After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (2024)

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After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (1)



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After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won[#permalink]29 Jul 2024, 01:30



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After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (16)After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (17)After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (18)55%(hard)

Question Stats:

53%(01:47)correctAfter winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (19)47%(01:34) wrongAfter winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (20)based on64sessions


­After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won all the remaining games it played. How many total games did Team A win?

(1) Team A won 11 of the last 12 games it played
(2) Team A won 14 of the first 48 games it played

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After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (21)




After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (22)

Joined: 26 Nov 2019

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Location: South Africa

Re: After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won[#permalink]29 Jul 2024, 02:29





­Team A won 30 percent of the first 50 games it played which is 15.

­(1) Team A won 11 of the last 12 games it played

One knows that 15 of the first 50 matches were won and that every match after was won. However, without knowing when the loss occurred from the 12 games mentioned in this statement it is impossible to deduce how many of these wins form part of the 15 wins from the initial 50 games and how many form part of the matches which occurred after. The total wins could be any number between 16 to 26.


(2) Team A won 14 of the first 48 games it played

This statement shows that in the final two matches of the intial 50, Team A won 1 and lost 1. However, no information is provided with which one can solve the number of games Team A won in total.



Usisng Statement 2's info that 1 of the last 2 games of the initial 50 was a loss, together with Statement 1's info that 11 of the last 12 matches were wins - one narrows down the possible total wins to either be 25 or 26. However, without further info it is impossible to solve which of the two cases it is.



After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (25)




After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (26)

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Re: After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won[#permalink]29 Jul 2024, 08:57



Given - ­After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won all the remaining games it played.
from first 50 (15 winning, 35 Loses)
To find - How many total games did Team A win?

(1) Team A won 11 of the last 12 games it played
Not sufficient because what if these 12 include some of first 50 so we are not sure.

(2) Team A won 14 of the first 48 games it played
From this we are able to deduce, from remaining 2 one is loss and one is win. But what about remaining games after 50? No information?
Not sufficient

Combining both i think we cant answer this
see 1st says won 11 out of last 12. difference of 1 game and that difference is we can guess for game 49 or 50 but again here there inconsistency in data.
What if in some of the games earlier 48 were winning streaks? So this is also a possibility.

Answer is E

After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (30)




After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (31)

Joined: 21 Apr 2024

Posts: 67

Re: After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won[#permalink]30 Jul 2024, 00:01

Bunuel wrote:

­After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won all the remaining games it played. How many total games did Team A win?

(1) Team A won 11 of the last 12 games it played
(2) Team A won 14 of the first 48 games it played ­

Hi guys. Can anyone please tell me where I'm going wrong with my reasoning please?

Statement 1 : Team A won 11 of the last 12 games.
It also states that team A won all of the remaining games after the first 50. So it must have played 11 additional games.
So 15 games from the first 50 games + 11 games = 26 games.

Sufficient. I chose option A for this reason

After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (35)


Re: After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won[#permalink]

30 Jul 2024, 00:01



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After winning 30 percent of the first 50 games it played, team A won (2024)


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