bulges in corn values rallied the grain markets today after wheat had collapsed to within 3-8 of the all-time bottom price record. Reports that the Kansas corn crop was being hurt by dry hot weather were largely responsible for th? action of corn. Wheat was influenced by domestic primary receipts much larger than a week ago. with foreigners persistently minimizing purchases from North America, and by advices from both id-s of the Canadian border that dancer of black rust damage was daily becoming more remote. Corn closed unsettled 1-2 to 7-8 above yesterday's finish, wheat unchanged to 1-2 higher, osts 1-8 off to 1-8 up, and provisions unchanged to 5 cents down.

Adding impetus to th? upward trend of the corn market was an improved shipping demand, with vessel-room chartered for 400.000 bushes to go to Buffalo. Fresh strength displayed by hog values acted also as a stimulus to speculation purchases of corn. Besides, receipts of corn at primary points today totaled but bushels, against 414.000 a year ago. Except in Kansas, advices at hand indicated field conditions were ideal, but reports current were that in central and northern Kansas the crop had been badiy injured. Wheat weakness developed in the face of comparative strength shown by quotations at Liverpool, a circ*mstance ascribed to scantiness of shipments from Argentina, only bushels this week, the smallest in many months.

Edging sales here found demand so thin as to be temporarily inadequats to support prices Meanwhile, traders were sharply watching unusual firmness shown by quotations at Winnipeg, where official buying was asserted in some quarters here to mark Canada's entry into the price stabilization field, and constitute a fresh menace in the international wheat situation. Some buying of corn simultaneous selling of wheat was apparent. Oats weakened with wheat, and both mad3 a new low price- record for the season. Oats and rya harvesting was said to be achieving rapid progress. Provisions sagged owing to correct anticipation that Chicago stocks of lard would exhibit a large decrease for the last fortnight.

20 6 4 HVi 14 13'5 5 2V4 J5 3 37 8614 6 5 3 4 21 5 1 3 5 4- 35 4- 3 4-37 4-1 85 6 4- 5 4- 3 4 J- 4- Inl. Rr's. 50 11 1 10 2 3'i .60 1 .30 27 6 2 81 4 72 5 5 1 4 3 2 17 2 3 24 3 99 7 7 1.20 172.70 15 39. 38 .3 3S. Today Prv.

day Weeic go Month ago 30 15.7 1.S 13.5 1 3 73.3 13.J 5 0 3 3 '4 21 4 29 Cons Laundries. 600 Consol Oil 5000 Cons F.R Cu 100 Cont Baltins A. 3 CO Cont Baklnz B. 300 Cont Can 1500 Cont Motors 0O Cont Oil of Del 7700 Corn 3100 Corn Pr Ref pf 100 1 40.S 21 3 20" 20 2 2 2 (By The Associated Press) CONSTRUCTION Swelled by a $10,000,000 order for work on the Hoover Dam. heavy engineering contracts last week reached a valuation of $35,700,000, the second highest week for the year, according to "Engineering News-Record." This compares with a weekly average of so far in July and a weekly average of $23,000,000 for June.

GASOLINE Some cf the larger eastern refiners report that demand for gasoline continues active for prompt delivery, reflecting a well-maintained level of consumption. Reports from the middle west indicate equally favorable conditions with some additional support for the market in the firm crude oil structure. RUBBER Domestic manufacturers in June consumed 39,116 long tons of rubber against 29.197 in May, representing the highest consumption for a single month since May, 1930, reports the rubber manufacturers' association. This was due to increased manufacturing operations in anticipation of the new excise taxes on rubber products. June crude rubber imports totaled 41.394 tons, an increase of 28 per cent over May, but 10 per cent below June a year ago.

The association estimates total domestic stocks cf crude rubber on hand June 30 at 345,702 long tons, an increase of 53 per cent above the stocks of a year ago. Yer ago Total 90 39 1 38.0 55. 0 40.6 109.8 22S.9 11S. 5 71.3 35.0 144.3 61.3 3f5.8 14.7 TJtS. 20 68.8 S7.7 62 6 62.4 158.

290.3 113.4 111.0 51. 8 233.9 92.8 281.3 146.5 4 3 rears ago 5 4- 30 4- 1 54 119.1 8 28 03 1 50 54 3 0 54 '4 09 1 1 1 1 1 54 1 45 1 .327.1 .123.4 9 35.1 .140.3 0.0 .303.4 .113 9 14 1 1 1 1 20 3 years ago High (1932) tor (1933) High (1991) low (1931) High (1930) Uw (1OT0I Crown Cork 8 100 Crown Cork 100 Crucible Stl pi 150 13.3 lPfl.3 30 8 141 S6.4 1 3 1 2 1 2 30 35 154 10 13 11 '4 3 I 3 25 1 2 54 15 5-4 16 30 1 1 20 16 1 4 1 seoo 33 15 9 17 114 3 3 8 1 Nc5h Motors 1O0 20 2.80 Nat Biscuit 6500 6 Nat Cash Res. 300 142 60 Nat Dalrv Prod. 43CO 13 2 Nat Distillers SOOt 87 7 Nat pr A 10 6 1 Pow Lieht 1100 4'- Nat Surety 100 3 .60 Nat Tea Co 1 CO 2 Kev Con 700 1 Newton Steel 200 4 NY Air 100 8 NY Central 2C2CO 154 1 974 1854 1 12 3 54 3 400 4 00 700 100 PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Cuba Co 100 4 6 200 Cuban-Am Suk. 100 3'i Cub-Am Sui? pf 30 20 2 Cudahv 200 Cxrtlss-Wright 1400 8200 25 26 74 4- 54 g.lej.

low. Close Allied Chem 48 48' 48'i 19 46 14 31 24 'i 125 15 3 10 6 4 8 36 15 31 78 8 98 109 17 125 4 40 12 54 12'4- Curtiss-W A. 200 200 26 12 17 17 30 1 3 3S Am Can 34'i 34 eoo 200 200 1 CO Cutler Hammer. FYC Et pf. 1654 17 2 16 17 4- 54 30 30 Am A Tot Power 3'i 3' 3's 1 6 1 1 20 17 1 4 1 I 1 1 1 4 2 6 54 40 II 7 14 22 10 2-3 23 86 20 16 1 1 10 25 1 4 2 39 10 '4 7 1 4 '4 22 9 27 24 BS.

91 1614 4-1 4- 4 1 4-1 1 4-25 1 4 2 -6 40 1 11 4-7 14 22 10 4-27 86 5300 31 00 12 Si 3 Ont leCO 10H 25 1 1 4V 2 6 '4 30 10 '4 7 1 4 22fs 9 28 25 86 T4 91 100 300 800 100 100 100 17'2 8'i 1T 75 4'J 12. 5'i 52 Fnit of tra.line is tlian 100 hare. tEi-riivtcends JEx-rlctats. a Plua extras, luci'tiir? 'xtras Transactions in Pius 5 5 in stook. 1 Plus In ptock.

PIM 4 in pttv-lt Declared far tnis year, Paj3bfe ia stock l'ins 3 stock, Pid tat jear. no r-jriiiar divirlend rale, Pius iiT. in stock, Payao' in ecrin. Dpts lor delivery. Plua 8 in toca.

payable quaiteriT. Optional. o3eh or etok. Davison Deere pf Del Hudson. Del Li-West Devoe Rav A.

Diamond Matcn Diam Match pf. Dome Mines 3'i 72 3' 11 'i 5'. 48 13S Am T. RO Am Smelt Ret too Am Buperpwr 3JO Am Tel 8c Tel 115 Anaconda Copper 188 Atlantic Refining 10 Atlas Utli Corp 10 Auourn Auto 0 Bait Ohio 5 15 89' i S8 13 15 24 11 57 59 105 70 6 Steam 6nf 10 PO 7 Steam 7 dJ 2 CO 10 hNorsnda Ltd ZOCO S7 8 Norfolk JOO 1 Nor Am 700 13 10 North Amencarj 600 5V North 2300 6 .40 Zt 9 8 7 12 1 0 1'', 7 1.20 23 4 22 li 3 80 6 87 5 TOTAL STOCK SALES CN THE EXCHANGE 5 75 Bell Telephone 103 103 1 1 CO 6100 19700 100 40 TOTM. SAI.LS r-T MUXTDS 33 Drue lnc Du Pont de K.

Du Pont Duqu Lt 1st pf 9- 8 Ohio Oil E7C3 22 9 1 Otis Elevator 1503 27 12 2 Owens 111 Glass 1 CO i.7-.2i; r. 19-t Bll.f.iO "4 ,704.8011 Pac Gas 6i Eiec Pacific LiEhtine Pac Tel Tel. Pac pf Packard Motor Jnee April KennmrT iaiiuary I-cmtir prtnber A JiiVr June Mnr April Marrii 6300 300 700 1600 200 200 100 100 100 200 600 rs.r.4:i.f7 R.VS 7 r. so rr.4.o;2 Sil.K4..I4S 47.74S.'i.- 1M.041.O'! 72.1 51 74.X9S.2S0 73.

Oio.oxo lit. 041. OOO jk.s.-.s.'-,:o 4S.72J.I10 1 on 72.Srt.2!o 141.eH.4HI S1.30.-..5.V1 S2.5H4.r0 7 7i 91. 114 87 35 5 touran Kociai. 32 8'i 1.20 Elec 4 -4 Elec Mus lnd 15 2 Elec Pw 64 10 7 Elec 55 8 6 F.1 6 Of 107'4 93 7 Endlcott 61 25 6 Enc 6 Pf- 10 2 Erie 13 2 Erie 1st pf.

91 2 Erie 2d pf- 100 Budd 3 Cambria Iron 35 Canadian Pacific 3 Case I Co el Ches Ohio 30 Chrysler Corp 4W Cities Service 7S Col Gas Electric 3V Conn South 40 Consol Gas 35 Consol OH Corp 2S xiPont de Nemours, ft Eastman Kodak 301 Bond Ac Shr 40 General Asphalt General Electric 34 General Motors 35 Gold Dust 4 16 20 58 85 1 7 1 IS 34 9 25. 6H 3 8'i 2'. 31 5'a 26 'i 38 7'i 8 11 H'Sil 37 37 33 1 1 9 10 54 9 1 0 4- 1 54 1 54 1 1 '4 3 3 3 14 54 14 Vi 1 4 '4 --1 1 2 54 12 54 1 2 '4 1 2 5 4 4- 99 99 93 SO 25 54 25 23 25 54 4-1' 3 3 54 3 4- 4 4 4 44-' 2 3 2 3 4- 5 3 54 3 54 3 54 3 54- Kin ins M. 37 41 104 109 5 8 11 2 32 34 Vi 23 1500 100 10 10 2700 1CCO 100 2O0 -00 2000 4000 r-T Low. Close.

i Ab .48 .47 .47 'i .5 11- 34 9' 25 3 6-V ai 36 '4 5'ii 35 '4 38 7 7'i 9T, 8 II 75 12 5', 12' 1 Pan-Am Pet B. Faram't Publn. Parmelce Trans. 1 Fenick Fcrd. 2.40 Penney r.4 S4 STEEL A few steel manufacturers in the Youngstown district report gains in some departments in spite of the generally stagnant state cf business.

Increased operations are largely based cn crders for special products apart from the general run of finished and semi-finished lines. LIFE INSURANCE Industry's further slump in the first half of 1932 cut heavily into the business of group life insurance, as duclosed by figures issued by the association of life insurance presidents. Production of this form of insurance was cut off 28 per cent as compared with the first half of 1931, whereas losses in new ordinary and industrial insurance were 16.3 and 2.1 per cent 13 .43 V. .48 .51 i .53 .33 .1178. too loo Fed Wat Serv A 200 6 Penn 10 34j 3- 17 'i 84 1U 75 44 12S 5'.

52 5 103 i 34 a 25. 1H 2 6 2V. 37 5 '4 26 4 38 7SI 8 97i 9 11 75 12 7'. 12 25 li 16' 121-. 16 ls 8'4 36 7 23 32 4 23 -i I2S.

IV. 9 9" 35 13. 23 2'i 27 .32 .32 FINANCIAL WORLD in cah and 5.435-10.CCO of a share of its own capital stock for each share of Pan American Foreign. The offer is good until August lo. WHEAT July July New September Old September New December CORK Ju'y September December OATS September July December RYE July September D-cember USD Jiliy BHUjIjIEo July .13 .21 Va 10 Horn Hard '5 Houston OH 13 ri 10 Int Tel 8c Tel 5'i JOO Lehigh it 7'i 40 Jjorillard 1 30 Nat Biscuit 25' a 320 Nat Dalrv Prod 18' 100 Mat Pow Light 8S v-ertising business for the past 17 years.

Philip Ritter, of New Yori, slates tha; it is the cosmetic container that first appeals- to the feminine eye. rzys that in the stores c. one New York company there are about 3000 various brands of PREVAILING PRICES IN PHILA. MARKET .19 5.07 4 97 4.92 5-95 .53 'i .311, .30 .341. R1EFLY SCANNED 12i CHARGE INFRINGEMENT OF COMPACT DESIGN package design ss the 10 Central 10 113 North American 700 Pennroad Corp 500 Penna 100 Phila rlec metics and it is largely by the shape, color and design cf their containers that the buying public can tell its ls 7, 25 T4 23 31 5i 23'.

favorite brands. The court is asked to enjoin the defendants for continuing to plats cn the market its cocmetic contain- What Is Going On In The of Stocks, Bonds and Other Investment Securities luro for women especially in the cosmetic field, it revealed yesterday in affidavits filed in the U. y. Dtrict Ccurt yesterday in connection -with tha suit or Charleau, againsi American Products Company and Zar.ol Products Company, CASH QVOTATIONS WHEAT No. 2 rci.

47'ja4Sc; No. 2 hard. 2 yeiiow, hard, No. 2 16 1H 8'4 23 'i 32s. 4 28i 12H ns i 9 9S 5 25 13S 23'-, iNorihe.n frJig, 4SUc; No.

1 mixei, 47cc; 3 Procter Gamble. 80 Pufcilc Service J. 105 Radio Corp 10 Reynolds Tob 25 Sears-Roebucic l1) Union Carb C. SCO D- 30 Union Traction 85 Unit Air 8: Trans. 130 United Corp 100 united Corp pi UO-7 United Gas Imp 00 Steel 3 tUli Pow Lt NEW YORK, July 13 Eankers re- Cleveland.

O. tiz and to pay such damages as the court may thing the plaintiff has los: through the alleged unfair com-; petition. $3.35 to nearby $3.15 to J3.35; hard winter 9, per cent $3.40 to short pa'ent $3.75 to $4. CO; spring clear $3.75 to standard patent $4-00 to short patent $4.25 to family brands $5 to $5 .75. HAY Sound feeding best $14 CO to $15.

CO common 9.f)Q to $12. oo. WH EAT 2 red winter, spot 53'c bd; July delivery, domestic 51c No. 2 garlicky, spot 53c bid; July delivery, domestic 49c bid. CORN No.

2 yellow western to 47c; No. 2 yellow nearby 411- to OATS No. 2. white 29 3 to 32 Vie. LIVE POULTRY Fowls, Plymouth Rocks, fancy 17c; co'crs 15 to 16c; whits Leghorns li to 15c: ordinary 10 to 13s; broilers f.ncy Plymouth Rock-5, fu'1-feathered 17a 13c; broilers fancy reds laras sixed fuli-feathered 16 to 17c; White Leghorns 13 to lie.

DRESSED POULTRY Fcwls fresh in. boxes 15 to 16c: broiling chickens freshened nearby 20 to 22c; western 23 to 21c; Pacific coast western chickens 23 to 25c; old roosters western XI to 13; ducks Long iiland 14c. BUTTER Too 204. to 92 score 13 P9-81 score 17 1 3 to 19c; 86-63 score 16 to 17c. KOOS Close.

2873. Ruled firm, advancing 'a cent most graces. Rece.pis moderate and quite closely cleared most qua-ters under fair demand. Nearby receipts lisht and quality irregular. Some dealers draw ins on storage reserve for fancy qualit stock.

Fresh Pacific coast best ma rks 21 to nearby closely selected white extras 21 to 23c; nearby whie extras 10 to 20c: nearo brown extras 18 to 2c; nearby extras missd colors 33 to rearby graded firsts mixed colors 16 Ms xo 1 1 narby curent receipts mixed 15 to 16-; midwest average extras colors IS to 19-c; midwest graded 4's And so it is that Charleau. manufacturers and llcrs of osmetics in gojdcn co'ored boxes with Jace-x-crk design, charge- that the dc-f-nriant- in the suit are injuring iti r.o. 2 4la4i c. CORN No. 2 yeliox.

No. 3 yellow. 22-iC; No. 2 white. OATS No.

2 white, No. 3 white, lS'ia25c. RYE No. 3, 35 c. BARLEY 2 3 3 8 c.

TIMOTHY SEED S2.35a2.50. LAR.D 5.I3. CLOVES SEED .50. KIES $.:5. BiiLILS S.20.

13' 2" ported a good distribution of the Consolidated Gas Debsnturc jos offered today by th-5 National City Company. Coming on top of three i other utility issues aggregating mors i than $40,000,000, the markets ability 6 Woolwort NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK. July 13 (AP.i-FI.OUR Barely steady: sprirj patents $3.90 to 54.15 oft winter stra-gfita S3.O0 to 53.25: haio wir.iti straights 3.30 to S3. 65. RYE FLOl'R Barely steady; fancy patents $3 23 to $3.50.

Firm; fine white granulated 91.35 to 11.40; yellow $1.30 to $1.35. RYE Firm- No. 2 western 41sc Job New York tnd 45Hc cif New York domestic to arrive BARLITY Steady; No. 2 4lTc cif New York BUCKWHEAT EteadT; taport S1.15. wheat pot No.

1 dart Nor spring. New Yark 72'2c; No. 1 Manitoba Ico New York CORN po; No. 2 ytliow cif New Vo-lt No. 3 yellow OATS Spot steaoy; No.

2 white 30 4 to 30-sc. FEED city bran KO pound sacks 517 35; Western bran 516 35. HAY Steady; No. 1 00 to JiS.OC; No. 2, $15.

CO to $'-S No. I 513. 00 to Si-rp 58.00 to 110 0. PORK Firmer; mes 52 .25: LAJiO Tasy: rr.icd:a weit 55.45 to" 55.55. TALLOW Firmer; apec loose 2 -sc: ctra RICE Steady; fancy El-j Rose 2c.

1 Last Quotations of Grain, Provisions, Poultry and Vegetables DELPHI A. July 13 iAPi Mcst lines Kcarb7 prepuce vere today prices general, unc the Federal-State Market Kews Service reported. WHITE POTATOES basket No. 1 35 to 40c No 3 13 to 25c TOMATOES firm. basket 90c to fe-r ists oi quality 11.75 to poor stock end culls 25 to Toe.

SQUASH rerv anc flaw baiket 10 to 2Cc. SPINACH biisfael 10 to 4Cc. PEPPERS weaker. basket 90c to poor low 8J 50c. CUCUMBERS basket 40 to 70c; 75c to $1.00.

I CP. EES CORN showed wide variation in quality basket 25c to bulk 0 to SSc. Gokiea Bantam cprn bushel $1.00 to 51-25. 1 CABBAGE firm, tfasket New JerEer 20 to 40c. Pennsylvania 2b 35c; bushel 40 SCc.

I Re4 PEACHES '5i basket 50 to 75c; Gree'borcr 2a to 50c. FLOUR Soft wintjr straight western business because, it is alleged, the defendants are putting cut ccsmetics in similarly contair.crc. Ttal sales. 93413 shares, compared wHb 14.89 shares yesterday. Thas far this week St.835 shares.

Saies. BONDS Cose. SOOO Electric Peoples 4s. 32 1000 Phila Ec 5S.S 1972 lV.i. Total.

S30O8. compared with 511.908 jester-ay. Thas this week, 345.200. AffidaTts are attached to tne oui cf complaint, crre from a woman who bought one of the Zar.ol when she thought she va buy'r. Charleau's for his -B-ifehrdluushrdlu OHIO TOWN APES ROME: LETS OLD-TIMERS RULE CAEIZ.

(AP) This little eartern Ohio town takes a leaf from the fceck cf P.ome and lets its old-timers rule. The mayor, the clerk and the day policeman average 78 years in age. Mayor Cuy Price is 74; William H. Lusas. regro city cXrk, is 81.

and the "viliase ccp," Uncle Billy Is 73. U. S. Hold Stocks Up NEW YORK, July 15 (AP) Monetary gold stocks of the United States were swelled $16,992,000 today through a decrease of that amount in metal held under earmark for foreign account, the New York Federal Reserve to absoro this offering, tn? iarg-st corporation financing sines April, was regarded as an indication of improvement in investment conditions. The Standard Oil Co.

of New Jersey today announced an offer to acquire all the outstanding Class and slocks of ths Pan American Foreign Corp. on the baris cf $14.64 mixed to lT-c: nv.i"est current receipt mixed colors 15 to Xc. Charleau's ens from a husband who MARKET STATISAICS XEW YORK. Juij is i APi What tee atoea market tii. FrxJar ThurslaT Kint4r aevsccta 276 222 KaBbir of fl i thought he was buying Charleau's for his wife and found cut it was Zanol's The viewpoint of a man in the d- reported.

In addition, a $516,000 shipment cf gold was received at San Francisco from China. unchansed 13 5 Total shares Uadti.

The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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