Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)

Results 2071 to 2100 of 2459:

Posouzení odolnosti materiálů na bázi dřeva se skelným vláknem vůči oděruPavel Král, Jaroslav HrázskýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 117-122|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010117

The aim of this paper is to examine the abrasive resistance of the plywood formatted by fiberglass. Our methodology for the evaluation of the newly designed material was developed so that it corresponds to the related European standards. It is complemented with the sampling method and the preparation of the samples for examination including their climatization. According to our design, we carried out the measurements of the selected structures of fire-proof multi-layered veneer materials with coats of different surface weight in combination with the fiberglass. The gained data about the abrasive resistance can be considered as reliable. The rates of abrasive resistance were examined in reference to the EU current standards which set their area of application. This research is part of the MSMT project No. MSM 6215648902 "Les a dřevo" (Forest and Wood).

ZMĚNY ŠKODLIVOSTI DRUHŮ ŘÁDU DIPTERA NA POLNÍCH, ZAHRADNÍCH A OKRASNÝCH ROSTLINÁCH V PRŮBĚHU 20. STOLETÍHana ŠefrováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 279-288|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010279

Results of an analysis of dipteran pests composition and changes of their importance in agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plants during the 20th century are given. Even 89 Diptera species have been registered as pests of these plants (1.1 % of all species known in the Czech Republic). Of these ca 14 (16%) species caused regular and important and other 23 (26%) species occasional damages. The remaining 52 (58%) species are unimportant, local and sporadic pests. Only small changes (10% maximally) in the species composition of more important dipteran pests have been registered during the century.

SPOKOJENOST ZÁKAZNÍKA DOPRAVNÍCH SPOLEČNOSTÍKateřina Ryglová, Šárka StojarováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 141-148|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060141

The paper deals with problems concerning customers' satisfaction. It summarizes results of primary research focused on an analysis of fundamental factors, which shape clients' preferences, influence the level of satisfaction of transportation companies' customers in general and in transportation companies under study in particular. Altogether 49 % of respondents mentioned that the type of transportation means was the most important factor that influenced their satisfaction. As other significant factors influencing the satisfaction of respondents the following were mentioned: prices of transportation, quality of services during the transportation, respecting regular pauses during transportation, and the possibility of refreshments during the transportation. All companies that were addressed monitored the level of satisfaction of their customers (nearly 20 % did this every month). Each company that monitored satisfaction of its customers every year also developed a marketing plan of their activities. The paper also contains detailed results of conducted inquiries as well as the relevant discussion.

STRAVITELNOST ORGANICKÉ HMOTY SMĚSNÝCH KRMNÝCH DÁVEK S PŘÍDAVKEM KVASINKOVÉ KULTURY METODOU IN VITROJan Doležal, Petr DoležalActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(5), 59-64|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755050059

We conducted this study to evaluate the new in vitro system, DAISYII to determine organic matter (OM) digestibility in ruminant feedstuffs with and without addition of the yeast culture (RUMEX) in the amount of 0 grams; 0.30 grams and 2.40 grams/2L of rumen fluid. Three types of total mix rations (TMR) were used in the experiment. Feedstufs samples were mixed in the ruminal fluid of cows. The material was incubated at 39 degrees of Celsius for 48 hours. Results from the DAISYII were compared with one another. Higher fibrous material content in 1 kilogram of dry matter (145.4 grams or 218.6 grams) and less energy ME (10.24 MJ or 11.88 MJ/kilogram of dry matter) in each TMR gave rise to worse organic matter digestibility. The highest digestibility of organic matter was noted at TMR 1 (81.04 % (0 g) or 83.47 % (0.30 g) or 84.30 % (2.4 g) with the addition of the yeast culture) and the lowest digestibility was noted at TMR 3 (78.98 % (0 g) or 82.49 % (0.30 g) or 82.95 % (2.4 g)). The supplement of the yeast culture in the amount of 0.3 grams (P

VLIV ÚROVNĚ DUSÍKATÉ VÝŽIVY A FUNGICIDNÍHO OŠETŘENÍ NA VÝNOS A VYBRANÉ UKAZATELE KVALITY ZRNA OZIMÉ PŠENICEAlena Bezdíčková, Luděk HřivnaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(1), 25-38|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755010025

In 2001-2004 an influence of gradually increased portions of nitrogen (100-130-160 kg/N.ha-1) applied on the wheat variety Ebi in combination with the modified fungicidal protection in the yield and the selected quality grain parameters were observed within the small-plot field trials. Nitrogenous fertilizers according to the amount of nitrogen contained were applied in 2-4 terms during vegetation in regeneration (55kg/N.ha-1), 1st production (45kg/N.ha-1), 2nd production (30kg/N.ha-1) and qualitative portion (30kg/N.ha-1). The fungicidal protection was based on the equal treatment in the phase of BBCH 37 and with regard to the varieties different treatment in the phase of BBCH 55. The dependence on the year was proved at all observed parameters. Higher intensity of nitrogenous fertilization had no decisive impact on the yields. From the point of view of increased yields, the second production nitrogenous fertilization had the strongest impact; it increased the grain yields by 0.084-0.461 t./ha-1. Higher intensity of nitrogenous fertilization positively influenced the baker's grain quality. The increased portions of nitrogen decisively increased the volume of N-substances in all trial years. The second production nitrogenous fertilization increased the N-substances volume from 0.1 to 0.8%. Qualitative additional fertilization increased their volume from 0.26 to 1.38%. Higher N portions increased sedimentation in most cases. The falling number was not considerably influenced. The mechanical grain qualities (volume weight, number full grains, and GTW) were relatively less influenced than the baker's quality by the nitrogenous fertilization.
The application of fungicides positively influenced not only the yields but also mechanical qualities of the grain, i.e. volume weight, thousand grains weight and portion of Full grains. On the contrary the baker's quality was not decisively influenced. It was proved that the decisive fungicidal treatment is the one applied in the period of coming to ear (BBCH 55). Single fungicidal treatment in the early period of the flag leaves (BBCH 37) increased the yields only by 6% and the grain quality was not decisively influenced. Double treatment then increased the yields by 18.15% in average. The highest increases were reached at fungicidal varieties fertilized with the nitrogen portion (19.55%), the lowest after application of the N portion on the level of 100kg/ha-1. Here the grain yields were also in average 16.77% higher than the yields of the untreated varieties. The highest grain yields after the application of fungicide was reached in 2003 (26.16%) and the lowest in 2001 (14.16%). The differences in the yields at the varieties with the full fungicidal protection and different spectrum of fungicides used were not statistically evident in the trial duration. The increase in the yields contrary to untreated variety and the variety with the limited fungicidal protection (application of fungicides only in BBCH 37) was statistically evident in most cases.
The least effective was the impact of the fungicide Caramba in the portion of 1 l/ha-1. On the contrary, the varieties containing the fungicides with the agent from the group o

OVĚŘENÍ VÝNOSOVÉHO MONITORU ACT 40 PRO SYSTÉM PRECIZNÍHO ZEMĚDĚLSTVÍMilan Hrůza, František BauerActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 97-104|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050097

One of the most important parts in a precision farming system is the crop yield mapping. The pre-processing of the point data from combine harvesters, the transfer of the yield data onto the management grid and the interpolation of the yields are discussed, as well as using of the yield data themselves. The goal of the contribution was to verify, with the help of the field measuring on two stations, the dependence of the yield obtained by processing of the measured yield data from the combine harvester (where the yield monitor is installed) on the weighted yield. This is because of yield variability, which is the basic dependent variable of majority belonging to the rest kinds of field variation that provides the basic information about the field. Afterwards it is possible to transfer the yield data as the base for the variable application of the fertilizer. By this we access yield effects for the different site - specific treatment.

Vliv poldrů na průběh povodní v povodí Tiché OrliceVladimír PavlíkActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 135-142|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040135

Polders show an important water-management function in the flood-control protection of watersheds. The course of actual floods in recent decades and effects of the water works on flood flows have proved the suitability of the construction within integrated flood-control measures in particular watersheds of the Czech Republic. To determine the transformation effect of flood-control measures in watersheds mathematical modelling is an important method, which is used not only in the preparation and design of retention areas but also in dealing with the flood protection of towns and villages. Easy verification of other measures in watersheds is also useful. Their implementation can be thus prepared for the future or it is possible to back off the intentions. In our case, a fact is advantageous that the model is operated in the workplace of the Elbe Basin water-management dispatching centre, which is compatible with assessed polders in the partial Elbe watershed, namely in the Tichá Orlice watershed and its partial Třebovka watershed. The polders assessed are situated on the Třebovka stream, which is the largest tributary of the Tichá Orlice river. These dry reservoirs and the increased protective function of the Hvězda pond affect runoff from about 80 km2. Within research activities, possibilities were studied to obtain necessary retention areas in existing small water reservoirs. It became evident that the only realistic solution was to increase protective functions of the pond Hvězda. Its present total retention space of 1.4 million m3 can be increased only by 0.35 million m3, however, in combination with the sophisticated lay-out of a new emergency spillway and outlet the whole retention space can be used much more effectively. To obtain other retention areas localities were found out in the whole upper watershed of the Třebovka stream, which fulfilled requirements for placing the adequate capacity of polders. Subsequent modifications of the Třebovka channel in the most endangered villages and towns and their capacity design according to transformation effects of selected reservoirs and measures, determination of their effect and comparison with profiles on the Tichá Orlice are the content of the paper.

Příspěvek k poznání preference dřevin bobrem evropským (Castor fiber L., 1758) v břehových porostech nelesních půd v oblasti Soutok (Česká republika)Jakub Urban, Josef Suchomel, Jan DvořákActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 289-294|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040289

From 2003 to 2005, this work studied the preference of tree species on non-forest land in the forest district Soutok (Southern Moravia, Czech Republic) in order to evaluate the suitability of the area for the development and the its importance in relation to the decrease of damage in neighbouring production forests. The diet included the total of 14 tree species with diameter interval reaching from 1-10 cm to 191-200 cm. The most preferred species was Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (40.5 %) with the diameter 1-10 cm and willow (Salix spp.) (31.7 %) with the diameter 11-20 cm - both species with good ability to regenerate. Activities of European beaver negatively influenced the population of European white elm (Ulmus laevis), which belongs to the endangered species. Significant is the low ratio of poplars Populus spp. (7.9 %) caused by the forest management. Maintaining the suitable tree composition and a sufficiently high percentage of individual tree species - in favour of willows and poplars - can result in the needed decrease of stress caused by the population of beaver on the adjacent forest stands and in the decrease of possible damage.

Změny fyzikálních a chemických parametrů hypertrofního rybníka po aplikaci prasečí kejdyRadovan Kopp, Jan Mareš, Andrea Ziková, Tomáš VítekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 95-100|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020095

During the years 2001 and 2002 we conducted hydrochemical monitoring of intensively managed pond to evaluate the impact of high pig slurry doses on eutrophication. Pig slurry application was carried out in colder period of the year (February-April) via tube system with sludge pump from nearby piggery.
Our results showed that pig slurry application do not permanently affect the water quality of Jarohněvický pond. When the correct application is made slurry is effectively utilized by biomass for the growth, which prevents surface and underground waters to be polluted as in the case of incorrect application on agricultural land.
Critical point of this technology in terms of water management is the way of pig slurry application and the exact dose. Even extremely high slurry doses (16.1 kg.m-2 in 2001 and 15.6 kg.m-2 in 2002) used in Jarohněvický pond did not negatively affected pond ecosystem. Only higher amount of organisms that increased natural fish production was recorded. It is necessary to implement this ameliorative intervention in colder period of the year considering higher hazard of variations in decisive hydrochemical parameters at higher water temperature.

VLIV PREEMERGENTNĚ APLIKOVANÝCH HERBICIDŮ NA VÝNOS NAŽEK A KVALITU PRODUKCE KMÍNU KOŘENNÉHO (CARUM CARVI L.)Antonín VaculíkActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 255-266|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020255

Caraway has very low competitive ability against most of weed species. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable herbicide control, especially at biennial caraway. The experiments with the herbicides applied in caraway were found in pure growth, with variety Kepron (with standard length of vegetative period). The aim of the trials was to find out the differences at achenes yiled and essential oil content after the treatment by the various herbicides, applied preemergently. Also, the selective activity of individual herbicides was tested, including the different doses. The herbicides used in the experiments had enough level of selektivity on the plants of caraway. They had a positive effect on the yiled comparing to non-treated control variant in all observed years. There was no statistically significant difference in essential oil kontent between the treated variants and non-treated control. On the basis of these results, the most suitable herbicide was chosen for the "minor" registration for caraway.

OCHRANNÉ ZNÁMKY, OCHRANA SPOTŘEBITELE A DOMÉNOVÁ JMÉNA NA INTERNETUHana KelblováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 101-106|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060101

The article deals with current problems of the conflict of domain names on the Internet with trade marks in relation to the consumer protection. The aim of the article is to refer to ways and means of protection against of the speculative registration of a domain name. In the Czech legal order these means represent legal regulation of the unfair competition in Commercial Code, regulation of liability for damage together with the Trademarks Act.

Vykazování hmotného dlouhodobého majetku dle českého účetního práva a mezinárodních účetních standard IAS/IFRS a US GAAPPatrik SvobodaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 255-264|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060255

The valuation of assets is a relatively challenging activity as well as a scientific discipline having an impact on the amount of the reported assets and economic result process. The report deals with the issue of valuation of the tangible fixed assets in the accounting entities compiling the financial statements pursuant to the Czech national legislation and in conformity with the requirements of the International Accounting Standards IAS/IFRS and US GAAP. The substantial differences in the definitions and valuation of the tangible fixed assets in these systems have been determined, indicating the impact on the economy of the accounting entity, both at the primary acquisition and as at the day of the closing of books. Attention has also been paid to the possibilities of recording the value decreases and to subsequent expenses. The analysis of legal regulations was completed with the analysis of the financial statements from selected economic entities. As per the international standards, the main difference consists in the possibility of component depreciation of tangible assets or, on the other hand, the possibility of group depreciation, in the differences in valuation in the event of acquisition paid for and of acquisition by one's own production, and in the possibility to consider the costs of disposal of assets. The subsequent expenses are also construed in a different manner: as per the Czech regulation, they are construed as repairs and maintenance. The substantial difference in comparison with the Czech regulation consists in the possibility of re-valuation of assets upwards as well as the method of actual value determination.

Nový nástroj ke vzdělávání a praktické přípravě v oblasti udržitelného využívání krajinyMilada Šťastná, Jana DufkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(4), 89-94|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755040089

Almost every professional sector has embarked on the move toward sustainability. Most notably, business, architecture and design, urban and rural planning, agriculture, local and state governments, non-governmental organizations and higher education. European landscapes are facing rapid changes in land use, where understanding and management of this process is essential. Sustainability has become a widely acknowledged dimension of human actions, but still little stress is put on education in sustainability. This paper identifies focus of education, gives suggestions for improvements and presents a new tool for education and training in sustainable land use - "Road Planner". As results, it provides all users with new interesting facts on sustainability in the European Union and additional materials related to sustainable land use and Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIA). Users got the access to updated information regarding approximately 3000 courses on offer in this topic area throughout the European Union as well as case studies to compare sustainability practices in these countries in comparison to other parts of the world. Furthermore the end result of the information chain also leads the user to a collection of links such as interesting websites and further reading in the topic area.

Validace hlubokého zamrazování pilotních vzorků pro kontrolu stability výsledků nepřímých analýz základního složení mléka a pro jejich dlouhodobou údržnostOto Hanuš, Pavel Hering, Václava Genčurová, Zdeněk Motyčka, Jr., Radoslava Jedelská, Jaroslav KopeckýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 57-68|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050057

Essential part of raw milk component measurement is indirect infraanalyse. The checking of time measurement stability is important there. The preparation of pilot samples was described. Information about deep frozen milk pilot sample stability are sporadic. Aim of this work was to verify the stability of long-term stored and deep frozen pilot samples (FPSs). Pilot samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen bath -196 °C and after that stored at -21 °C for one month (A) and more months (B) till analyse. The pilot samples were measured by CombiFoss 6000: fat F (%); protein CP (%); lactose L (%); casein C (%); solid non fat SNF (%); urea U (mg/100ml); somatic cell count SCC (ths./ml). In the short-term (A) experiment the impact of freezing on pilot milk samples was relatively small, in the framework of acceptable value of repeatability (±0.02 %) for components. The stability of values of FPSs was better according to standard deviations for important F evaluation in H (Holstein) breed samples. The repeatability of values of FPSs in the time was very good for other components. The repeatability was better for SCC in J (Jersey) breed samples (±16.5 thousands/ml). That is why the higher variability (±30.1 thousands/ml) in H sample is visible less sceptically. The apparent result trends were not observable in the repeatability development of important milk indicators in FPSs. The mild trend was only in CP, but this trend covered absolutely very small shift (variation range). There are only oscillations, which are similar between J and H samples. It is possible to attribute these oscillations rather to instrument effects than to sample effects. The oscilations were markedly higher in the long-term (B) experiment. Between J and H samples the oscilations were very similar in curves F and L. It is also possible to attribute them more to instrumental effects. The repeatability values (standard deviations sd) of FPSs were mostly lower than ±0.06 %. It is acceptable for result agreement between indirect and reference method. Relevant sd varied from ±0.025 % for L to ±0.059 % for F (in J breed) with exception CP ±0.085 % in J sample. Also B procedure was shown as applicable for instrumental sability control in half year period. In practice the one reference value for concrete FPS is valid from one to next calibration. Persistent trend in repeatability of FPSs can indicate an inadequate instrumental drift. The applied FPS procedure is usable for stability control of instrumental measurement in milk laboratories.

Zoobentos malých toků SvitavskaIvo SukopActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 199-202|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050199

The qualitative and quantitative composition of macrozoobenthos of two brooks of the Svitavy region was studied. Both brooks rise in the region with formerly mines. Altogether, 61 taxa of macrozoobenthos were determined. Saprobical indices of both brooks correspond to beta-mesosaprobity class at all sampling sites.

Obecný model dřeva v typických vázaných úlohách, Část II. - Slabé řešeníPetr Koňas, Eva PřemyslovskáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 103-108|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040103

The main aim of this work is focused on weak solution of coupled physical task the microwave drying of wood with stress-strain effects and moisture/temperature dependency. Due to well known weak solution for separated physical fields without coupled effect, author concerns with coupled stress-strain relation coupled with moisture and temperature distribution. For scale dependency the subgrid upscaling method was used. Solved region is assumed to be divided into discontinual subregions according to investigated scale. This approach sugests sequential type of solution for highly coupled task. This way, very huge structures (huge according to geometry and also physics) can be solved in reasonable time and with memory consumptions. Main emphasis was putted on evaluation of structural response of the whole complex. Due to influence of moisture, temperature and time the coupled physical task of structural response is solved. Sugested aproach is of course usable not only for structural response, but for other physical fields, which were taken into account. Weak solution is based on slightly modified Ritz-Galerkin method. The work is continuing of the previous article General model of wood in typical coupled tasks: Part I. - Phenomenological approach.

PREDIKČNÍ MODELY S NEURONOVÝMI SÍTĚMIVladimír KonečnýActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(3), 109-118|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856030109

The contribution is oriented to basic problem trends solution of economic pointers, using neural networks. Problems include choice of the suitable model and consequently configuration of neural nets, choice computational function of neurons and the way prediction learning. The contribution contains two basic models that use structure of multilayer neural nets and way of determination their configuration. It is postulate a simple rule for teaching period of neural net, to get most credible prediction.
Experiments are executed with really data evolution of exchange rate Kč/Euro. The main reason of choice this time series is their availability for sufficient long period. In carry out of experiments the both given basic kind of prediction models with most frequent use functions of neurons are verified. Achieve prediction results are presented as in numerical and so in graphical forms.

SLEDOVÁNÍ POČTU PROBIOTICKÝCH BAKTERIÁLNÍCH BUNĚK LACTOBACILLUS CASEI VE FERMENTOVANÝCH TEPELNĚ NEOPRACOVANÝCH SALÁMECHRadka Burdychová, P. HoferkováActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 39-44|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020039

Combination of microbiology cultivation methods and methods of molecular biology is the best way how to achieve correct qualitative and quantitative probiotic analysis. The aim of this study was monitoring of amounts of different starter bacteria supplemented with probiotic bacterial cells Lactobacillus casei (Chr. Hansen) during fermentation and ripening of fermented sausages. Two starter cultures, one consisted of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus, the second of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus carnosus, were used for the production of sausages. As a detection method of starter and probiotic cell counts, the cultivation on MRS -IM - sorbitol agar was used. Furthermore, the confirmation of L. casei was carried out using species specific PCR. The counts of probiotic L. casei in both probiotic sausages were 106/g and stayed at this level during the whole ripening period (100 days). The counts of starter bacteria were 107/g after the 7 days of fermentation and stayed at this level during the whole fermentation period. PCR from one bacterial colony confirmed the identity of L. casei in 80% of analysed colonies.

Vliv koncové polohy demontovatelného nábytkového kování na odolnost vůči ohybovému momentu u korpusového nábytkuMilan Šimek, Eva Haviarová, Carl EckelmanActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(2), 203-210|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856020203

The goal of this paper is to investigate the effect of the end distance of cam lock fasteners on the bending moment resistance of knock-down corner joints. The preliminary study of knock-down furniture assembly plans was done in order to discover the manufacturers' fastener typical usage in case construction. Laminated particleboard, cam fasteners and wooden dowels were used for specimen construction. L-shaped joint specimens 760 mm in length were tested by pressing the joint members together - also called a compression test in the angle plane. The study results showed that cam fasteners with end distance of 60 mm from the member edges perform the best.

VLIV VEGETAČNÍHO STADIA VOJTĚŠKY SETÉ NA CHEMICKÉ SLOŽENÍ A IN SACCO STRAVITELNOST ORGANICKÉ HMOTYPetr Doležal, Jiří SkládankaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 55-64|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010055

The influence of the stage of maturity of alfalfa on the chemical composition and in sacco digestibility was studied in a laboratory experiment. Alfalfa plants were analysed in 8 vegetation stages harvested in regular intervals before the beginning of bud setting until the fall of blossoms. The contents of nitrogenous substances, fat, crude fibre, ADF, NDF, Ca, P, Na, K and Mg were determined in the samples, and using the in sacco method also the organic matter digestibility in the rumen. Further we assessed the energy content and calculated the N-free extractives (BNLV) value. In some stages the chemical changes were monitored in the whole plant. It was discovered that during vegetation there was a statistically significant increase in the crude fibre content and in the ADF and NDF fractions and a reduction in nitrogenous substances. A strong negative correlation was detected between the stage of maturity of alfalfa and content of crude protein and net energy for lactation (r = -0.97 and r = -0.92, respectively). In the individual stages of vegetation the differences in the content of nitrogenous substances, fibre and fat were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The statistically highest content of crude protein (28.97%) was detected in the first stage before bud setting and the lowest (11.97%) in the stage after the fall of blossoms. Later vegetation also had a stronger depressive effect on the content of fat and NEL. The organic matter digestibility (P < 0.05) was the lowest in alfalfa in the last stage of sampling (62.6%) when it reached a mere 85.99% of the digestibility at the beginning of bud setting. The highest organic matter digestibility (72.80%) was detected in a sample of young alfalfa prior to bud setting. In the experiment we confirmed a strong and negative correlation (r = -0.97) between the crude fibre content and organic matter digestibility. The correlation was also strong between the stage of maturity of alfalfa and the content of magnesium (Mg).

VLIV SILÁŽNÍCH ADITIV NA DYNAMIKU, KVALITU A AEROBNÍ STABILITU FERMENTAČNÍHO PROCESU KUKUŘIČNÝCH SILÁŽÍVáclav Pyrochta, Libor Kalhotka, Petr DoležalActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(1), 157-164|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856010157

In the experiment, the effect of additives supplementation on the fermentation quality of corn silage was examined, compared with the untreated control (K). The aditive "A" contained bacterial component of (Propionibactrium acidipropionici - MA126/4U 3*1010 and Lactobacillus plantarum - MA18/5U). The effective substances of bacterial inoculants "B", selected were bacterial strains of (Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosus LC - 705 DSM 7061 4*1011, Propionibacterium freudenreichii spp. shermanii JS DSM 6067 2-4*1011). There were used as effective substances of bacterial inoculants "C" lactic bacteria and enzyme (Lactobacillus plantarum CCM 3769 1.67*1010, Lactococcus lactis CCM 4754 1.67*1010, Enterococcus faecium CCM 6226 1.67*1010, Pediococcus pentosaceus CCM 3770 1,67*1010, cellulase, hemicellulase, sodium benzoate). They were applied in the dose of prescript by producer. At conservations with all aditivum were statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase of lactic acid formation from 55.31±9.72 g/kg DM of control silage to 59.60±10.84 g/kg DM aditivum "A", 59.36±10.04 g/kg DM aditivum "B" rather to 60.74±9.90 g/kg DM aditivum "C". Aditives "A" and "B" were statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase propoinic acid and total fermentation acid content in silages occured. The fermentation characteristics in the microbial aditivum silages by us were more favourable. The date of fermentation was statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase the contents of acetic acid from 45.49±2.83 g/kg DM of 4st day to 63.07±4.25 g/kg DM of 32ndday rather to 67.70±2.94 g/kg DM of 64st day. There were statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase contents of acetic acid and total acid content. The date of fermentation was statistically significant (P < 0.01) degressive of pH.

Výběr databázového systému pro podporu marketingového plánování v informačních systémechFrantišek DařenaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 43-54|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060043

In today's dynamically changing environment marketing has a significant role. Creating successful marketing strategies requires large amount of high quality information of various kinds and data types. A powerful database management system is a necessary condition for marketing strategies creation support. The paper briefly describes the field of marketing strategies and specifies the features that should be provided by database systems in connection with these strategies support. Major commercial (Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, Sybase) and open-source (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Firebird) databases are than examined from the point of view of accordance with these characteristics and their comparison in made. The results are useful for making the decision before acquisition of a database system during information system's hardware architecture specification.

HODNOCENÍ POSKYTOVÁNÍ ZAMĚSTNANECKÝCH VÝHOD V SOUVISLOSTI S POHLAVÍM ZAMĚSTNANCŮJiří DudaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(6), 209-214|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755060209

Providing employee benefits is a form of rewarding employees just for the fact that they are employees of the organization. The aim of paper was to find out, whether there exists a relation between the gender of respondents and their answers. It came from certain premises of research results, which were fulfilled. It was found that not providing employee benefits is not a reason for termination of the employment and search for a new job (86 % respondents). Employees (more than 80 %) prefer the possibility to choose between employee benefits, and employers should react to this information through defining rules of choice between the possible benefits. So far, employees of these firms cannot choose employee benefits they would want. Answers (more than 60 %) of employees related to whether they prefer wage increasing or expansion of employee benefits proved the premise and previous studies of the author, where a high preference of wage increase to offers of employee benefits was found. As confirmed by the research, answers of respondents are not dependent on gender of respondents.

METODA HODNOCENÍ VĚTROLAMŮ JAKO PODKLAD PRO STANOVENÍ JEJICH ÚČINNOSTIJana PodhrázskáActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(5), 123-130|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755050123

This contribution presents the method of evaluation of the shelter-belts by using the referential points system. This method is based on evaluation the main characteristics of shelter-belts. There were evaluated the parameters of single shelter-belts, as well as their integration to the ecological network of the landscape. By this there was created the points system, which makes into account the age, height, width, length and gaps of the shelter-belt. In evaluation of the network (space layout) of shelterbelts threw were evaluated parameters of distance, relation to the systems of ecological stability and the integration to the geomorphology of the landscape. The result is the tabulation of shelter-belts in the scale 1-12 for the singular shelterbelts and 1-9 for their space layout. The value scale of the criteria is 1-3. By these criteria it is possible to place the shelterbelts into 3 groups according their functionality. This points system enables the evaluation of the shelterbelts and it makes easier the decisions how and why to reconstruct or make up them.

Zavádění a aplikace e-technologií v podnikovém prostředíRoman MaloActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(3), 67-74|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755030067

Nowadays, a problem of an e-technologies' implementation represents one of the most important questions that are being solved within various subjects from business area. With respect of massive implementation of activities as e-commerce, e-payments and others the e-technologies' implementation is the progressive way of these subjects' expansion. However, due to relatively short time period in which enterprise subjects have solved there is a set of vague aspects going together with this problem. The paper analyses the area of e-technologies and defines relations between basic concepts. Following this theoretical system a few hypothesis are constructed and used as a base platform for a determination of the logical model for implementation of e-technologies in enterprise environment.

Vliv stupňovaných dávek selenu v půdě na výnosotvorné prvky a obsah selenu u bramborMiroslav Jůzl, Jaroslav Hlušek, Petr Elzner, Tomáš LošákActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2007, 55(1), 71-80|DOI:10.11118/actaun200755010071

In 2004 and 2005 we explored the effect of graded doses of selenium in the soil (0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 kg Se.ha-1) on yield-forming parameters (total plant weight, number of stems per hill, number of tubers per hill and hectare yields) in two varieties of potatoes of different vegetation periods. The content of selenium as an important anti-oxidant was monitored in potato tubers and tops. Selenium in the form of sodium selenite was applied in the respective doses into the soil before planting the potatoes. Samples for growth and chemical analyses were taken after 90 and 99 days of vegetation (variety Karin and Ditta, respectively). Increasing doses of selenium had a negative effect on most of the yield-forming parameters. With an increasing dose of Se the hectare yields as well as the number of tubers in the hill and total weight of the plant decreased. Chemical analyses were performed using the AAS method and showed that the concentration of selenium in the individual parts of the potato plant increased with increasing Se doses in the soil. The content of selenium in tubers of the variant Se72 (4.13 mg of dry matter) increased as much as 20 times when compared to the control (0.22 mg of dry matter).

VLIV VÝUKY NA VNÍMÁNÍ VYBRANÝCH TYPOGRAFICKÝCH VLASTNOSTÍ DOKUMENTŮPetra Talandová, Jiří RybičkaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(6), 189-198|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856060189

This paper concentrates on the problems of documents quality evaluation and perception. It presents the results of our own research which was made at our faculty in last months. The research was aimed at marketing materials, their quality and their evaluation by customers. After another comparative research we have concentrated on the question of typography and its evaluation by customers. It has been proved that typography, although not very visible for many readers, does influence readers' evaluation of the whole document.
Quality evaluation is influenced by what readers usually see around them but also by what are they taught at schools. For that reason we should influence readers and teach them how should be documents designed. Future specialist should know about this problem.
Aim of the research was to find how typography influences readers and whether is the typographic quality evaluation influenced by teaching at school. We have been comparing two groups of respondents, of which one was influenced by typography education and one was not. Respondent were asked to fill in a questionnaire which concentrated on right and wrong characteristic of the text. Result analysis has proved that the group influenced by typography lessons had better results. These conclusions will be applied in the new education plan for an innovation of education courses.

Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Herrich-Schäffer) nově v České republice a ve Španělsku (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae)Zdeněk Laštůvka, Aleš LaštůvkaActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(5), 141-146|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856050141

Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) has been found in the Czech Republic and in Spain for the first time. The species was found in the south-easternmost part of the Czech Republic, near the town of Břeclav (faunistic quadrat 7267) in May 2008. The holes and pupae were found only in one, solitary growing group of trees about 20 years old. This finding place lies at a distance of more than 250 km from the localities in SW Hungary and about 550 km from the localities in eastern Poland. In June 2008, the species was found also in alders growing in the flat river alluvium on gravel sands between La Jonquera and Figueres in northern Catalonia. This locality is in a close contact with the finding places near Perpignan and Beziers in southern France. The diagnostic morphological characters and bionomics of this species are briefly summarized and figured. The history of its distribution research is recapitulated and the causes of its disjunct range are discussed as follows. The present disjunct range represents a residual of the former distribution over the warmer and moister postglacial period; landscape modifications and elimination of solitary alder trees as "weeds" from the 18th up to the mid-20th century in large areas of Europe; narrow and partly unknown habitat requirements and specific population ethology; an insufficient level of faunistic investigations in several parts of southern and eastern Europe.

KOROZNÍ POŠKOZENÍ NÝTOVÝCH SPOJŮMichal Černý, Josef FilípekActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 37-46|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040037

The work describes the effect of the atmospheric corrosion upon the mechanical properties of blind rivets. The subject of given research is: corrosion of metal materials, system resistance, design modification and others means of prevention against the corrosion attack. The problem of blind rivets, blind rivet setting, setting equipment, terminology and definitions, characteristic, and special blind rivet setting is also analysed. The experiment itself, the experimental method and the evaluation of the test are described. Mechanism of riveted joint damage produced by galvanic corrosion is proposed. Considerable corrosion damage occurred at combination of the joint members and connected materials with different electrochemical potentials. Exposition to the corroding environment produces release of rivet clam, together with decrease of rivet stiffness. The proof of these mechanisms is documented by functional dependence F - ΔL and metallographic tests.

Záchrana cenného genotypu borovice blatky s využitím mikropropagačních technikHana Vejsadová, Helena Vlašínová, Ladislav HavelActa Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2008, 56(4), 197-206|DOI:10.11118/actaun200856040197

Bog pine (Pinus uncinata DC. subsp. uliginosa (Neumann) Businský) is a subendemic species and appears to be one of the most endangered tree species of the Czech Republic. Its rare populations are at the present time greatly endangered namely by spontaneous hybridization with the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Regarding the fact that its protection is insufficient even in national nature reserves (NNR) and the classical propagation by cuttings is problematic, modern methods were adopted for a long-term preservation of the taxon. Growth regulation conditions were investigated for the induction of organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Mature seeds were obtained from selected trees in the Žofinka NNR and from a locality near the village of Krajková in the Sokolov district. Cotyledon and hypocotyl segments from seedlings pregerminated in sterile conditions were used to induce the organogenesis. Bud proliferation was observed on the cotyledons after 4 weeks. The largest amount of buds was found on the medium with 1.5 mg.l-1 benzyladenine (BA) and 0.5 mg.l-1 1-naphtylacetic acid (NAA) after 12 weeks. The hypocotyl segments showed only the formation of green callus. Isolated mature zygotic embryos were used for the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Development of mucilaginous callus was recorded after 3 weeks of cultivation on media with different combinations of BA, NAA and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) concentrations. When the callus induced on the medium with the combination of 0.56 (1.13) mg.l-1 BA and 1.86 mg.l-1 NAA was transferred on the medium with lower BA (0.113 mg.l-1) and 2,4-D (0.44 mg.l-1) concentrations, the first somatic embryos started to emerge after a period of other two weeks.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2024)


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