Davis Reflex-Journal from Bountiful, Utah (2024)

Death, Destruction, From Six-State Flood CLASSIFIED A RTM ENT 4 'IPOroATEi'ffDEA rgc, ISABEL WAir-p- 4 the rear door shed have stumbled over my little wagon. That squeaky door! I shuddered as Potter half-grinned at me. If taken the cliff path! While you were pushing Quincys chair out the front way, 1 was loading my burden onto the wagon. knew it was now or never. Id meant to go back the night before and finish the hiding of that body in the shed, bub well, maybe I got cold feet The little cart was right behind you on the path at a safe distance, of course.

It was well greased; didnt rattle, hid behind some bushes while you investigated the shack where the light was still on. The minute you passed, did I untie! Youll find the thick glasses you hunt in the brush. Youd cut the phone wires earlier? Before going to town the first time after supper, that is. And the xats were hacked the night Lane died, when I got the gas for his pyre. Vorcross, your club Id picked up where De Witt had left it Used ft as a blind to confuse the issue.

Also your sister's coat It was lying in Rushing water from rivers swaQen by several days af iaceasant rain overflows onto six midwestera states. Tboosaads of persons In the Ian-dated areas were left homeless by the flood, and so mack planting has been rained that food production la the area is seriously threatened. Above! 1 lo Idlers hi erect a sandbag dike. Below: A oy Scout resents another youth. AlUes Walk In: Persecutions Ended JBessle Norcross, despite all that tad happened, grew sentimental Ihe wanted to take charge, of his funeyai, Hugh wouldnt let her.

Judy, he said to me, the night before they left, "she's headed for another breakdown right this min? ute. I'm taking her off on a cruise so she cant make a fool of herself lere. When we get back and this has all died down there's something I want to ask you. Will you write me, dear? Poor Hugh! With that sister of his hed never have a chance to ask a girl anything. It was the second time hed called me dear.

T11 answer all your letters, I said. Hughs dark eyes held mine sourly. Then he leaned over and dssed my band. We could both bear his sister calling: "Oh, Hughle! Come close my trunkstraps. Victor Quade was standing in the doorway.

Had be seen Hugh kissing my hand? Evidently be bad, for as Norcross hurried away to his Lady Simon Legree, Victor said, "Parting 'i' such sweet sorrow! Going to miss him? And me? It had come then. Victor was stepping out of my life. I couldnt conceal that I cared, and didn't try. "Of course I shall miss you both. When people have been through all we have together "Exactly.

Judy, whatll you do with the old church? I shrugged. Sell it if 1 can. "Will you? Thats what 1 hoped. IU buy it Grand place to write mystery stories. So full of of atmosphere' Do you know shorthand? My heart gave a great bound.

"No, but I coul4 learn. "Bless you! You'll have to. But we'll try to get through this one straight to the machine. Type, cant you? "After a fashion. Why? Because, now that the police have wound up this case, want to get busy right away.

You remember my title Murder on the Bluff? Not bad, do you think? Not good, either. Not distinctive enough. Murder at Pirates Head doesnt sound so-so much as if it had been used before. Victors bands gave a loud dap. "I knew it! You'll be invaluable to me.

You will help me, wont you? Mrs, Gerryll have to get a new hostess. Well turn the church into a studio. Trailer always annoyed me; too much in itA man likes to pace while he writes. "Id love to help you, Mr. Quade.

"Why Mister me now, after all weve been through, Judy? Vide, my friends call me Vidor Quinn. "You'll always be Victor to me," I said, and saw how pleased he looked. "This case will write itself, he said, "all but one thing. What did Potter do with the gun throw it into the sea the' second time? Hardly think so. He.

seemed pretty nervous about those fingerprints I guessed at "Walt. 1 said, recalling the green bead near the hollow stump. Te bead had been in the mixed string which had caught on Potters button when we were going over the auction, and I remembered that hed only run for the Eleanor after hed started tearing down toward the willow. As the idea clicked I got Victor to hunt down the path. We searched thoroughly and found Lane's revolver hidden in the hollow stump.

The little green bead must have clung to his coat by the broken strand and dropped when he bent to toss the gun from his pocket "That Victor said, "fixes everything. Potter was afraid to hurl this into the sea lest he miss again or have someone see him. "Everything except the fingerprint he left in my powder compact I didnt see any." "Naturally, and bow his teeth gleamed as grinned at me. "Bless you! There wasn't any." THE END Hated Nazi badges of persecution am ton from their clothes by these Jewish boys la Kalronsn, Tunisia, aa British soldiers, who liberated the youths, observe one of the effects of the Anted victory there. These boys were forced to work for the Germans without pay and also wen made to wear a Star of David to distinguish them from aon-Jewlah workers.

Three Key Chinese War Leaders razOr'bl'ades KBIT BLADES PLANTS Bardy Tomato Plante, 100 postpaid iy, ,500 by oxpreas collect AS-M. Crystal on seed pound postpaid S3. 00 HEAD FARMS. OVERTON. NE tDA GUERNSEY HEIFERS R1GR GRADE GUERNSEY HEIFERS titular aoa year and yearlings past.

Also ringer heifers. Special price on LEO CHANDLER. CHARITON, 10 FEATHERS WANTED eeatveki wanted, new or old Shin or write to Sterling Feather 000 N. Broadway, It. Leeis.

Misuari, DEDICATED s0 of ULVlUftlLV ruhM with Mexsana. pGmTER fcx formerly Mexican we ee saw now Heat Powder. Relieve FAUILY USE diaper rash, beat rank Boy War Savings Bonds I SAID GOOD-BYE TO Sarto, medicinal laxatives only griped me-and never really stopped my constipation. It always came back. Then found out why.

lust vmmt taking on enough foods. Bo started eating xxllogqs AU-iii regularly and drinking plenty of water. And I Joined the Regu-larsl" Thats because axtxoocs ill-mu gets at the cause of constipation like mine ynd corrects It by helping to form a soft, bulky mass in the intestines. If your trouble. Is what ni, why not try xsLLoaas all-bsax? Its mad by Kellogg's in Battle Creek and tastes swell.

to SKIN movement Sootoisf Retinol elUvt britstioa of externally caeted pimple, toes bsiteaiaf keeling. Try today I What is the most welcome gift you can send to a man in the service? Well, surveys among service men themselves show that one of the favorite packages from home are cigarettes. And first choice among men in all the services is Camel, based on the actual sales records in Post Exchanges and Canteens. Though there are now Post Office restrictions on packages to overseas Army men. you can still send Camels to soldiers in the U.

and to Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen wherever they are. Adv. fYOO WC-EN WHO SUFFER ROM no! mm If you suffer from hot flubea, dlxM-ncaa. All turn of ere wee. Derroua, irrlUble.

blue at time due to tbo function middle-" period In a women's Ufe try Lydia K. plnkham'a Vegetable Compound tbo beet-known moriidno you can buy today that's mad ttpicioHy Jo women. Pinkhstn's Compound baa helped thousands upon thousands of women to relievo such annoying symptoms. Follow label directions. Pink-ham's Compound la worth trying I WNTJ 22fJ Foe Yea To Fool WeQ beam ereey day.

day sT weak, avnr stepping, tae kidnap Wte wtter Iron tha Mood. If wore people warn aware ef hew ta kidneys Boat ooeattantly ramor lee ieid. mmm aeida and other wasto etatter that cannot star hi the bltcM wlthoot injury to haallli. them wooM be bottyr aadamtanding at why tan whole eyatoa epnet when kidneys ta I function properly. Bunting, eeaatr nr In frequent unn Men routed maa warne that somethine wraog.

Ton way nuffar nagging bar-nchw ktaiierhTa Sunn rbeumad peine, getting up at Mghta. Why not try Ge 'a Ptilel You be tug a wedWn recoended tto no try rrer. Gass's atUnuiata the h-Si ef the kidney and help thew lunh out poisonous want tram ty blood. They eontafu nothin to Get Doom' today. Use with eenhdew Ataldiugr THE RORY BO FAR: Judy Jssoo.

la talltac the itor mtlni ti unyMtu letter enelotlnf i0 and ask-lif bar to bid for aa abandoned church to bo auctioned the next day. Eha Rada, la ha old cheat, tbo body of a maa Identi-ltd aa Roddy Lane. Lily Kendall la fouad dead, with Hugh Norcross acart arouad her seek. Judy accidentally bruahea acalnat the wet paint oh a pic taro of tbo church Jut ftnlahed by one tbo guests, Albion Potter. Under the picture of the church la a portrait of Lily Keadalla niece, Gloria Lovelace.

Potter la revealed aa a famous movie director, Albert Parker, whor* wife raa away with Roddy Lane. Now continue with Judy's etory. CHAPTER XIX Ten Victor laid. "You killed Lane the night he came to the Head, didn't you? Rigor mortia must have aet In, judging from the way Judy deacribed that hand. How did you happen to leave him there? I wanted the body.

Had to have body for Brown. Used all Mrs. Gerry had in her keroiene can and the gai from Lane'a car. That waa stupid of me, but I wanted a big fire, and De Witt's breaking the win dow of the garage made it easy. Abe burned like tinder, as you saw.

Took off the ring and put it in Judys bag. Hurry, man! It was you that Quincy and Judy saw running along the bluff last No," that must have been Nor-cross, he said. 'Hed gone the back way, through the woods, up the strip of beach and climbed to the church. "But you took me to towni Wylie objected. "Be Quiet!" commanded yietor.

"Hurry, Potter. You drove to town three times, didnt you? Afternoon to the movies for the stub alibL Again with Wylie and De Witt after supper, when you knew your chance had come because Lane had come to the Head. But you only stayed until dark. Then you came back, after phoning the milkman to cooperate for a reward. Told him it was a Fourth of July prank at the bridge.

"Right He said theT old bridge needed repairing and that was one way to get it done. "So you left the time bomb, knowing youd pick up Wylie Gerry, and the only other car out was the minister's? "De Witt had said hed be back early. Wasn't much of a chance. Left my car in the woods, off the road near Gerrys bam. Luckily, I met no ooe on the Neck, and no one at the Head saw me.

Kept my lights out Then I made for the church, after reconnoiterlng a bit, through the basem*nt door via my pass key. Miss Kendall was asleep on the church steps, worse luck, but had to take a chance to get Lane out of the chest and Into the shed: "He was in the chest, then? Since the night before? While the auction was going on? Why? Listen, will you? Cant you see the way this tubs filling? The night Lane came I was hidden in the church basem*nt I was disguised as Old Man Brown. I watched Lane digging where his treasure had been taken out by me. Then I came out of the shadows and told him who I was. Get up and fight like a cried.

He was an awful coward. He fell at the first blow of my fists, then he pulled a gun. But I got it away from him and struck him with it He went down and didnt get up again. had a skeleton key that would unlock anything. I wanted to go get my little cart from the shack and drag Lanes body there, but I heard someone coming.

That Kendall woman was always hanging around the church steps. So opened the chest and dumped him in. He was Quite dead. As evidence against Lane, the gun might come in handy, so I kept iL Later it seemed best to hurl it into the sea. I was afraid to fire it for fear of being heard by person outside, and I wasn't sure it had been fired to make it look like a murder Besides, I had to be sure the body wouldnt be recognizable before leaving the gun.

Then poor Miss Kendall he broke off. But Lily Kendall had ieen it on the rocks near the Pirates Mouth, Just as Victor had; only Victord kept still about it, while Lily showee i her suspicion. "And she thought it was yours, Quade, Potter was saying. "She told me to get that revolver. She believed youd killed Lane with it She never had any fear of me, when I asked her, to show me where.

But when she leaned over, I struck her with a rock I' had ready. She screamed once and my heart stood still She didn't scream ain. had Norcross blue scarf in my pocket, and you know what I did with it Then I scrammed around the cliff, to the beach, to the woods, to my car in Gerrys bam. Heaven alone knows why none of you caught me, though the beach isn't visible from the inn. Same as the night before, after dragging Lane from the chest to the shed in the cart I( bought for the purpose, which burned up in the Then I put out the shed light and went through the woods to my car, drove to town and picked up Gerry.

Saw De Witts car and got him to help me persuade Gerry, who was tight, to come home. Strengthened my alibL But Judy nearly caught me in the church basem*nt. If shed come out By VIRGINIA VALE THtm) StWiwd by 1 Newspaper Unto. Deanna durbin has succeeded in convincing I Hollywood executives, as well as the public, that shes grown up, thanks to radio. She was chosen to play the unhappy, psycho-pathological role created by Teresa Wright in "Shadow of a Doubt" for the Screen Guild I Players air version over CBS.

Not DEANNA DURBIN i only did Deanna come through with flying colors, but the radio program I opened an entirely new vista of film and air endeavor far her, one that is completely removed from her fainging. It's not surprising that William I Holden wanted to drop his own I name William Franklin Beedle nd legally switch to Holden. But when his wife, Brenda Marshall, has worked so hard and successfully to introduce that one, lfs startling to have her announce that shes never Mrrd it; and from now on will be known by her maiden and married names Ardis Ahkersan Holden. Casting for "HI Diddle Diddle" pounds i little goofjr. Marek Windham, former Metropolitan Opera tenor, will play a pianist-accompanist for Pols Negri, who makes her motion picture comeback as an opera singer.

Seems he was chosen because be. like Miss Negri, Is of Polish descent and artistic temperament. Richard Hageman, Metropolitan Opera conductor, plays a stockbroker. Shirley Temple talked things ever with David O. Sehalck, and very wisely signed a lang term ceatract I with him.

Shell appear In "Since Tea Weal Away," his first predne-a since "Rebecca," with aa all-star east. Some people say that Hollywood bad better lay off war pictures because toe publics sick of them. Well, toe armed forces arent judging by the men who come to New Yorks Civilian Defense Entertainment committee for free tickets. The other night I handed out passes to "Crash Dive" and "China" by the Of course. "China" had Harry James and his band to back it up.

BOl Terry, who made his film debut In the short "Private Smith of toe U. S. and will soon be seen in Its continuation, "Lieutenant Smith," has been signed up by Sol Lesser for a role in "Stage Door Canteen." Tv men ef toe merchant marine visited Jimmy Dersey a while back and gave him the "Gibraltar Medal" eae at them waa wearing. Afloat St days after their freighter waa torpedoed, all they had to keep their morale np were his recordings of "Maria Eleoe" and "The Breexe and When theyd used ap their needles they fell back on matches and paper clips. Newest screen actor to branch out Into radio aa a regular performer la Jack Carson, last seen in Warner Bros.

"The Hard Way." Hes winning new fame as a comedian as master of ceremonies of toe CBS "Comedy Caravan." beard Friday Even Ellery Queen, ace detective, failed to notice a wedding ring on the left hand of Ernest Chappell, his program announcer; It was a week before he learned that Chappell had married Claudia Morgan, daughter of Ralph, niece of Frank. "Nora Charles of "Hie Thin Man" on toe air and leading actress on "The Right to Happiness" and "We Love and Learn." ODDS AXD ESDSKf Smirks getting rrpatetum forkevimg launched I sa ore fighting and merchant tlyp than anyone else in tha V. S. A.tht cemtlf launched her tisth Jerry Verna, waging star of mAU Tuna Ha Parade? acted in miner ralm in lures before turning ta radio Hon I alind Rue sell named tha baby Carl Ln see Bruton Uetrot bucking tha tea power thaclage by readying top amdftt picture with all-male rests, I mBetaanm and mA Thousand Shall FelT If Spencer Tracy's really at tired at ha looked in Keeper of tha Flame" hes badly in naed of a rest Better see Tha More ike Jfcrrier" for laugh, 1 Dm 5HCV 4 4 If 1. 1 "Get ap and fight like a I cried.

the hammock all last night I wore it part of the time, in case I should be seen running through the darkness. Sorry about the spot 1 really tried to' Cleanse it He gave the oars a shove into the sea. The police boat was within hall, and shouting at us. We didn't shout back. drama unfolding before our eyes left us paralyzed.

The water had crept up until it seemed as if Albion Potter must drown where he sat "Jump for it man! begged De Witt But Victor said not a word. The police boat was almost upon the Eleanor. Would it reach there in time? Just as I was wondering, she slipped into the sea. police launch came chugging up after it was all over. From then on convusion reigned at Pirate's Head.

I think I answered a million Questions, not that it did any good But the town had to bury Roddy Lane! BEGINNING Pictured aa they leave a meeting with the China Tenth corps leaders are three of Chinas most influential men. Left to right. President Lin gen. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and General Chang CksGung, minister of military operations. Marines at Work on Pacific Base MY FRIEND FLICKA By Mary O'Hara Ken McLaughlin, a lad 10, picks a colt (or his own and calls it Flicka.

But Flickas parents did not run true to form, and Kens dad did not take kindly to his selection. How Ken and Flicks' finally won over the stern1 Scottish father makes capital reading for everyone. loot for My Fritnd Flicka IN THIS PAPER 'NEXT ISSUE A -Cvv vr-' (v' 't t- Marine aided by a "cat" beach a "KingfisberT plana at Fsaafaff. aa American base in toe Ellice Islands, eonth ef the Gilbert Islands and east ef the Solomons.

Davis Reflex-Journal from Bountiful, Utah (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.