¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (2025)


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  • Japonés

Pregunta de Japonés


¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (2)

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¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (3)


30 noviembre

Formal Japanese:


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Explanation:In the formal translation, I used polite language such as 〜ます form (呼ばれます) and the honorific term 先輩 (senpai) to maintain a respectful and formal tone. On the other hand, in the casual translation, I used a more casual tone by using the plain form (呼ばれるんだよ) and adding the casual particle よ at the end of the sentence. Additionally, I used the colloquial expression 入ってから (lit. "after entering") instead of 入社してから to make the sentence sound more casual and conversational.

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30 noviembre

  • Japonés

Quality Point(s): 128

Respuestas: 46

me gusta: 25

It’s kind a difficult question. You can call that person senpai. However, I prefer call that person 〇〇san. It is polite enough. More over, not many people call their co-workers senpai at work place. I think the word is more commonly used among students.


¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (5)

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30 noviembre

  • Inglés (US)

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@Pinocanada I see. This is kind of off topic, but I was talking to a Japanese native and they said they went to their “senpai’s” fair well party. He works in a company. Did they use the word senpai because it would be easier for me to understand? And is there another word used to express those older and who have been in the company longer?



30 noviembre

  • Japonés

Quality Point(s): 128

Respuestas: 46

me gusta: 25

Probably it depends on the work place. However, If I am in the same situation and find out someone who is calling me senpai is actually same age as me, I feel awkward and I will tell that person not to call me senpai. but it’s me.


¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (13)

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¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (20)

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¿Cómo dices esto en Japonés? "Even though you are the same age those who have been in the company for longer than you are considered/called “senpai”" (2025)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.