Optical parametric oscillator-based photoacoustic detection of hydrogen cyanide for biomedical applications (2024)

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Mesoscopic fluorescence molecular tomography of reporter genes in bioprinted thick tissue

Ozturk, Mehmet S. / Lee, Vivian K. / Zhao, Lingling / Dai, Guohao / Intes, Xavier et al. | 2013

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Miniature optical coherence tomography-ultrasound probe for automatically coregistered three-dimensional intracoronary imaging with real-time display

Li, Jiawen / Ma, Teng / Jing, Joseph / Zhang, Jun / Patel, Pranav M. / Kirk Shung, K. / Zhou, Qifa / Chen, Zhongping et al. | 2013

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Modifications of iterative schemes used for curvature correction in noninvasive biomedical imaging

Ehler, Martin et al. | 2013

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Single-camera polarization-sensitive full-field optical coherence tomography with polarization switch

Park, Kwan Seob / Choi, Woo June / Eom, Tae Joong / Lee, Byeong Ha et al. | 2013

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Method for optodynamic source localization during Er:YAG laser ablation

Bosiger, Georgije / Perhavec, Tadej / Marinček, Marko / Diaci, Janez et al. | 2013

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Review of spectral imaging technology in biomedical engineering: achievements and challenges

Li, Qingli / He, Xiaofu / Wang, Yiting / Liu, Hongying / Xu, Dongrong / Guo, Fangmin et al. | 2013

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Special Section Guest Editorial: Special Section on Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Honoring Prof. Roger Tsien, a Pioneer in Biomedical Optics

Ntziachristos, Vasilis / Achilefu, Samuel / Wang, Yingxiao Peter / Lin, Michael et al. | 2013

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Concurrent video-rate color and near-infrared fluorescence laparoscopy

Glatz, Jürgen / Varga, Júlia / Garcia-Allende, Pilar Beatriz / Koch, Maximilian / Greten, Florian R. / Ntziachristos, Vasilis et al. | 2013

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Near-infrared fluorescence goggle system with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor imaging sensor and see-through display

Liu, Yang / Njuguna, Raphael / Matthews, Thomas / Akers, Walter J. / Sudlow, Gail P. / Mondal, Suman / Tang, Rui / Gruev, Viktor / Achilefu, Samuel et al. | 2013

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Activatable fluorescent cys-diabody conjugated with indocyanine green derivative: consideration of fluorescent catabolite kinetics on molecular imaging

Sano, Kohei / Nakajima, Takahito / Ali, Towhid / Bartlett, Derek W. / Wu, Anna M. / Kim, Insook / Paik, Chang H. / Choyke, Peter L. / Kobayashi, Hisataka et al. | 2013

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In vivo imaging of orthotopic prostate cancer with far-red gene reporter fluorescence tomography and in vivo and ex vivo validation

Lu, Yujie / Darne, Chinmay D. / Tan, I-Chih / Wu, Grace / Wilganowski, Nathaniel / Robinson, Holly / Azhdarinia, Ali / Zhu, Banghe / Rasmussen, John C. / Sevick-Muraca, Eva M. et al. | 2013

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Intravital multiphoton microscopy can model uptake and excretion of fluorescein in hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury

Thorling, Camilla A. / Liu, Xin / Burczynski, Frank J. / Fletcher, Linda M. / Roberts, Michael S. / Sanchez, Washington Y. et al. | 2013

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Quantitative observation of focused-ultrasound-induced vascular leakage and deformation via fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography

Tsai, Meng-Tsan / Lee, Cheng-Kuang / Lin, Kung-Min / Lin, Yu-Xiang / Lin, Tzu-Han / Chang, Ting-Chia / Lee, Jiann-Der / Liu, Hao-Li et al. | 2013

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Functional probe for annulus fibrosus-targeted intervertebral disc degeneration imaging

Kim, Hye-Yeong / Mcclincy, Michael / Vo, Nam V. / Sowa, Gwendolyn A. / Kang, James D. / Bai, Mingfeng et al. | 2013

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Fluorescent probe for visualizing guanine-quadruplex DNA by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

Tseng, Ting-Yuan / Chien, Cheng-Hao / Chu, Jen-Fei / Huang, Wei-Chun / Lin, Mei-Ying / Chang, Cheng-Chung / Chang, Ta-Chau et al. | 2013

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Speckle-based configuration for simultaneous in vitro inspection of mechanical contractions of cardiac myocyte cells

Golberg, Mark / Fixler, Dror / Shainberg, Asher / Zlochiver, Sharon / Micó, Vicente / Garcia, Javier / Beiderman, Yevgeny / Zalevsky, Zeev et al. | 2013

Liplmage™ 815: novel dye-loaded lipid nanoparticles for long-term and sensitive in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging

Jacquart, A. / Keramidas, M. / Vollaire, J. / Boisgard, R. / Pottier, G. / Rustique, E. / Mittler, F. / Navarro, F.P. / Boutet, J. / Coll, J.-L. et al. | 2013

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LipImage™ 815: novel dye-loaded lipid nanoparticles for long-term and sensitive in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging

Jacquart, Aurélie / Kéramidas, Michelle / Vollaire, Julien / Boisgard, Raphaël / Pottier, Géraldine / Rustique, Emilie / Mittler, Frédérique / Navarro, Fabrice P. / Boutet, Jérôme / Coll, Jean-Luc et al. | 2013

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Two-color fluorescent (near-infrared and visible) triphasic perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions

Patel, Sravan Kumar / Patrick, Michael J. / Pollock, John A. / Janjic, Jelena M. et al. | 2013

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Spectral correlation analysis of Amyloid beta plaque inhom*ogeneity from double staining experiments

Ellingsen, P.G. / Nystrom, S. / Reitan, N.K. / Lindgren, M. et al. | 2013

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Spectral correlation analysis of Amyloidβplaque inhom*ogeneity from double staining experiments

Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar / Nyström, Sofie / Reitan, Nina Kristine / Lindgren, Mikael et al. | 2013

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Enzyme-activatable imaging probe reveals enhanced neutrophil elastase activity in tumors following photodynamic therapy

Mitra, Soumya / Modi, Ksh*tij D. / Foster, Thomas H. et al. | 2013

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Optimization via specific fluorescence brightness of a receptor-targeted probe for optical imaging and positron emission tomography of sentinel lymph nodes

Qin, Zhengtao / Hall, David J. / Liss, Michael A. / Hoh, Carl K. / Kane, Christopher J. / Wallace, Anne M. / Vera, David R. et al. | 2013

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Deep-tissue photoacoustic tomography of Forster resonance energy transfer

Wang, Y. / Xia, J. / Wang, L.V. et al. | 2013

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Deep-tissue photoacoustic tomography of Förster resonance energy transfer

Wang, Yu / Xia, Jun / Wang, Lihong V. et al. | 2013

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Salivary protein markers: a noninvasive protein profile-based method for the early diagnosis of oral premalignancy and malignancy

Patil, Ajeetkumar / Choudhari, Khoobram S. / Unnikrishnan, Vayakkara Kolaprath / Shenoy, Nandita / Ongole, Ravikiran / Pai, Keerthilatha M. / Kartha, Vasudevan Bhaskaran / Chidangil, Santhosh et al. | 2013

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Multispectral imaging in the extended near-infrared window based on endogenous chromophores

Cao, Qian / Zhegalova, Natalia G. / Wang, Steven T. / Akers, Walter J. / Berezin, Mikhail Y. et al. | 2013

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Detection and quantification of enzymatically active prostate-specific antigen in vivo

Ho, Guojie / Morin, Jeffrey / Delaney, Jeannine / Cuneo, Garry / Yared, Wael / Rajopadhye, Milind / Peterson, Jeffrey D. / Kossodo, Sylvie et al. | 2013

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Study on reflection of human skin with liquid paraffin as the penetration enhancer by spectroscopy

Chen, Kun / Liang, Yanmei / Zhang, Yuan et al. | 2013

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Noninvasive evaluation of electrical stimulation impacts on muscle hemodynamics via integrating diffuse optical spectroscopies with muscle stimulator

Shang, Yu / Lin, Yu / Henry, Brad A. / Cheng, Ran / Huang, Chong / Chen, Li / Shelton, Brent J. / Swartz, Karin R. / Salles, Sara S. / Yu, Guoqiang et al. | 2013

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Depth-dependent refractive index of normal and early degenerated articular cartilage

Wang, Kuyu / Wu, Jianping / Kirk, Thomas Brett et al. | 2013

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General equation for the differential pathlength factor of the frontal human head depending on wavelength and age

Scholkmann, Felix / Wolf, Martin et al. | 2013

Color degradation of acrylic resin denture teeth as a function of liquid diet: ultraviolet-visible reflection analysis

Hipólito, Ana Carolina / Barão, Valentim A. / Faverani, Leonardo P. / Ferreira, Mayara B. / Assunção, Wirley G. et al. | 2013

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Optical analysis of human eye using electromagnetic wave theory

Can, Melih G. / Oner, Bilgehan B. / Kurt, Hamza et al. | 2013

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Monte Carlo simulation of near-infrared light propagation through hom*ogeneous mixed media

Maughan, Nichole M. / Moody, Joseph W. / Miller, David R. et al. | 2013

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Detection of cerebral ischemia using the power spectrum of the pulse wave measured by near-infrared spectroscopy

Ebihara, Akira / Tanaka, Yuichi / Konno, Takehiko / Kawasaki, Shingo / Fujiwara, Michiyuki / Watanabe, Eiju et al. | 2013

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Two-photon fluorescence imaging of intracellular hydrogen peroxide with chemoselective fluorescent probes

Guo, Hengchang / Aleyasin, Hossein / Howard, Scott S. / Dickinson, Bryan C. / Lin, Vivian S. / Haskew-Layton, Renee E. / Xu, Chris / Chen, Yu / Ratan, Rajiv R. et al. | 2013

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Optimization and extraction of functional information from in vitro flow models using dual-beam spectral-domain optical coherence tomography cross-correlation analysis

Daly, Susan M. / Silien, Christophe / Leahy, Martin J. et al. | 2013

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Photoacoustic recovery after photothermal bleaching in living cells

Li, Chiye / Zhang, Chi / Gao, Liang / Garcia-Uribe, Alejandro / Wang, Lihong V. et al. | 2013

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High-resolution optoacoustic mesoscopy with a 24MHz multidetector translate-rotate scanner

Gateau, Jérôme / Chekkoury, Andrei / Ntziachristos, Vasilis et al. | 2013

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Effect of measurement on the ballistic–diffusive transition in turbid media

Glasser, Ziv / Yaroshevsky, Andre / Barak, Bavat / Granot, Er’el / Sternklar, Shmuel et al. | 2013

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Multimodal tissue imaging: using coregistered optical tomography data to estimate tissue autofluorescence intensity change due to scattering and absorption by neoplastic epithelial cells

Pahlevaninezhad, Hamid / Cecic, Ivana / Lee, Anthony M. D. / Kyle, Alastair H. / Lam, Stephen / MacAulay, Calum / Lane, Pierre M. et al. | 2013

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Monte Carlo simulation of light transport in tissue for optimizing light delivery in photoacoustic imaging of the sentinel lymph node

Periyasamy, Vijitha / Pramanik, Manojit et al. | 2013

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Stress analysis in oral obturator prostheses over parallel and tilted implants: photoelastic imaging

Pesqueira, Aldiéris Alves / Goiato, Marcelo Coelho / dos Santos, Daniela Micheline / Nobrega, Adhara Smith / Haddad, Marcela Filié / Andreotti, Agda Marobo / Moreno, Amália et al. | 2013

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Multiplexing-based polarization sensitive en-face optical coherence tomography

Zurauskas, Mantas / Podoleanu, Adrian Gh. et al. | 2013

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Spatiotemporal and time-frequency analysis of functional near infrared spectroscopy brain signals using independent component analysis

Yuan, Zhen et al. | 2013

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All-near-infrared multiphoton microscopy interrogates intact tissues at deeper imaging depths than conventional single- and two-photon near-infrared excitation microscopes

Sarder, Pinaki / Yazdanfar, Siavash / Akers, Walter J. / Tang, Rui / Sudlow, Gail P. / Egbulefu, Christopher / Achilefu, Samuel et al. | 2013

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Dynamic near-infrared imaging reveals transient phototropic change in retinal rod photoreceptors

Lu, Rongwen / Levy, Alexander M. / Zhang, Qiuxiang / Pittler, Steven J. / Yao, Xincheng et al. | 2013

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Changes induced by peripheral nerve injury in the morphology and nanomechanics of sensory neurons

Benzina, Ouafa / Szabo, Vivien / Lucas, Olivier / Saab, Mari-belle / Cloitre, Thierry / Scamps, Frédérique / Gergely, Csilla / Martin, Marta et al. | 2013

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Wide velocity range Doppler optical microangiography using optimized step-scanning protocol with phase variance mask

Shi, Lei / Qin, Jia / Reif, Roberto / Wang, Ruikang K. et al. | 2013

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Feasibility of confocal fluorescence microscopy for real-time evaluation of neoplasia in fresh human breast tissue

Dobbs, Jessica L. / Ding, Hao / Benveniste, Ana Paula / Kuerer, Henry M. / Krishnamurthy, Savitri / Yang, Wei / Richards-Kortum, Rebecca et al. | 2013

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Cost-efficient speckle interferometry with plastic optical fiber for unobtrusive monitoring of human vital signs

Podbreznik, Peter / Đonlagić, Denis / Lešnik, Dejan / Cigale, Boris / Zazula, Damjan et al. | 2013

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Optical parametric oscillator-based photoacoustic detection of hydrogen cyanide for biomedical applications

Arslanov, Denis D. / Castro, Maria P. P. / Creemers, Noortje A. / Neerincx, Anne H. / Spunei, Marius / Mandon, Julien / Cristescu, Simona M. / Merkus, Peter / Harren, Frans J. M. et al. | 2013

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Innovative Troxler-free measurement of macular pigment and lens density with correction of the former for the aging lens

Bone, Richard A. / Mukherjee, Anirbaan et al. | 2013

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Fiber-optic probe design and optical property recovery algorithm for optical biopsy of brain tissue

Cappon, Derek J. / Farrell, Thomas J. / Fang, Qiyin / Hayward, Joseph E. et al. | 2013

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Method for rapid multidiameter single-fiber reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy through a fiber bundle

Hoy, Christopher L. / Gamm, Ute A. / Sterenborg, Henricus J. C. M. / Robinson, Dominic J. / Amelink, Arjen et al. | 2013

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Discrimination of patients with diabetes mellitus and healthy subjects based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of their fingernails

Bahreini, Maryam / Ashrafkhani, Behnam / Tavassoli, Seyed Hassan et al. | 2013

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Determination of optical properties by interstitial white light spectroscopy using a custom fiber optic probe

Baran, Timothy M. / Fenn, Michael C. / Foster, Thomas H. et al. | 2013

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Characterization of blood using terahertz waves

Jeong, Kiyoung / Huh, Yong-Min / Kim, Sang-Hoon / Park, Yeonji / Son, Joo-Hiuk / Oh, Seung Jae / Suh, Jin-Suck et al. | 2013

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Substantiation of medical and technical requirements for noninvasive spectrophotometric diagnostic devices

Dunaev, Andrey V. / Zherebtsov, Evgeny A. / Rogatkin, Dmitrii A. / Stewart, Neil A. / Sokolovski, Sergei G. / Rafailov, Edik U. et al. | 2013

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Spectral dependence of absorption sensitivity on concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin: pulse oximetry implications

Strojnik, Marija / Paez, Gonzalo et al. | 2013

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Measurements of erbium laser-ablation efficiency in hard dental tissues under different water cooling conditions

Kuščer, Lovro / Diaci, Janez et al. | 2013

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CO 2-lased enamel microhardness after brushing and cariogenic challenge

Corrêa-Afonso, Alessandra Marques / Bachmann, Luciano / de Almeida, Cíntia Guimarães / Dibb, Regina Guenka Palma / Corona, Silmara Aparecida Milori / Borsatto, Maria Cristina et al. | 2013

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Mineral loss and color change of enamel after bleaching and staining solutions combination

Araújo, Larissa Sgarbosa Napoleão de / dos Santos, Paulo Henrique / Anchieta, Rodolfo Bruniera / Catelan, Anderson / Fraga Briso, André Luiz / Fraga Zaze, Ana Carolina Soares / Sundfeld, Renato Herman et al. | 2013

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Optical parametric oscillator-based photoacoustic detection of hydrogen cyanide for biomedical applications (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.