News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)

Initiation Conducted Omega Tau Gamma Sorority held its informal initiation for new rushees at the reguJar meeting Tuesday evening at the Courtyard. Rushees who were initiated include Mrs. John Dune, Mrs. Robert McKee and Mrs. Robert Haag.

Arrangements were completed for a rummage sale on June 20. It was announced that formal initiation would be held at the Mansfield-Leland Hotel, June 20. On June 25, the group will convene 1 for the final meeting of the season. For Your Porch Too! WOVEN FIBRE RUGS Ideal For Outdoor Use Smart Choice DELTOX Rugs and Carpet An as low as $23-50 9 12 50 much for SO little They're Tough and They'll Wear and Wear! Reversible Too! 7 Color Combinations 27 54 3.90 36 63 5.30 54 90 10.95 6 14.95 6 12 19.95 8 10 22.50 9 12 23.50 9 15 34.95 See Them At SCHROER'S Our 92nd Year 117-33 N. Diamond St.

News And Features Of Interest To Women 8 Mansfield. News-Journal Friday, May 31, 1957 Miss Steel Weds Ashlander At Double-Ring Ceremony Miriam designed the worn by Miss Betty Steel when she became bride of John Edward ler, Ashland, in a solemnized at 9:30 a.m. 25 at St. Mary's Church. The double-ring ice was read by the Paul Dorley.

Palms and ferns banked church chancel and two es filled with white and gladioli and white flanked the altar. pews were marked with satin bows. Father Thomas ough presented a program nuptial music preceding open-church ceremony united in marriage the ter of Mrs. Mary Steel, Forest and the son Mr. Mrs.

las best man was Robert Allen Steel, brother of the bride. Richard Oxinder, brother-inlaw of the bridegroom and Robert Sherman shared the ushering duties. The bride's mother chose a dress of gray lace over pink taffeta and pink accessories. 1957 For her son's wedding, Sigler was attired in a light blue lace dress with white accessories. Both mothers wore white orchid corsages.

After the ceremony, breakfast was served members of the immediate families and the bridal party. Later in the afternoon, a reception was held for 100 guests at the of Hall. Hostesses gown included Mrs. Barbara OxinJane der and Miss Barbara Ann the Colangelo. Sigceremony Decorating the serving May ble was the wedding cake, Catholic surrounded with a wreath of serv- pink roses and Reverend white carnations.

Two threebranched candelabra, adorned the huckelberry and flowers, vas- flanked the cake. pink For a wedding trip to Freecarnations! port, N.Y., the bride changed Family to a dark blue dress with white which she combined white accessories. When they return, the newlyweds will reside at Marlbor- Helen Ave. of A graduate of St. Peter's the High School, the new Mrs.

which Sigler is employed as a teledaugh- phone operator at the Ohio 836 of and Royal Sigler, 234 East Eighth Ashland. The bride was escorted to the altar and given in marriage by her uncle, Russell L. Berno. Her gown, fashioned of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over bridal satin, was styled with a fitted bodice of lace 80 featuring a Sabrina neckline 20 and long sleeves which formed points over the backs 2 of her hands. The floor-length skirt of lace was worn over 1.

a hoop and ended in a scalloped hemline which swept into a detachable Cathedrallength train. The train was accented with tiers of tulle. 17 Tulle petals, trimmed in and pearls, formed the full crown, headpiece which held bride's fingertip veil of imported bridal illusion. She carried a modern cascade bouquet of stephanotis and pink sweetheart edged, with lacelon and showered with satin streamers. A gown of white lace over aqua taffeta was worn by the bride's only attendant, Miss Joan Schnitzer.

Dainty embroidered motifs enhanced the V-neckline of the fitted bodice. The bouffant ballerinalength skirt was worn a hoop, Short matching mitts complemented the bride's gown and she carried a modern colonial bouquet of pink carnations and pink roses, edged with lacelon and tied with pink ribbon. Attending the bridegroom The H. T. Reed On.

THE OLD RELIABLE Gifts for Your GRAD There's no more practical gift for your grad than fine men's and no better place to select it, than from Reed's complete stocks. There are scores of worthwhile suggestions sure to make an instant hit with that young man, NEW ARROW SHIRTS White or Colors 1.00 to Arrow shirts are always welcome, because he knows their quality and fine fit. Choose from white or colors in a variety of collar styles. Some with new link cuff. PLEETWAY PAJAMAS Broadcloth or Cool Summer Fabrics Coat or slip-over styles with many exclusive comfort features.

He'll Like The "SLEEP WALKER" The new Bermuda length pajama--a cool summer pajama for lounging. $3:95 to $10,00 SWANK and SHIELD JEWELRY Cuff Links and .50 -50 Links and Tie Bar Sets 57 MEN'S WEAR-MAIN FLOOR Telephone Co. Mr. was graduated from Ashland High School and is apprentice jet machine mechanic at the Mansfield Municipal Airport. Out-of-town guests were! present at the wedding from Cleveland, Columbus, Ashland and Milan.

Treat Friends To Old Irish Favorite When your friends drop in after the pa parade to warm up, offer them some of this old Irish favorite: Pre-warm a seven ounce goblet, and put into it one or two teaspoons of sugar and one ounce Irish whisky. Fill to within one-half inch of the top with very strong coffee heated over your simmer burner. Then fill to the brim with whipped cream. Merino sheep give the best wool. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment becatise their plate dropped, slipped or wobbled at just the wrong time.

Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the 1 alkaline (non-acid) powder, on your plates. Hold false teeth more firmly, 50 they feel more comfortable, Does not sour. Checks "plate odor (den ture breath). Get FASTEETH at any counter.

PLASTIC WALL TILE for Your Bath or Kitchen Here's What You Get: 80 20 Sq. Lin. 1 Ft. Ft. Field Feature Tile Tile $27.50 2 Gallon Cement 1.

Installation Kit Complete ROSS RUG CO. 17 'E. Fourth Friday and Monday till 8:30 P.M. MATERNITY SUITS SKIRTS SPORTSWEAR phil jacobs JACKETS SLACKS 2-Pc. DRESSES Dresses for the $2.95 MOTHER- TO BE up MATERNITY FASHIONS 5 PARK AVE.

WEST 2ND FLOOR ALSO WEST PARK SHOPPING CENTER Tradisona. 86 N. Main St. Phone 7580-6 special purchase Sale Cotton Shirts Would Regularly Sell for 5.98 to 6.98 $2.99 By great good fortune, we were able to persuade a famous manufacturer to provide us with these exciting skirts. Prints and solid colors; with belts; a variety of styles.

Sizes 8 to 18, Tells About Recent Trip Mrs. Walton Leedy talked about her recent trip to the Virgin Islands and to Puerto Rico when Circle Five of the First Methodist Church met recently. Mrs. Leedy, who stressed need for missionairies in the countries she visited, illustrated her talk with slides and also displayed articles, her she trip. had purchased Eighteen members and one guest, Mrs.

William Hauserattended the meeting held, in the home of Mrs. Rob- ert Hergatt, Pavonia. Serving as co-hostess was Mrs. Bertha (Tucker. Plans for the coming year were discussed and a new slate of officers was presented.

The tenth chapter of the book of St. John provided the basis for devotions which Mrs. Gilbert Smith led. Wins Bridge Prize CRESTLINE Mrs. A.

A. Remy won the prize for high score in the contract, bridge games which highlighted the final meeting of the By-By Club. The group met at the home of Mrs. E. T.

Remy. they'll live in 'em all summer Little Girls' PLAY SHOES 1.99 Sizes Just little made girls' to dainty go sum- with 5 to 3 mer multi-colors. dresses white or Better values at WALKER SHOES 83 N. Main St. -Photo by Buell Kraft.

MISS BETTY JANE STEEL Mrs. John Edward Sigler Piano Recital Scheduled Sunday The pupils of Mrs. son Herod will be presented in a piano recital in the Assembly Hall of the Park Avenue Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. The recital will begin at 2:30 p. m.

Appearing first on the program will be pupils of elementary school age: These students are: George Ackley, Barry Sturges, Adrienne McQuade, Mary Beth McNeal, Betsy Clark, Joycee Mehl, Susan McClarin, Brenda Bogner, Stephanie Bogner, Gregory Doppelt, Sheila Roberts, Mary Lee Hofacre, Linda Dillon, Jane Lero, Marsha Thomas and Marlene Shapiro, Others of this age group who will participates Sylvia Clark, 'Swallen, Don Burton, Nancy Beasore, Debbie Reese, Janis Feld, Joan Manring, Linda Frush, Jack Turner, Barbara Wiler, Kathy Ellison, David Johnson, Linda a We are Formal Flattery There is still time to pick A formal from our large selection for your prom or other special occasion. Choose from many colors and styles in ballerina or full length. Sizes 5 to 20. Priced Specially from 12:00 to 39-00 HuoM FASHIONS FEMININE WEST PARK SHOPPING CENTER Open Daily Till 9 P. M.

1 Jeffrey Doppelt, Susan Scott, Suzanne Weikert, Nancy Pifer, Shirley Roberts, Donald Knapp, Karen Krause, Sandy LaBrie, Barbara Beer and Roderick Bogner. The program will conclude with selections by pupils of junior high and high school age. They are as follows: Marilyn Long, Sharon Brubaker, Sharon Huber, Patsy Swank, Susan Manring, Wendie Wiler, Donna Hoffman and Dorothy Hogue. Following the rectial, the students who participated in the National Piano Guild Auditions will be awarded their certificates and pins. 88 The Ideal Gift for the June Bride Sunbeam FRYPAN AUTOMATIC SQUARE SHAPE HOLDS MORE THAN ROUND PAN 19:95 You simply set the dial and you get CONTROLLED HEAT for perfect cooking and frying results.

No guesswork. Marvelous water-sealed element for easy, washing. Vented aluminum or glass covers available. sunbeam AUTOMATIC SAUCEPAN AND DEEP FRYER Reduces roast shrinkage up to 23951 Holds nutrition in foods. Makes foods look and taste more delicious.

Features double walls for greater efficiency. Water-sealed for easy washing. Available in 3 qt. and 5 gL sizes. $27:95 Sunbea AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR Makes the very finest coffee -automatically.

Solid copper vessel for most efficient heat conduction. Nickel and lasting chrome plated inside and outside for beauty. Will not corrode. Sunbeam RADIANT CONTROL TOASTER The only completely automatic toaster. form Patented RADIANTCONTROL givesunithin, toast frozen whether bread is thick on or fresh, rye or white.

$28-50 Sunbeam AUTOMATIC MIXMASTER Larger bowl-fit beaters for higher, lighter, finer-textured cakes; creamier mashed potatoes, etc. American's most popular food mixer. Saves time, armwork. Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, stirs, blonds, juices, etc. $27:95 $45-50 HARDWARE EN YOUR A HARDWARE N.MAIN DEPARTMENT TO DIAL STORE" 19 7207-6.

News Journal from Mansfield, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.