Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


It there (Changes in the called are errors -in quotations they ire chargeable to the parties giving theid.) -SWIFT CO.Saccessors to Grant Bros Hens-Per 22c. Springs- Over lbs, 20c. Old roosters- Per 13c. Ducks -No. 1, young, 18c.

Goose -Per dozen, 15c. 28c. Packing stock butter--Per 12c. Butterfat--Per 48c. CLOVER LEAF CRUAMERY.

dozen, 28c. Butterfat--Per 48c. FAIRMONS CREAMERY CO. Eggs-Per dozen, 28c. Butterfat--Per 48c.

MARION PRODUCE CO. Successors to S. C. Rees Ca Fowls-22c. Springs- Over 2 20c.

Roosters--Per 12c. No. 1 ducks--Per 18c. Old toms-Per 82c. -Young tons and hens--Per 35c.

No. 1geesc-Per 15c. Eggs-Per dozen, 25c. SORN PRODUCTS CO. Eggs -Per dozen, 28c.

Butterfat--Per 48c. "CHECK" STAFFORD, Herbst. Ind. Fowls -Per 22c. co*cks--Per 12c.

Eggs-Per dozen, 28c. Butterfat--Per 48c. LIVESTOCK. QUOTATIONS MARCH 9. PACKING CO.

Hogs-225 to 250 200 to 225 180 to 200 160 to 180 sows, stags, INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK. INDIANAPOLIS, March -Receipts higher; top, $12; heavies, lights, $11.50 pigs, bulk, Cattle--Receipts steady to' strong, active; choice heavies, $9010; lights, heifers, bulls, calves, Sheep--Receipts 50; steady; lambs, CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. By. U. S.

Bureau of Markets. CHICAGO, March 8,000: up; bulk, $10G 11.25; top, heavy weight, $10 medium weight, 11.20; light weight, light lights, heavy packing SOWS, smooth, packing sows, rough, pigs, Cattle--Receipts strong, 15c up; beef choice and medium and good, $8.50 good and choice, 10.75; common and medium. 9.00; butcher cattle, helfers, rOWS, bulls, canners and cutters, cows and heifers, canner steers, veal calves, light and handy feeder steers, stocker stocker cows and heifers, Sheep--Receipts 25c higher; lambs, 84 lbs. down, lambs, 85 lbs. up, lambs, culls and common, yearling wethers, ewes, ewes, culls and common, feeder lambs, PITTSBURGH HIVESTOCK.

PITTSBURGH, March light; steady; choice, $9.750 10.50; prime, good, $9.25 tidy butchers, fair, common, common to good fat bulls, common to fat. cows, heifers, fresh cows and Veal calves Supply 125; steady at $14. Hogs--Receipts prime heavy hogs, heavy yorkera, heavy mixed, 11.50; light ydrkers, pigs, roughs, stags, $5 Sheep and lambs -Supply 400; steady; prime wethers, good mixed, fair mixed, culls and common, lambs, steady, $10.50. EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK. EAST BUFFALO, March -Receipt: 75; slow; shipping steers, butcher grades, 9.50; heifers, cows, $2.50 bulls, feeders, $5.50 07; milk cows and springers, 110.

Calves--Receipts 300; slow; cull. to. choice, Sheep and 600: active; choice lambs, culri fair, yearlings, 8.60; sheep, $3007.25. Hog Receipts slow; yorkcrs, pigs, $12; mixed, heavy, roughs, stags, GRAIN. QUOTATIONS MARCH 9.

THOMAS MILLING CO.Wheat 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, $1.50.

Rye Oats- 38c. Corn- per 100 lbs. GAS CITY ELEVATOR Wheat-No. 1, No. 2, No.

3, No. 4, No. 5, $1.50. WANT ADS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. When wanting painting done or paper hung, call us.

We do country work, too. Phone 1354. WANTED Washings. 716 South Adams. FOR SALE-4-hole gas range, geese and duck eggs.

Phone Red-3288. White house cast of bridge on E. 3rd. BRADFORD tinning, roofing and furnace work. 2927 So.

Washington street. Phone 2871. COL: GEORGE STEELE CALLS ON PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, March 9. Col. George W.

Steele, ex-superintendent of the National Soldiers' Home at Marion, was a caller at the White House Tuesday, being escorted there and presented to the President by Senator Harry 8. New of Indiana, Col. Steele, das known personally every president of the United States from Lincoln down and came to Washington for the purpose of meeting President larding, so he would not break his record. While 110 louger a young man, Col. Steele is planning to come to Washington and meet President larding' successor, whoever be.

may be. L. DRASTIC 1. Coutinued From Page One) tients, were scored by the ruling. "The use of liquor as a medicine wa's recognized by congress to be a non-beverage use," the opinion said.

"Congress has imposed the sole limi-! tation that not more than a pint of spiritous liquor shall be prescribed for the samo person within any period of ten days." "Subject to this limitation, obviousily, there has been committed, not to the judgment of commissioner and the secretary of the treasury, but to the professional judgment of the phy-l sician, the question of the quantity of liquor that may' be used to advantage, as a medicine, in each case. "As to this question, think the intention was to leave the physician unfettered by, governmental control, but; subject to be dealt criminally and by revocation of. his permit if he acts in bad faith." With reference to 'physicians' prescriptions for wine and beer, the gov-1 ernment has no power to place limitations that would restrict the freedom of doctors, the decision held. It was held, however, that the government has power to make regulagoverning the "manner" in which liquor may be prescribed by doctors. "I ulations a mof the opinion," he said, may provide that no prescription shall call for more than the physician, acting in good faith, believes will actually be required during a given number of days, or may simply provide that no prescription shall call for more than a given quantity." A complete revision of existing regulations now in force will be undertaken at once, to make them conform to attorney gencral's views.

Indiana Commission to Make Wreck Report Public This Week INDIANAPOLIS, Mar.h report of the Indiana public service commission on the wreck at Porter, which cost forty trio lives, will be; made public within a week, it. Was stated today by members of the commission who have completed an investigation at Gary. The report will make commendations on mechanical devices to prevent the recurrence of rail disasters. Members of the commission will carry their recommendations to the Railroad Safety Device show at Chicago next weck. Madison County Woman Granted Divorce Here This Afternoon In the suit of Nelson Marsh against Ernestine Marsh, which was venued to the Grant circuit court from the Madison circuit court last November, divorce was granted to the defendant today by Judge J.

Frank Charles her cross-complaint, and $600 alimony was also awarded the defendant. COST INDIANA $115,000 INDIANAPOLIS, March 9. The sixty one day scesion of the legislature, just closed, cost the people of Indiana approximately $115,000, according to an estimate made today by Auditor of State Oliver, The last regular session cost $102,000. le-. gislature appropriated $100,000 for the 1921 session and provided for the excess in the specific appropriation bill.

HARDING EXPECTED TO NAME AN AMBASSADOR TO BRITAIN WASHINGTON. March 9. I'rozident Harding probably will name an ambassador, to was Great learned Britian here today. within a No word has come from the White House as to the president's choice, but. George liarvey, editor and of indications point to the selection.

of New York. It is reported Harvey has been offered the post and has agreed to accept President larding is anxious to fill the post -as soon as possible, in view of the departure from England this week of. Ambassador John W. Davis, who resignation, already had been received. BUYS A MAGNIFICENT GRAND PIANO The Wallace Music Go.

has just sold 1 beautiful Lynn and Healy Grand piano f3 Harry Bowstead, the well known and popular architect of this city. The piano is one of the finest ever sold in, this city and possesses rare musical qualities. The piano is the highest type of the piano created And is a credit to its owner. Adv. W.H.

Wiley -41 ATTORNEY Insurance and Loans. Spec-ial-attention- given -to RealEstate and Probate 114 WEST FOURTH WELL, YES! Approximately 300 One Horsehide Coat and Several Dogs Caused This Joe Mickel, police commissioner, o- casionally wears horschide coat." Thereupon hangs "tail." 08 used to own a bay horse by the namo of Dan. This riding horse sorved Joe faithfully for 'or twenty two. years. Finally at the.

28, the horse Nail the misfortune to break an ankle and Joe had to bare the animal shot. Joe says: "'I bad old Dan skinned and gent his hide away made up -into an overcoat. I figured -that Dan had given mo rides for. 80 long that we'd change about and I'd let him ride mo for awhile. "Dan's -exterior came back all made up five and when I got into the coat with its high collar 1 was almost lost from view.

One of the first times I wore it I was down by the square when I noticed several dogs enffing me piciously. I never liked dogs anyhow. Finally another dog joined the group and they held a consultation. 'The next thing I remember the whole pack had attacked me and wished then that I riding old Dan instead of Dan's riding me for the coat was so heavy I couldn't get away and I had all could do to keep those confounded dogs from biting me. It sure was a case of a horse on me that DEPARTMENT CLUB PLANS MILK LUNCH FOR SCHOOLS of Through, Marion Department ('lub, a the educational movement is being made to place milk lunches in the public schools of the city.

The committee is composed of MFg. R. Palmer, chairman; Mry. Ernest Boy. kin, Mrs.

Will fa*gin, Mrs. Willard Elking and Mrs. W. II. Stogsdill.

This committee mect for conference with A. Ilighley and the sebool board Thursday morning. This plan is being carried out in a number of cities, with great success. Many. children go to school in the morning without breakfast and are faint before the noon meal.

The local plans are to deliver milk to the sebools I at 10:30 each morning in half pint bottles with straws provided. The children. will pay. for their he lunch, the milk being sold at cost. l'arents and teachers have expressed themselves.

as being in favor of the movement. MARION ROTARY CLUB TO ATTEND SHOW AT CAPITAL At the noonday luncheon of the Rotary club held yesterday at the Y. Mr. C. final plans were completed for the theatre party which will be held at Indianapolis by the local club Thursday, March 17.

Rotarians and their wives and friends will leave in a special car in the after. noon and will attend the Pollies at the English theatre at Indianapolis. Several committee reports were heard ol the meeting yesterday and other business matters were taken up. IMPRESSIVE LENTEN PLAY WITNESSED BY BIG CROWD The fourth picture of the Lenten serien Luring Shadows" given last evening at the K. of C.

hall, was attended by a big crowd. This picture is maid to have been the most impressive of the Lenten pictures. The human inter. est- displayed -to -remarkable extent. The picture was an attack on spiritual.

ism. The fifth and last picture of the serics The Transgressor' will be given March 22 at the K. of C. hall. CARD OF THANKS.

We wish to thank our kind neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral offerings and sympathy extended during the sickness and death of our dear' husband and father. Also wish to thank the kind for the use of their machines. -Mrs. Sylvia Theresse and Family. REBUILT FIRE TRUCK USED BY STREET DEPT.

Old Hose Truck, Through Conversion, Made to Serve Two City. Masters Will White, city street commissioner, is happy over latest addition to his department In the form of a madeover fire hose truck- which once saw service with engine house number 3. When the city purchased the new fire pump trucks it automatically did away with the useful career of the old hose truck. The idea occurred to several city officials that the truck could be remodelled and made to. render a great service to the strect Asked if the truck was really much help, Mr.

White responded emphatically: Well, believe me! we had a new bed put on it and converted it into a truck which is equipped to carry strect apparatus and make long hauls We from can one load. side. it of the with city cinders, to the gravel, other. stone or pipe with the serviceable bed we now have on it. This truck adds great deal in economy since we can make- many more trips in the same space -of could with teams of horses.

"Why, yesterday forenoon, to give you an illustration, we hauled 4 loads of water pipe from the Big 4 freight depot to the Malleable Iron Works district. We absolutely could not have made more than one trip in the forencon with a team." WOOED DAUGIITER-WED MOTHER CHICAGO, March Phillips, 19, of Louisville, is at a downtown hotel. with his. bride of five days, Mrs. Luella Gaines Phillips, 43.

And down in Kentucky's metropolis there is a slip of a girl, her daughter, nursing a sore heart, for Winston wooed the daughter, but wed the mother. Mrse: Phillips- is. the widow of 1 wealthy civil engineer. GAS CITY. An Epworth League, the young poople's organization of tho Methodist.

church, was organized Sunday cvening by Mrs. Cauffer of North Manchester the state organizer. Some idea of the success attending the cfoft may be roalized by the statement of Mrs. Stauffer, who said that in all her experience as organizer night's meeting was the most successfut. There were forty two members enrolled.

The lowing officers were duly elected: Pregident; Miller Gary; First Vice- President lIclen Crawford; Vice-I'resident, Esther Nichols; Second Mabel Jicuschen; Fourth dont, Wm. Burgess: Secretary, Dorothy Smith; Treasurer, Marion Hatfield. The Epworth League will meet each Sunday evening at six o'clock. The next meeting will be in charge of Mias Nichols. The Wide Awake clas of the Methodist church met Tuesday: afternoon at the home of.

Mrs. L. A. Shank. The weather proved unfavorable, there was a good attendance.

The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Cora Van Devenader, Mrs. Lawrence Minick -and Mrs. Sain llammond. Miss Ollie Owens spent Saturday in Marion, Supt.

N. J. Lasher has returned from a week's trip to Atlantic. City, N. I.

Little John Wagoner who has been seriously ill is improving. Mrs. A. C. Weischmeier is on the sick list.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. F. church will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. A.

Nesbit. The reception at the Methodist church was held last night for the new members. -There was.a large. crowd present and a very enjoyable time was enjoyed by all. The- Dorcas Clasg of the Baptist church met at the hom*o of MrA.

H. Iloltzman, Tuesddy evening. Roll was RAY- of the Palmer School of Chiropractic Chiropractic adjustments with the bare hands restores you to health. Wliere there is no cause there can 110 effects and dis-ease is an effect. Come in and see us and we will take care of the effect quick.

Consultation is without charge or obligation. Free analysis. -Anyone in-a-serious condition and not able to come daily for adjustments will be served with the best of care, including room, 5 Incals and adjustments. Rates per week quoted upon application at 2 QUICK'S CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HOME 3709 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 3771 We Make Calls -Call Us Office to 12 A.

1 to 5 P. 6 to 8 P. M. Sunday and Other Hours by Appointment 44 4. 4 called and fifteen members responded.

Two visitors were present. The brotherbood came. later. Lunch was served consiating of doughnuts and coffee. The evening was very pleasantly, spent 1 by all.

-M laa Ruby -Lyons is able to be- out after a week's illness. Oats 37c. New corp-78c per 100 lbs. JONESBORO ELEVATOR. Wheat--No.

1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, $1.60.

Oats-38c. Cloverseed- $9.75. New corn- 80c per 100 lbs. SAM ROSENFELD." Hay and Straw. No.

1 timothy hay, $20; No. 2 timothy hay, $18; No. 1 mixed hay, $18; No. 1 cloyer hay, $15; No. 1 oats straw, $10; No.

1 wheat straw, $9. CHICAGO GRAIN TABLE MARCH 9 Open. High. Low. Close.

WHEATMarch 1.68% 1.63 1.68 May 1.60½ 1.55½ 1.59¾ Using seaplane as a means of conveyan.e, an author is exploring Dismal Swamp in Virginia. He hopes to penetrate far into the wilderness and take many photographs of regions herctofore unexplored. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS State of Indiana, Grant County, ss: Grant circuit court, February term, 1921. James N. Brown Vs.

Abraham HarIris et al. Complaint to quict title to real estate. Re it known that on the 7th day of March, plaintiff A. filed I. in 1921, the the office of above the named circuit court of Grant county, his complaint against the defendantsin the above entitled cause, together with an affidavit of a competent person that the following named defendants, to-wit: Abraham Ilarris, Malinda Harris, wife of Abraham Harris; Lindsay B.

Bishop, Bishop, wife of Lindsay B. Bishop, whose Christian name is unknown to plaintif; Oliver Henry P'erry McKay, McKay, wife of Oliver Henry Perry McKay, whose Christian name is to plaintiff unknown; the unknown heirs Oliver Henry. Perry McKay, deceased; McKay, wife of George S. McKay, Christian name is to plaintiff unknown; Valentine S. -Miller, Miller, wife of Valentine S.

Miller, Christian name is to plaintiff unknown; Volentine S. Miller, wife of Volentine S. Miller, plaintiff whose unknown; Chrisitan Ithame name is to Russell, Russell, wife of Ithame Russell, whose Christian name: is to plaintiff unknown; the unknown widows of the foregoing defendants who are deceased leaving widows surviving; the unknown widowers of each of the foregoing defendants who are deceased, leaving widowers surviving; the unknown husbands of each of the foregoing defendants who are married and have husbands; the unknown wives of each of the foregoing defendants who are married and have wives; the unknown heirs, legatces, administrators, 'executors, receivers, 'creditors, successors and assigns of each of the foregoing dofendants, are not -residents of the state of Indiana, or their residences are unknown, and upon diligent inquiry cannot be Said defendants are, therefore, hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said complaint against them, and that unless they appear and answer, or demur, thereto, at the calling of said cause on the 2nd day of May. 1921, the same being the 7th judicial day of the April term, 1921, of said court, to be begun and held at court house at Marion, Indiana, on the fourth Monday in April, 1921, the matters and things therein contained and alleged will be heard and determined in their absence. That the suit of plaintiff is prosecuted to quiet title to certain lands therein described, situate in Grant county, Indiana, and described as follows: The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section five (5), township twenty-three (23) north, range seven (7) cast, containing forty-(40) acres, more or less.

That in his said complaint the plaintiff alleges that. he. asserts title to the above described real estate against any and all persons whomsoever. and that his purpose in said proceding is to quiet title to lands in himself as against all persons whomsoever and as against the world; and that he has named as defendants all persons within his knowledge through- whom any- hostile- claim might be asserted to said real estate. Witness the clerk and seal of said court this 8th day of March; 1021.

(Seal) S. A. CONNELLY, Clerk of Grant Circuit Court. Charles Cline, Attorneys for Plaintia. 3-9-16-23 CORNMay July 72 71 OATS May July PORKMay 22.00 22.00 21.95 21.95| LARDMay 12.15 12.27 12.10 12.27 July RIBS 12.55 12.67 12.52 12.67| May ......11.67 11.85 11.67 11.85 July.

....12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. CHICAGO, March No: 2 red, No. 4 red, No. 1 hard winter, $1.701: No. 2 hard winter, No.

3 spring, Cor-No. 2. white, 67; 2 yellow, 67; No. 3 white, No. 3 yellow, No.

4 white, No. 4 yellow, 062. Oats--No. 1 white, No. 2 white, No.

white, 44; No. 4 white, standard, TOLEDO MARKET. TOLEDO, March Cash and March, May, $1.83. CornCash, 72., Oats Cash, Rye -Cash, $1.57. Barley-Cash, 79.

Clover -Cash 1920, $12.25: March, $12.10: April, $10; $9.45 bid. Alsike-1920 cash, $15 sold; March, $14 Timothy-1918 cash, 1910 cash, 1920 cash, March, $2.80 bid; April, $2.85 bid; May, LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK, March Liberty bonds: 90.60; first 4s, 86.80; first 87.00; second 86.82; third 90.32; fourth 87.06; Victory 97.48. Aren't A fore They Labor, Time, and Money A Coal Burning Colony Brooder is the only successful way to raise a bunch of chicks. Makes three chicks grow where one grew before.

Cats the cost of operation to less than half. Is guaranteed to raise more chicks and better chicks. Self-Regulating Self-Feeding Everlasting Simple Safe No. 18-Standard, weight 74 chicks, $20.40 No. 19-Standard, weight.94 lbs.

-1000 chicks, price. $25.20 No. 7-Newtown, Weight 140 chicks, $27.50 No. 11-Newtown, weight 195 chicks, $35.00 Other Brooders from $7.50 up. Come in and see them in operation.

See just how: regulate and take care of baby chicks. Try one for thirty days and if you are not satisfied in every way we will refund every: cent you paid for the brooder. Everything in Poultry Supplies. Start your chicks on Ovie's Butter Milk Starter- Sold in balk. OVERMAN HDWE.

CO. Phone 183. Opposite Post Office "MARION'S POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE" You Save and Are Safe Trading Here Good Health and Good Sense Go Together The people who good health -and -greatest freedom from ills, usually have good sensethey prepare in time to avoid illness. 4: This advertisem*nt is a reminder to all people of good sense that it is time to prepare against the ills of changing seasons. Winter is slipping in Spring -We are ready to do our part for your good health and your family, too.

Spring Tonics Liniments Appetizing Tonic St. Jacob's CH A. D. S. Blood Remedy Absorbine Jr.

Stearns Tonic Sloan's Liniment A. D. S. Sarsaparilla Omega Oil Iron Torric Bitters Miller's Antiseptic Oil Dreco Penelar-White Liniment Lyko Antiseptics Listerine 2 -3 Cough and Cold Remedies Lysol Sinco Cough Syrup -Lavoris Benetol Honey Tar Sterizol Vapo Foley's Cresoline Outfits. Camphenol: Boggys Mustarine -Glyco Kloria Thymoline Turpo Laxative Bromo Quinine Tyree Antiseptic Powder tho- Erze DeVilbis Atomizers Nerve and For Infants Body Builders and Children Syrup Fletcher's Castoria Scotts Emulsion California Syrup of Figs Tan Lac F3: Dextri Maltose Ozo Mulsion 2 Zinc Stearate Gude Peptomangan Glycerin Suppositories Sanatogen Syrup of Figs Sera Olive Horlick's Malted Tasteless Cod Liver Ext.

Mellins Food Dynamic Tonic. Dryco Milk Powder DRUGS Aspirin Tablets Effervescing Soda Hinkle Pills Phosphate Iron Tonic Pills Tasteless Mineral Oil Vaseline Camphor Ice Zinc Oxide Ointment Tincture of Iodine Extract of Witch Hazel Epsom Salts Castor Oil Capsules Sulphur Tablets Cream of Tartar Tablets PURITY---The Watchword -In Drugs and Remedies we guarantee purity. Everything sold here meets the most rigorous l'uquirements of national or state laws. You Save and are Safe trading here. Full measure, full strengthpurity- A Bradley Bros.

Druggisis You SAVE and are SAFE trading hore MARION NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Watch for our announcement in this paper. You will find timely suggestions of value and friendly ideas that will be appreciated by 2.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.