NALAN CHEEL (Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes)
The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Hasbro Pulse Shared Exclusive Action Figure Set
Item No.: No. F6984
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: 7 band members with 2 Kloo Horns, 1 Fanfar, 1 Fizzz, 1 Ommni Box with pedals and stand, 2 drum sticks, 1 drum, 1 Bandfill,
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $89.99
Availability: March 2023
Appearances: Star Wars
Bio: This 7-piece ensemble of Bith musicians was a common sight at the Mos Eisley Cantina, playing swinging instrumentals for the watering hole’s staggering patrons. (Taken from marketing copy. There is no bio.)
Image: Adam's photo lab.
Availability: Click here to buy it at Amazon now!
Commentary: We haven't looked at one of these guys in almost a year, and a lot has happened! Back then, this was a shared exclusive that didn't sell through so it got opened to other partners, and it took a while but it finally sold through. And now it's expensive on the secondary market - and will no doubt continue to get pricey unless Hasbro reruns it (and maybe they should.) Heck, this set would've been a great stretch goal for the current HasLab Cantina, because Hasbro could tool one figure and sell you (and charge you) for seven. And you'd smile. As I write this - Amazon is sold out, and the cheapest set on eBay is a hair under $200. Sold listings are closer to SRP, though, so if you want one of these sets and can get it for $90 before shipping? You should do it now, before people get their Cantinas in-hand and decide to start filling it out. If history is any indication that won't happen before they get their playsets mailed to them, so you've got a while. But don't wait too long.
Where was I? Right, Nalan Cheel, complete with bandfill. The figure itself is the same as Figrin D'an and all of the others, which certainly saves on tooling costs and gives Hasbro a good incentive to make one really, really good figure. A figure like this needs incredible articulation in order to stand, sit, suck, blow, beat, tinkle, and do whatever else is necessary to these instruments. A figure like this has incredible articulation and would serve as a great basis for numerous customs - but you want him because he can play the bandfill like was was ringing a bell, or whatever. I have no idea how it's supposed to work - but he can easily hold it and look like he was designed to do so. Previous versions also could hold it just fine, but this one can emote thanks to all of the articulation. He can really look like he's swinging - and he can really get his, erm, lips around his instrument. Hasbro made sure the hands look great with lots of sculpted detail too, which is good because you're going to be seeing them a lot.
I hope Hasbro is considering Kenner 1970s-style band members for the 50th anniversary of the movie - it struck me as odd we never got them in the old days, and I was so excited in the 1990 when the Fan Club got one exclusive figure with five instruments. I ordered extras. I like this figure a lot because he can pose, he can stand around and look good, and they did an excellent job bringing him to life with modern standards. I keep forgetting Hasbro made these because I already had a band - but I shouldn't, because they're such a massive improvement.
It's worth noting that the carded Figrin D'an may be cheaper than the box set, so if you come across a bunch of those cheap you could buy the 1990s figures, steal their instruments, and fudge it. But I'd recommend this set - there were no drums in the old days, so this is a more complete experience. Get this set if you can, and I would anticipate there to be a lull in interest between the time the Cantina funds (if it funds) and the release of the playset. As your attorney, I recommend that you set up eBay alerts and keep an eye on prices.
Collector's Notes: I got mine from Hasbro Pulse. Within a week, it went up for sale at other fan outlets.
--Adam Pawlus
Day 3,148: June 25, 2024